Does anyone else feel like their life is empty and meaningless? For some reason, I have started to feel that way. I get poor grades in school, and I can't see myself succeeding in life. My social skills are also sort of lacking, as I spend most of my time alone at home, or getting into arguments with my parents over random stuff. It sucks that I feel like this. Also, I kind of want a girlfriend, who I can actually love and will love me back in the same way. But then I started thinking, what is the point, anyway? No female probably feels the same way as me about this. And, I want to have a relatively good looking girlfriend, if possible. But why do looks matter? I guess it's because I want to feel better then other people. So then, I thought, do I really even need/want a girlfriend, or do I just want people to think of me a certain way? That's where there is a crisis with that, I don't really think it matters. Why do people feel the need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other, anyway? Obviously it is purely psychological and not really necessary. So, I'm confused about my feelings towards that. And, if I ever ask out a girl and she doesn't want to go out with me because I'm not good looking enough, then I guess I can't complain since I would think the same thing if a girl whom I thought was not good looking enough were to ask me out. But, at some point I will get desperate enough that I probably won't care what they look like as much.
Another thing that I was thinking about, is a feeling of my life being meaningless. What does it mean for ones life to be meaningful, anyway? Having lots of friends, going to parties, etc. (things that I don't do) do not make your life very meaningful. But people who are really social, and "successful" in life may feel that their life has meaning. But is that really meaningfulness?
I would like to be able to get to a point where I no longer worry about where my life is headed, and just act on what is happening at that moment and have no worries whatsoever. Regardless of whether or not I accomplish what I wish to accomplish in life, as long as I am not worrying constantly and having a feeling of emptiness then I'd be happy. I think my main problem is lack of certainty. I can not function without knowing what is going to be the result of my actions (or lack thereof). I need to get over my apparent phobia of uncertainty, and just live. No matter how unsuccessful I am, or whatever happens to me, at least I am living. If I end up living alone and never having a girlfriend, then I guess that could happen. This is an incredibly long post/rant. I just have no idea on why I feel the way that I feel. I value life though, and as empty as my life feels, it is just as meaningful as anyone else's, because I am a living person just like everyone else. When I actually think into it perhaps a little to much, I realize that we are all just a bunch of atoms.
Bottom line is, in my opinion: Meaningfulness is overrated.
If anyone has reached the end of my rant, I thank you for reading it. And I hope I didn't make anyone depressed enough to want to jump of a bridge (Even I would never want to kill myself, because then I wouldn't be able to complain about how much my life sucks to everyone. And I feel so uncertain about everything, that I never would do that because I would be too petrified about what would happen if I survive, and end up living life paralyzed AND with a feeling of meaningless. At least then I'd be drugged up on narcotic pain killers. :razz
Another thing that I was thinking about, is a feeling of my life being meaningless. What does it mean for ones life to be meaningful, anyway? Having lots of friends, going to parties, etc. (things that I don't do) do not make your life very meaningful. But people who are really social, and "successful" in life may feel that their life has meaning. But is that really meaningfulness?
I would like to be able to get to a point where I no longer worry about where my life is headed, and just act on what is happening at that moment and have no worries whatsoever. Regardless of whether or not I accomplish what I wish to accomplish in life, as long as I am not worrying constantly and having a feeling of emptiness then I'd be happy. I think my main problem is lack of certainty. I can not function without knowing what is going to be the result of my actions (or lack thereof). I need to get over my apparent phobia of uncertainty, and just live. No matter how unsuccessful I am, or whatever happens to me, at least I am living. If I end up living alone and never having a girlfriend, then I guess that could happen. This is an incredibly long post/rant. I just have no idea on why I feel the way that I feel. I value life though, and as empty as my life feels, it is just as meaningful as anyone else's, because I am a living person just like everyone else. When I actually think into it perhaps a little to much, I realize that we are all just a bunch of atoms.
Bottom line is, in my opinion: Meaningfulness is overrated.
If anyone has reached the end of my rant, I thank you for reading it. And I hope I didn't make anyone depressed enough to want to jump of a bridge (Even I would never want to kill myself, because then I wouldn't be able to complain about how much my life sucks to everyone. And I feel so uncertain about everything, that I never would do that because I would be too petrified about what would happen if I survive, and end up living life paralyzed AND with a feeling of meaningless. At least then I'd be drugged up on narcotic pain killers. :razz