I'm not biased at all, there's some dick things Hamilton has done, and some nob things that Massa has done too, but Hamilton is clearly a better driver and with a less agressive mentality can win the hearts of everyone who watches Formula 1.
I think Hamilton was a fan of Senna, because he drives alot like Senna with his agression. Tristan you're too biased against Hamilton to notice that if in his situation you would of done the same thing (except spa which to me is an open debate, i haven't come to a conclusion on this yet). Why should Hamilton compromise his exit line at Fuji because SOMEONE else made a mistake? He shouldn't Tristan, if you believe he should of you're talking out of a very dark and smelly place. (And not your armpit :razz

Hamilton clearly wasn't responsible for the incident for the Fuji chicane crash, nor should he be held responsible for avoiding it.
I don't think Massa intentionally hit Hamilton but he could of avoided it, so in that instance, the only conclusion is that he DID want to collide with Hamilton, and lets face it, as a result of the contact, he got more points. He didn't win the championship

but still, I'm suprised your anti-hammi-bias hasn't taken you to the stupid heights of believing that Glock pulled over.