I love all the road class cars (UF1 - FZ5)

and race them almost exlusively whenever I'm online, but that is getting less and less at the moment life's too busy

Had some great races last weekend on SO Long Rev with the GTi and GT cars
Just to make a comment about the imbalances, sometimes its a good thing

for example I was in a GTi but a sec or so off WR pace but Takumi was in a GT at WR pace

so we had some great battles and close racing because of the imbalance in car performance, that wouldn't have happened with perfectly balanced cars
When I join servers with road going cars I generally race what the other guys are racing, unless I'm too far off pace

, so if the majority are in GTT's with maybe a few less experienced guys in FXO's, I'll jump in a GTT also

but if a few fast drivers connect and take the FXO I will also go for the FXO, as that is my car of choice at the moment. I have a sneaky feeling that that will most likely change with the next patch though