It really kind of makes me sick. It's Bernie's bluff all over again. The last time he did it with sponsors and what-not. This time he doesn't even bother, it's just a flaw in the contract.
What most people don't know is that unlike all other gps, the canadian one is a private business. All the others are public, and hence ready to pay a s-load of money to get on the map. However, since it's a private business, they always have to go look for a lot of paying sponsors, which is alone quite a hard thing to do. Then you have Bernie coming up to you asking something along the line of "Hey, I want more money. And by the way your track is a piece of crap for X reason".
His reasons really change every year, it's the track itself, the pits, the money, the flaw in the plan (contract). Whatever will do to get more money from this thing.
Now the GP promotor Normand Legault basically said he's pissed and pulled out of this. We've got the Montreal mayor, a federal minister and a couple of other guys trying to convince Bernie (by giving him more money), but in general, the population would just like to let it go, to make sure Bernie doesn't get more money...
It's weird how it just seems like Bernie's a terrorist or something, and he kidnapped our GP. Now we've got to give him a lot of money to get it back