yesterday at 9'clock some very old guy came to our door. when we opened, i saw him having hes face looking like he'd be shocked, hes head all covered in blood and so was hes hands, than he saif ''mää oon tehny jotain pahaa...''
what means ''i've done something bad'' and wanted us to call him a ambulance and a police. the guy was drunken and had a fight with hes friend and he tough he was killed hes friend. im not sure was the man really killed but i guess this will be in the news soon. is something like this ever happened to you?(no, not the killing but that some killer wants an ambulance from you)
what means ''i've done something bad'' and wanted us to call him a ambulance and a police. the guy was drunken and had a fight with hes friend and he tough he was killed hes friend. im not sure was the man really killed but i guess this will be in the news soon. is something like this ever happened to you?(no, not the killing but that some killer wants an ambulance from you)