LFS on Notebook
(49 posts, started )
#1 - Trail
LFS on Notebook
Going to buy a work notebook. core2, 2 GB, etc.
But have a Intel GMA X3100 onboard.
Do someone have a feedback for LFS performance using this graphic card?
Thanks in advance...
It won't perform good. You should get a notebook with a better video card, anything other than Intel GMA graphics.
if you drive ONLY ALONE and you drive with graphics rather low and without showing the interior of the car, you might get away with it.

if there is even one other car in the race, you won't be able to play.
#4 - Trail
Thanks for the answer.
Too bad... I , in therms,only drive alone (except for the IA) since my connection is by satelite,too laggy.
But under my museum desktop semprom 2600 with 512 mb,and a GEForce 5400 128 mb,with max ten IA cars all works fine,at 1280x1024x32 ,at +/- 40 fps.
I has the hope that the processor and more memory could cover the lack of the poor graphics card.
Is that so really bad?
#5 - MR_B
Damn, I thought someone had attempted to make something to do with LFS in Notepad...
#6 - arco
Intel GMA graphics are pretty rubbish. My quite new HP notebook has it, and I only get around 25 fps in single player with low detail settings. My previous 4 year old notebook with an ATI graphics had twice that fps.
#7 - Trail
Really bad...
Some suggestion ? Has some low cost , often found in notebooks,to search for in the specifications of the notebooks? Something like the less worse?
Get ANYTHING other than Intel. Examples: ATI Radeon Xpress 1150, 1250, or Nvidia 8400, 8600, 9400, 9600.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Get ANYTHING other than Intel.

Intel isn't the problem. Integrated graphics are.

I've got a nVidia GeForce 8600M GT in this laptop and works amazingly great (better than my tower (7600 GS))
Quote from Knight_Atack :
I've got a nVidia GeForce 8600M GT in this laptop and works amazingly great (better than my tower (7600 GS))

Wow great to hear that! I'll have a bit better card in my notebook.

FPS data? Full grid etc??
I'm having a 1,5 GHZ 512 MB ram notebook with a Mobility Radeon 9700, which is just enough to play at a full-grid @ 10-20 Frames at the start. (lowest detail 1024x786).

Normally the most basic of the ATI or nVidia 3D cards should do it for LFS, as long they don't have shared memory.
don't get a series 8 nvidia card.
#14 - MR_B
'Esto sería debido a que NVIDIA ha afirmado que un gran número de sus tarjetas gráficas para portátiles son defectuosas. Es por este motivo que sus valores han caído un 24%.

NVIDIA destinará entre 94,49 y 157,48 millones de euros para cubrir los costes de reparación de las tarjetas defectuosas, aunque no dejaron claros qué equipos son los afectados. Parece ser que los fabricantes de portátiles habrían recibido un driver para activar antes la refrigeración y así poder evitar el "estrés termal" en las tarjetas gráficas, pero esto no evitará un buen desembolso a nivel de reparaciones y garantías.'

Basically: NVidia have confirmed that a large number of its laptop graphics cards are defective - around 24%.

NVidia have done something with between 95 and 160M Euros as the cost of these defective cards.

Then something i dont understand. Something else I dont understand, then something about a guarentee
#18 - Jakg
Basically - Parts of certain nVidia 8-series laptop GPU's are defective and will overheat and die in the not-too-distant future and are blaming everyone under the sun but them.
Great. I thought my 8600GT in the laptop gets REALLY hot but I didn't realise this was a flaw...
#20 - Jakg
iirc it's not the core but some other odd part that gets hot until it burns out.
#21 - CSU1
You are servicing the notebook every three months or so, right TiJay?

Whats up with that bios update/fix for the 8-series being dated 2007 lol?

alota people are very angry about this one, and the upside i suppose is we'll see some great effort from Nvidia to get the consumer back, that or Nvidia hit the wall 24% worse off than they thought they'd be. Just imagine what the ATi fat-cats are thinking right now, they know sales will rocket, so they stop research and pump a load of shite into the market and cash-in on a unexpected turn of luck, normal production would continue when Nvidia can compete again.

Lookin forward to some good Nvidia toys
It's only with 8-series cards? Right, I'll have a 9600M-GT in mine.
I used to play LFS on Panasonic Toughbook Y2. 1.5Ghz, 512MB, don't remember the video card.
It was able to do 40 fps with minimal settings and own car hidden. 1-2 other cars caused fps to drop by 5-10 fps. With full grid in front of me, fps were below 10.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :You sir are wrong.

Quote from MR_B :so very, very wrong.

you know, i could pwn you really hard right now... but i won't. just keep in mind, that before i say something, i try to think about it. apparently, you don't. you just replied with the first thing that came to your mind, without thinking "now, why would this guy say not to get an 8 series nvidia?". don't do that. it's not a good idea.
#25 - CSU1
My old Toshiba Equium ran LFS with 256mb of Ati Radeon quite well

only thing saved that notebook is it's fast cpu, makes a great server now with the air conditioner sucking the bjesus out of it.

meh, if you don't have the space for a big HD monitor a notebook screen about 12" from the back of the wheel does the trick .

i made a platform from wood the size of the base of my laptop and raised it avout 6" off the table which molds around the rear of the G25 for a snug highly portable rig.

right now all's i need is a pc
(Töki (HUN)) DELETED by Töki (HUN)

LFS on Notebook
(49 posts, started )