here you hear the truth from people and its good
im not saying there will be no secrets i mean there will be no lies if the uncouncious go councious
is not that we use 10% of brain because that 10 percent includes the uncouncious
uncouncious is able to read 3 trillion characters per seconds compared to the councious which can only read 12, this is accepted by science
but it also has other abilities like telepathy or precognition, many people has experienced precognitory dreams, i experience many precognitive synchronical thoughts, there are evidence of science on this as well:
Marilyn Schlitz connected volunteers to a series of monitors, similar to a lie detector, to measure their heartbeat, perspiration and other nervous activity. She then had them sit in front of a computer screen and began showing them a series of images which were selected at random by the computer from a large collection. These images were described as either "neutral" (boring) or "emotional" (erotic or morbid). As expected, the subjects showed physical and mental excitement when the "emotional" images were shown and showed less reaction to the "neutral" images. But as the experiment continued, something weird happened.
Researchers began to see that most people, unconsciously, began to react to the "emotional" images a full 5 seconds before they were selected by the computer program! What's more, they did not react to the "neutral" images. This result was statstically significant (p=0.00003) and has been repeated many times. It strongly suggests hat subjects can perceive the future.
in fact i have the personal theory telepathy is trully the all knowing precognition so it has instant speed, ill put you an example:
i told you about my synchronical thoughts ill show you one that can be consider being telepathy:
i was saying my mom i was thinking of quitting physics and go on on maths
i stopped for a while and then said: physics are problematic
then my mom said: thats exactly the word i was thinking
so it was not i got the word problematic from electromanetic brain waves but i had the precognition of what my mom was thinking
telepathy seems to be a precognition of the present, you just know what other person is thinking as you know the future
and as you change the future accordingly to what you see you answer accordingly to what the other person thinks