The online racing simulator
Wreckers, once again....
(93 posts, started )
#1 - tpa
Wreckers, once again....

h0lz & s0n!c ruined our 10 lap race at Aston GP / GTR. Way to go guys. You rock!

I can't believe there are actually peple out there that buy this game just to ruin the races of others :thumbsdow freakin' losers!
I attached the replay, h0lz (Getriebefehler) joins the sever at about 6 mins 25 secons and parks right in t1 and is joined by s0n!c shortly after. I attached the replay.
Kicking/banning was not allowed on that server for some reason.

I purposely stayed out of that PC Zone bashing thread because the guy who wrote that article totally has a point and it doesn't just happen on demo servers.

The option for automatically kicking cars going in the wrong direction was a good step but cars that are just parking on the road should also be kicked (to spectate or from the server) after a few seconds (as an option).

Grrrrr.... and to quote
"i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet"
Attached files
wrecker.rar - 1.9 MB - 423 views
i think it's about time that time - ban's are used on peeps who can't keep their discipline, i know that they've paid there money and are entiled to play what they paid for, But they do NOT deserve to play the game when they simply ruin peoples online experience.

maybee a kick to spectate after parking for more than a few seconds (or somthing less cheatable) would avoid the 'parkers' but what's it gonna take to keep the t-boners at bay is anybodys guess if it's a ban free server.

I think it would be fair and right to give out 1 week online bans to anybody who shows a blatant disrespect for other users
The good thing with a licened wrecker is that its possible to ban them from the replay
Hope they are both reading this, because they are both Twat's.

*added to server ban list* ..

Thought this kinda stunt was only in demo servers, guess the virus has spread to s2 aswell. :sigh:

[edit] You notice the way sonic tries to cover up his little antics, by crashing into a wall so it looks like hes actually crashed.... knowing full well he will be catapulted back onto the track..
i dunno if anybo's been banned before now, and it's not as if they would just give 'em a life ban, well not straight away! but like i said before a week or something would be perfect for teching them to PLAY FAIR OR NOT AT ALL!
hi guys,

this was on one of the dsrc servers, please post next time on our forum:

i did just ban both for some time after watching the replay. sorry for the mess, we cant be online everytime.
keep racing!

OMG, ive not seen anything like that before in s2!
join mid race = off might help for something like that.

and a lifetime ban for those 2 on all servers of course...
Never had to ban anyone before in my server, and only had to kick once or twice, and they soon got the message.

Not even gonna bother giving these two a chance. I've seen all i need to see thank you.
no midrace join helps a bit, sure, but you cant have it on all the time. there are good racers out there who can drive clean when joining midrace.
also im no friend of the kick/ban buttons as most times somebody of our team watches the servers.
there arent that many bad guys out there, so why punish the good ones?
at least you wont see them on there soon again.
#11 - tpa
Quote from L(Oo)ney :You notice the way sonic tries to cover up his little antics, by crashing into a wall so it looks like hes actually crashed.... knowing full well he will be catapulted back onto the track..

yea, he also hides behind h0lz and then quickly moves in the way of approaching cars.
So hard for me to understand that people invest that much time and 'thinking' just to piss off people they don't even know.

I actually was hesitating to post this here because I knew naming wreckers wasn't welcome at rsc. But your responses show me that I made the right choice! Thanks
no problem!

we try to have servers as clean as possible. everybody can make faults, but nothing like that is tolerated.

thanks for the info!
Quote from tpa :I actually was hesitating to post this here because I knew naming wreckers wasn't welcome at rsc.

Which doesnt help matters if you ask me..

Thats about to change me thinks. I would even suggest creating a special "name and shame" subforum for these very "special" people...

But thats just me thinking out loud..
Quote from Theafro :maybee a kick to spectate after parking for more than a few seconds (or somthing less cheatable) would avoid the 'parkers'

weve had that discussion before and its just not as simple as that ... what if you spin your car around ? the best thing to do is stay put and wait till everybody behind you has passed safely and turn the car around after that
it's a thin red line if you have something like a blacklist.

because even a replay may not be enough proof because there could be a history before an incident which you can't see in the replay.

It should only be used extreme cases like this, but not for every accident that happens.
just a little ban based on the weight of evidence agains them i know it sounds a little bit ott but if someones being an arse they need to be shown it's not welcome

we need the introduction of some sort of rated server so if you aint got cred you cant come in, it's not nice to be eliteist like that but it means that clean honest racers will be guarenteed clean races and the punks will be uable to join one UNTIL they've improved their rating (based on something like crashes per mile etc). it used to be that the licienced servers were all clean but now due to increased popularity there are more 'problems' we need another way to filter these out (without effecting the VITAL flow of noobs into the game)

what's the dev's official opinion on this one?
#17 - Ant
As someone who has hit a wrecker and been baned from a server by the guy who then drove into me, I would agree something to stop wreckers would be a good idea.

Could some sort of credability rating be introduced based on distance ? Each mile/km on a clean lap could be totaled and when greater than some well thought up distance level, the player gains a point of credability. This wouldn't hurt the slower but clean racers but I would imagine it would hurt the wreckers, I dont think they would be so likly to have clocked up the laps.
I've never actually seen a real Wrecker on S2, but I don't resist lifetime bans if it's legal and evidence is clear.
Quote from lfs lisence agreement :1.5 Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, towards the developers or members of the community, may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user's Live for Speed license.

do we have a good candidate?
Edit: Nevermind.
Quote from dUmAsS :do we have a good candidate?

Thats not for us to decide.
i have another replay from a few weeks back with sonic and his mate wrecking. I just pm'ed the server admin about it though. here is the file:
Quote from dUmAsS :do we have a good candidate?

That replay looks really bad... But a life time ban? Taking away someones paid license? It's going to have to be preceded by a replay that's at least blatant as that one. Then, first, a written warning with a demand for explanation. (To gauge the headspace of the clown(s) pulling that junk.) Maybe a three strikes rule? Those two may get their heads together when threatened with permanent supension. And who's going to have that nasty responsibility? I think Scavier have better things to do with thier time than police idiots like that. (Naturally, one would be permitted to buy another license.... and get it taken again... and buy another.... )

As far as auto kick/ban goes, can't happen. Honest mistakes would be penalized.

To the racers in the race - Looking good! That was a swell race up to a point.

To the wreckers - Hope your having a good laugh. When you lose your license, you can LAN and wreck into each other 'til the cows come home. Which, by the way, you should have found an empty server and done that anyway. Cause now you're screwed.
Quote from Slartibartfast :That replay looks really bad... But a life time ban? Taking away someones paid license? It's going to have to be preceded by a replay that's at least blatant as that one. Then, first, a written warning with a demand for explanation. (To gauge the headspace of the clown(s) pulling that junk.) Maybe a three strikes rule? Those two may get their heads together when threatened with permanent supension. And who's going to have that nasty responsibility? I think Scavier have better things to do with thier time than police idiots like that. (Naturally, one would be permitted to buy another license.... and get it taken again... and buy another.... )

As far as auto kick/ban goes, can't happen. Honest mistakes would be penalized.

To the racers in the race - Looking good! That was a swell race up to a point.

To the wreckers - Hope your having a good laugh. When you lose your license, you can LAN and wreck into each other 'til the cows come home. Which, by the way, you should have found an empty server and done that anyway. Cause now you're screwed.

I completely agree with that entire comment. If you going to wreck then make your own server. I've seen them up before, so just look around.
how about 'ban the wreckers' website? where all the server admins can gather (these who wish to participate) and if you see a wrecker, you post a replay, a panel will then analyse and then give the verdict. if guilty, the appropiate punishment will be dealt out, ie. 1 week ban, 1 month ban etc. I think the mindset of these guys are 'the worst that can happen is i get banned from this server, theres plenty more around'. But if 1 wrecking stunt causes you to be banned from half the servers, they might reconsider :P

Maybe you can build something like this into CRC?

Wreckers, once again....
(93 posts, started )