Poll : Did Lewis Hamilton deserve this title? (i do) :P

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Dont know
That was really, really tense.

Crowd were just disgusting though.
Quote from Rappa Z :Come on! Timo Cock could have at least tried to run into hami. I think this was the most digracesful finish in f1 history

Maybe one day you'll get a grasp on what "sporting" means.
Quote from aoun :Is that right what Glock did?

This can be decided once it's absolutely clear what he actually did. It's not a "disgraceful finish" (as said above) if it was driver error, he was on dries after all. However, losing 18 sec in one or two corners is strange, especially considering that there was no indication that he'd left the track.
Quote from Rappa Z :If Cock did all he could he woulda ran into that McFarrari and made sure it could never see the light of a WDC again.

Then it would have been:

Quote from Rappa Z :the most digracesful finish in f1 history

omg, the fish 'n' chips have a champion ^^

congrats to Lewis and GB
wth wasnt glock slower during all time, he lost all that in 1 lap and all laps were wet?
Hamilton may not have been anywhere near Massas pace, but that only matters in the race, it doesnt count towards the championship!

I bet all the media who have been slagging off Hamilton will bumlove him now.

Last year was Mclaren's turn to be cruelly denied, this year its Ferrari, F1 is cruel like that.
Press 1 to ban Glock [3/7]

come on 4 more!
T.Glock is GAY.
Spent a year watching an F1 season and it is spoiled by a stupid decision from Timo Glock. He should be ashamed of himself, what gives him the right to swing a championship in that way.

He was 15 seconds clear into the last lap, bugger
Quote from N I K I :wth wasnt glock slower during all time, he lost all that in 1 lap and all laps were wet?

There was only 2 laps not all the laps Taste the ownage bitch
Hopefully when the full onboard races are available we'll be able to see the race from Glock's car to determine what happened (i.e. whether Glock slowed intentionally to let Hamilton through or if it was raining too much for him to keep pace). It doesn't matter though, because the result's the result and that's how things are.

Massa deserved not to be let down by his team and his engine. Even if you go with the conspiracy rubbish how many points did Hamilton 'lose' this year? 2 at Belgium and...? How many did Massa lose? 10 at Hungary (engine retirement) and 10 at Singapore (Ferrari pit mistake).
massas father cheering, then finding out they arent the champs, the face is priceless
Quote from Rappa Z :Come on! Timo Cock could have at least tried to run into hami. I think this was the most unfair finish in f1 history (of course though I would say the exact opposit if it was Massa who passed Cock), letting some 3rd party driver decide the WDC.

Time to go through the members list and ignore every hami fan so I don't have to listen to they're BS.

How was it unfair, the tyres caused Glock to slow down, not any decision of the officials or the drivers.

I bet you lot wouldn't be saying that if the roles were reversed.

Methinks you are a fanboy.

F1 is unfair, get over it.
Nice finish I nearly got a heart-attack
Yes hamilton won i want to hug Toyota

@ Flame CZE me to
Like Hamilton got one point of another driver's "mistake", Massa got a free point last race when Kimi gave up his place...
Quote from samh :massa Deserved The Race Win. The Championship Is More Than Just One Race.

Hamilton Deserves It And He Got It.

I'm Happy Now. I Hope Next Year Massa Gets It. He's A Brilliant Driver Who Has Properly Grown Into His Shoes Now, And I'd Like To See His Efforts Rewarded.

Quote from 5haz :Hamilton may not have been anywhere near Massas pace, but that only matters in the race, it doesnt count towards the championship!

I bet all the media who have been slagging off Hamilton will bumlove him now.

Last year was Mclaren's turn to be cruelly denied, this year its Ferrari, F1 is cruel like that.

well it wouldn't be that way if the FIA didn't intervene...

about time Lewis get something back after all that the FIA does to take the championship to the final round~?
Will people stop effing slagging off Glock! YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. FFS!
Damn.... Massa still the best driver of the year.... !
Quote from N I K I :wasnt it 4 laps

Well it was hardly raining for the first 2 of that 4
Quote from jaws99 :Spent a year watching an F1 season and it is spoiled by a stupid decision from Timo Glock. He should be ashamed of himself, what gives him the right to swing a championship in that way.

He was 15 seconds clear into the last lap, bugger

geez show some maturity?