The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
but which line ?
Attached images
Ooh you're changing the file - im useless at that :P
lol.... all i want is the change the admin pass :P
Quote from sun :lol.... all i want is the change the admin pass :P

You do that in the config file
i have on LFSLapper.cfg i only have...
  • LFSlapper.lpr
  • TrackInfo.cfg
Quote from sun :i have on LFSLapper.cfg i only have...
  • LFSlapper.lpr
  • TrackInfo.cfg

Its the first one. Open it with notepad.
then its right... look.

#General options#
$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.
$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "test"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server
$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits
$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode
$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

as you can see, my admin pass is set as test and in my server.cfg in the dedi server, it says test to....

// host name
/host=^1Drift test

// optional: password

// optional: admin password

// optional: InSim port

// optional: local specified ip address

// a high number below 65536

// demo/s1/s2

// no/yes/hidden

// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc
Quote from sun :then its right... look.

#General options#
$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.
$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "test"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server
$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits
$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode
$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

as you can see, my admin pass is set as test and in my server.cfg in the dedi server, it says test to....

// host name
/host=^1Drift test

// optional: password

// optional: admin password

// optional: InSim port

// optional: local specified ip address

// a high number below 65536

// demo/s1/s2

// no/yes/hidden

// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc

Is There Anything i'am missing from that ?
Quote from Bladerunner :So have I...what is it and where can I get it? I have searched the forum, yet the ONLY reference I can find is in this post?
Can you give me a link please?

First post here in this thread...

"PBLFSLapperPHPViewer By Gai-Luron"

After the explanation of what is Lapper and what it does, there're a few links of some tool to get the infos on a webserver.

That's what i wish to do. The problem is that i don't know how to do it.
Quote from sun :then its right... look.

#General options#
$Host =; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.
$Port = 29999; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "test"; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server
$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits
$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode
$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

as you can see, my admin pass is set as test and in my server.cfg in the dedi server, it says test to....

// host name
/host=^1Drift test

// optional: password

// optional: admin password

// optional: InSim port

// optional: local specified ip address

// a high number below 65536

// demo/s1/s2

// no/yes/hidden

// BL1/BL1R/BL2, SO1/SO1R/SO2, etc

Maybe "Insim" parameter... Now is set as comment (double "/ " ), try deleting one of "/ " and connect it again
How i can insert a buton for example in botom of window in LFS in witch file and what i need to write? This button wont do anything just an a word writen in it like in Cone dogers server
Quote from oldnavy :How i can insert a buton for example in botom of window in LFS in witch file and what i need to write? This button wont do anything just an a word writen in it like in Cone dogers server

You can in the Connect messages part of the LFSLapper.lpr put the followthing.

#Connect messages when a player joins the server#
bla bla bla
Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",20,0,20,4,4,-1,0,"^7Your Text" );

Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );

Thanks mate
This time I'm having a question myself.
Today I built a whole new script to check if people are ready for a race (re)start.
By giving a command, a button is drawn which sets your status to ready and if it was ready to not ready.
By an other command the admin can see a screen with all players and there status.
Because it's annoying to type this command over and over again to refresh the screen, I made a refresh button which is working like a charm.........on a local host
As soon as I put the script on my dedicated server, the command doesn't work anymore.
So I like to know, if there's a solution to this problem of otherwise I hope Gai-Luron (where is this guy anyway? Still on holiday?) can do something in a future release of Lapper.

The script is as follows (I only post the nessecary parts):

openPrivButton( "refresh_connected",100,116,12,5,5,-1,16,"REFRESH",refresh_connected_2 );

Sub refresh_connected_2()
cmdLFS ("!connected");

Attached images

Don't worry, i'm alive, but for now, i have no time to dev Lapper because i work on the championship created by FRH Team: OPEN RACE TROPHY IV.

For your problem, i don't know how you can do this! i have no sufficient lapper script to understand how it work.


I have a quiestion to Gai-Luron: In my server I'm using LFSLapper 5.7.1 and I translated it to Spanish, putting all msg commands like:

Bienvenido al servidor//Welcome to the server.

I would like to change the credits that appears in [!ver] command to put that I translated it. How do I do it? I translated it and I think I worked too in my LFSLapper in my server (Team VirtualRacing #1).
Is it possible to exclude some LFSW Usernames from the penalties like FastPit Kick? So that i won't be kicked for fast drive in pits
Quote from Yisc[NL] :This time I'm having a question myself.

cmdLFS ("!connected");

I thought an lfs command (cmdLFS) had to start with a slash (not a exclamation)?

i.e. cmdLFS ("/connected");

Is ("!connected"); not a Register MsgAction?
Quote from sinanju :I thought an lfs command (cmdLFS) had to start with a slash (not a exclamation)?

i.e. cmdLFS ("/connected");

Is ("!connected"); not a Register MsgAction?

It's possible to do it the way I wrote earlier but only on local hosts.
Gai learned me I had to make a callback and so I did.
Refresh button is now working like a charm.
Quote from Tim NL :Hi,
You can in the Connect messages part of the LFSLapper.lpr put the followthing.

#Connect messages when a player joins the server#
bla bla bla
Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",20,0,20,4,4,-1,0,"^7Your Text" );

Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );

And what i need to do for example i pres on that buton and then i see !top table
Quote from oldnavy :And what i need to do for example i pres on that buton and then i see !top table

just put top (); in sub OnConnectClose()

#Connect messages when a player joins the server#
bla bla bla
Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",20,0,20,4,4,-1,0,"^7Your Text" );
[COLOR=red]top ();[/COLOR]

Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );

Quote from Tomas Miranda :I have a quiestion to Gai-Luron: In my server I'm using LFSLapper 5.7.1 and I translated it to Spanish, putting all msg commands like:

Bienvenido al servidor//Welcome to the server.

I would like to change the credits that appears in [!ver] command to put that I translated it. How do I do it? I translated it and I think I worked too in my LFSLapper in my server (Team VirtualRacing #1).

El server de mi ekipo esta totalmente en español sin tener ningún problema, incluso añadimos la web del ekipo en donde pone !ver

Pitboard V1.3 released
Version 1.3 is fully stable at the moment so I think it's a good time to release it to the community.

It has the following options:

- Display pitboard on the leftside, rightside or don't display it
- Display pitboard high or low on the screen
- Configure number of splits on the track (2,3 or 4 splits)

I have included a text-file which contains all the needed parts for the pitboard to function.
Just cut and past them into the right sections of your Lapper-script.
I hope you have fun with it.
Attached files
pitboard_v1.3.txt - 27.4 KB - 320 views
whats is PitBoard?

and one more question. I saw an untility witch PB.txt convert to nice Table. Can anyone give my adres of this website?

Thanks for hellp
Cool was waiting for your release of it Yisc[NL].

But have kinda a problem installing it. Wasn't it just copy/paste at the bottom of the Lapper config file after Overriding ?

For some reasons it does not work here.

Also there are two sections of

# Event triggered when lapper start

One originally made by Gai, and the one at the bottom. Which one to use ? Any hint would be appreciated.

And thx in advance for it!

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )