The online racing simulator
Quote from Intrepid :the 'pussies' are the ones that claim it was naughty. It's motor racing, not ballet... deal with it!

Have you noticed that the one thing you and Lewis Hamilton actually do have in common is that nobody likes you?
I think we have established that Hamilton is not a gentleman racer, and that Vettel shouldn't be punished for his performance by being given a drive in the Red Bull next year, stay with Torro Rosso until Kimi leaves Ferrari.
#428 - AMB
Quote from thisnameistaken :Have you noticed that the one thing you and Lewis Hamilton actually do have in common is that nobody likes you?

There's a lot of people that like Hamilton, and you don't know Intrepid in real life, and the fact that you have 5.4k posts means that you'd rather stay in and post crap on a forum where no one gives a shit what you think, kind of sais to me no one in the real life likes you, otherwise you'd be out socialising, i'd rather have no friends on the internet than no friends in the real world.
Quote from AMB :kind of sais to me no one in the real life likes you, otherwise you'd be out socialising,

The people I know are usually thinking about work tomorrow when it gets to midnight on a Sunday. We can't all have friends like yours who can be relied upon to be drinking strong cider in bus shelters at all hours.
Now ladies, enough of the bitchyness (sorry couldnt resist).

I wouldn't say nobody likes Hamilton, I think wether anybody likes Hamilton or not is in the hands of the British Newspapers, seeing as everyone just seems to follow their opinion.

Its incredible to think that only 3 years ago, Torro Rosso were Minardi, floundering at the back of the grid.

Go Vettel (and Kubica, and Calamilton), I'd like to see a good title fight between the young guns, decided on the track.
Quote from 5haz :

Its incredible to think that only 3 years ago, Torro Rosso were Minardi, floundering at the back of the grid.

Oh my, I've heard that so many times today... James Allen beat that dead horse bigtime...

But it's true, it's a brilliant reversal of fortune. Fortune being the most important word: Red Bull threw money at them but it paid off!
#432 - AMB
Quote from thisnameistaken :The people I know are usually thinking about work tomorrow when it gets to midnight on a Sunday. We can't all have friends like yours who can be relied upon to be drinking strong cider in bus shelters at all hours.

Well I don't drink cider, I prefer Vodka, I don't stand in bus shelters, normally around town actually, but the main thing is I have a good time, Monday is a free day for me too so it means i can have late sunday nights aswell as saturday, since my college days are, tuesday, wednesday and fridays, your probably a lot older than me, and the way you posted, was putting it across that you think i'm a chav, well i'm not.
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Oh my, I've heard that so many times today... James Allen beat that dead horse bigtime...

But it's true, it's a brilliant reversal of fortune. Fortune being the most important word: Red Bull threw money at them but it paid off!

If I had known I wouldnt have said, I never bother to watch F1 races.

Thankfully, we wont have to put up with him much longer (that is unless he manages to worm his way in to the BBC)!

However as BMW have shown us, its tricky to get your first win, but even harder to keep it up, I have a feeling STR are just a flash in the pan, giving the odd good result but overall midfielders.

I also have a horrible feeling that F1 on the BBC will be a horrifyingly dull expierience, it really wont be the same without Walker (the man who always sounded like his trousers were on fire!), I hope they keep Brundle though, because hes turned out to be a good comentator.
Quote from 5haz :
I also have a horrible feeling that F1 on the BBC will be a horrifyingly dull expierience, it really wont be the same without Walker (the man who always sounded like his trousers were on fire!), I hope they keep Brundle though, because hes turned out to be a good comentator.

Well, we haven't had M Walker for a 6 years now - so just think back over the last 6 years (it hasn't been horrifyingly dull), and that's probably how the next 6 years will pan out in terms of commentary - No Walker, and plently of Brundle. What I would say is I hate advert breaks in Formula 1 - mostly because they cause one to miss crucial moments, but I like the way they punctuate the race so I can get up and walk around while listening to it on 5Live.
Quote from AMB :Well I don't drink cider, I prefer Vodka, I don't stand in bus shelters, normally around town actually, but the main thing is I have a good time, Monday is a free day for me too so it means i can have late sunday nights aswell as saturday, since my college days are, tuesday, wednesday and fridays, your probably a lot older than me, and the way you posted, was putting it across that you think i'm a chav, well i'm not.

