mmm interesting forces debate on the horizon, but I'm not about to head it off, I've tried to word my post as carefully as possible, but to put across what my brain is thinking is not easy so bae with me.
I have no interest in joining the forces it's not for me, however I have a fair number of friends who are in the Army/RAF, and they do not scare me at all, in fact I have to say some of them are the most caring humans I have had the pleasure of meeting. They knew that joining the forces they may at some time be called into action, and if that meant taking a life, then they would have to so it. Most join the forces because simply there is nothing much left for them, it's either that or the dole or crime. These guys who serve on the forces have my full respect, that they are willing to fight and defend for us when needed, yes at the moment most of our boys are being killed in phooney wars, but that's not their fault, and we should get our boys out asap.
There is a difference from the guys who join the forces to kill, and those who choose to serve, knowing that they may need to kill if/when the situation comes up, to call the later stupid and idiotic is deeply offensive IMO.
But what really gets my goat, what really gets me angry is people who protest, harass members of the force. I have seen it happen, and I can not for the love of God/ the Wee Man or Buddha understand why. These guys will be willing to lay down their life's if/when the situation calls upon, and these guys who have a go at them, will be the first to demand defending from them.