How bout, minimal age of 18 to get license...
I would like it set on 16 age limit. But again, that would like remove 40% of LFS community, so I don't see that point
Quote from The Very End :I would like it set on 16 age limit. But again, that would like remove 40% of LFS community, so I don't see that point

According to LFSW, it would be far less than 20%.
ill be 16 in November... but age restrictions would kill lots of users...
Quote from zeugnimod :According to LFSW, it would be far less than 20%.

Really? So there ain't that much kid playing this game then? That's both goood, and bad - depending how you look at it and this forum.
There's not that much of correlation between age and behaviour; therefore i think it wouldn't be good to ban a game from people based on their age.
However, it would be intersting if some sort behaviour/crash counter was held for each driver, and each server owner could set a min/max range in order to limit what kind of people gets in there...
Quote from The Very End :Really? So there ain't that much kid playing this game then? That's both goood, and bad - depending how you look at it and this forum. - LFS Racers Database - Stats - Racer-age graph

Quote from The Very End :
Thanks heheh..

I guess you are 12 zeug?

:P at least he hasn't had his mid age crisis YET

I am half way to my mid life crisis
Safety Car
How about Safety Car with advanced AI Technology?

I think it would be not possible at this time or even S3 Content...

But Safety Car like in Single Player will improve more realistic racing in Live For Speed...

I don´t know is there topic already about this one? but if it has, you can delete this post or quoting it in first thread

In Multiplayer I think we don´t need AI Safety Car...

And how about if safety car could be FXO GTR or FXO Turbo with Roof Lights? Like UF1000 has a convertible or nonconvertible, as like LX4 and LX6. Would be nice that FXO Turbo and ... GTR has configuration system
(Roof lights or without). And pressing G button it switch light on/off

Sorry my bad english (English = C+ Grade)
Autocross addon...
Autocross addon...

It would be nice to have the ability to change the surface of the track. E.g add a patch of gravel on the track.
This will give us more options to make rallyx tracks.
id like to choose a custom route through tracks instead of a predefines one.
Yer that sounds good
Hey you no what really anoys me? Its those stuped barriers that when you crash into them your car flips up into the air WHY? THERE SO ANOYING please can we fix this problem. Instead of your car flipping up into the air please cant you move the barrier just like you would do in real life when you crash into a barrier?
THAT^^ has been said a million times before. They will be updated @ some point.
Alright, I know night has been suggested, but I wanna get a little deeper into it. You can either choose day or night (so that it's always day or night) or you can make time dynamic to a certain time zone (so it can be day when it's day out and night when it's night out). This would also allow for dawn, dusk, etc.
I'd like to have name presets for the "find username online" maybe 5-10 so I can just pick the one I need without typing it out lol, lazy I know.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :How about Safety Car with advanced AI Technology?

I think it would be not possible at this time or even S3 Content...

But Safety Car like in Single Player will improve more realistic racing in Live For Speed...

I don´t know is there topic already about this one? but if it has, you can delete this post or quoting it in first thread

In Multiplayer I think we don´t need AI Safety Car...

And how about if safety car could be FXO GTR or FXO Turbo with Roof Lights? Like UF1000 has a convertible or nonconvertible, as like LX4 and LX6. Would be nice that FXO Turbo and ... GTR has configuration system
(Roof lights or without). And pressing G button it switch light on/off

Sorry my bad english (English = C+ Grade)

Sorry, I just want to bump this, because I am interested about your opinions and about is it even possible?

And how about...or maybe I will ask later

Driver die with inpact acceleration more than 15G
and with 8 to 10G the camera flashlight in black
i want more crack proof lfs.
Quote from bonafernando :Suggestion:

Driver die with inpact acceleration more than 15G
and with 8 to 10G the camera flashlight in black

The death part is a bit unnecessary, but the screen blackout on 'X'G impact (with an added auto spectate after 'X' amount of time) is actually a pretty good idea, maybe it will keep people from crashing continuously.
Quote from chavm481 :i want more crack proof lfs.

Still, the main priority is to develope LFS. People will crack no matter what, if they really want.

Sure, I'd hope it would not be that easy, since people simple can download a file and enjoy the game But adding features and finishing the game is of abigger priority imo.
make an option to turn off DEMO servers where occupied, full, empty, cruise servers are in server window. by hiding demo cars hides some of S2 servers aswell
so atleast the crack cant go onine
Quote from legoflamb :The death part is a bit unnecessary, but the screen blackout on 'X'G impact (with an added auto spectate after 'X' amount of time) is actually a pretty good idea, maybe it will keep people from crashing continuously.

Yes, the dead part is too real, but the camera have to blackout or at least shakes with an impact. I mean sometimes people crash and don't even know.


Edit: Another suggestion (AI let you pass when you horn or blink the light)

Pleasse add this suggestions in the list.