You were quick enough to jump to conclusions based on my post count, fair's fair. For the record (no pun intended) I'm currently knocking up a scratch mix of a new tune so I can send over a track for my singer to work on before we meet for rehearsal on Thursday. I've been replying to the forum while waiting for test bounces to finish. Most of my forum activity happens while I'm waiting for automated processes to finish at work, or - regrettably, usually - when I come home drunk from the pub and I'm not tired enough to go to sleep.
#436 - AMB
Only because you did the same to Intrepid, normally when I see something I don't like or agree with i'll just splurt out what I think, normally something bad.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Most of my forum activity happens... regrettably, usually - when I come home drunk from the pub and I'm not tired enough to go to sleep.

You're living my dream! Nah Although I am concerned that a lot of your posts occur in the middle of the day - do you come home from the pub midday specifically to post on the forum, and trundle back for some more drinking with the good ol' boys?

Ok, I manipulated your post to make you sound like you had an issue. For that I apologise insincerely.
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Well, we haven't had M Walker for a 6 years now - so just think back over the last 6 years (it hasn't been horrifyingly dull), and that's probably how the next 6 years will pan out in terms of commentary - No Walker, and plently of Brundle. What I would say is I hate advert breaks in Formula 1 - mostly because they cause one to miss crucial moments, but I like the way they punctuate the race so I can get up and walk around while listening to it on 5Live.

Well I guess, but James Allen just doesnt convey that same feelingof excitement and energy that Walker did, he tried it at Hungary back in 06 and it wasone of the most horrible assaults on the ears of all time!

Thats one massive advantage of F1 on the BBC, no commercial breaks (its worth the not so cheap TV liscense fee!).
Quote from 5haz :Well I guess, but James Allen just doesnt convey that same feelingof excitement and energy that Walker did, he tried it at Hungary back in 06 and it wasone of the most horrible assaults on the ears of all time!

I know a driver in the Sonicrealms racing team that can do a terrific Hungary 2006 impression. Just thinking about it makes me chuckle
Having adverts in F1 is like being stopped just before climax while having sex, as if someone just walks in and places a giant billboard between you and your partner. Although if you're not put off by James Allen in the room commentating you probably wouldn't be put off by a giant billboard.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Having adverts in F1 is like being stopped just before climax while having sex, as if someone just walks in and places a giant billboard between you and your partner. Although if you're not put off by James Allen in the room commentating you probably wouldn't be put off by a giant billboard.

I dunno, I'd make him commentate and evaluate if he was in there watching me having fun times.

But HOLY CRAP this is too off-topic for me. I'm off to bed.
#442 - AMB
Quote from Shotglass :
also youre the second biggest cock ive seen on this forum but im sure youve already figured this out by now

Who's the first?
#445 - AMB
Quote from SamH :I think I know, but I'm not saying


Don't mean to spam btw.
Quote from AMB :Me?

Don't mean to spam btw.

Nahh, I don't think you're #1 in this respect. There are a few candidates in my mind, fortunately none of them active at the moment. We shouldn't be rating cockness really, and I should really be performing the official moderator task of frowning patronisingly on all that bring the forum down to the level of cockometer rankings, really.
Quote from SamH :Nahh, I don't think you're #1 in this respect. There are a few candidates in my mind, fortunately none of them active at the moment. We shouldn't be rating cockness really, and I should really be performing the official moderator task of frowning patronisingly on all that bring the forum down to the level of cockometer rankings, really.

Cmon Sam, You know it's what I want to hear, just say it!
#448 - AMB
Quote from SamH :Nahh, I don't think you're #1 in this respect. There are a few candidates in my mind, fortunately none of them active at the moment. We shouldn't be rating cockness really, and I should really be performing the official moderator task of frowning patronisingly on all that bring the forum down to the level of cockometer rankings, really.

But instead your not being a stuck up Mod, and your getting involved w00p

Best Mod EVAR.
Quote from AMB :Best Mod EVAR.

Me? Nahh, I'm a miserable bastard, just like Bob and Karl!
Quote from BlueFlame :Cmon Sam, You know it's what I want to hear, just say it!

It's me clearly and Sam just doesn't want to say it becuase he knows he will hurt my tender feelings. :drunk: