i believe a while ago (20-30+ years) drifting used to be the fastest way through most turns. now that cars have incredible suspension gripping is way faster... drifting has nothing to do with racing and is only maybe faster through a tight hairpin now. people who say drifting is fast are stupid people who still play on demo. those guys all forget what drifting is all about. drifting is about very precise control and angles and style. speed isn't that big of a deal as long as you don't lose it all and maintain a steady pace. i'm sure i'll get flamed for saying this but i think i can speak for quite a few other people when i say that perfect drifting takes more skill than perfect racing. perfect drifting has yet to be seen. it's a very very complex way to drive that most people overlook. if you don't appreciate drifting then whatever you aren't the first person. but don't ever come on here and say it's stupid or whatever else you have to say just because you have no idea how to do it. if you even knew half of the difficulty it takes to drift you would at least appreciate it for what it is. i'm not saying you'll love it and want to do it but you'll at least appreciate it. drifting involves lines just like racing does but instead of just a line you have to have the right angle too. this can make things much more tricky. if you wanna know what drifting really is i'd be happy to send you some good videos of real life drifting on msn as long as you keep the queerness to a minimum.