The online racing simulator
Wreckers, once again....
(93 posts, started )
Jeez, that was just pathetic of them! Blocking the whole of turn 1 and what for?! Gah, it makes me sad that there are people that go that far to ruin other peoples' races
Which bit of Hampshire...:bath:
Thanks for the replys Appreciate it a lot!
if I go on a server and there's a wrecker idiot doing his deeds i usually just leave and join another server, i just don't want to get involved with 'em, eventually the only servers they can survive on are the ones with little protection (like banning/kicking/scary admin). we'll all end up racing in servers they can't get to and they'll be left out in the cold, parked up somewhere waiting for somebody to crash into 'em!

i think a blacklist would be good for now although i'd personally like to BAN the idiots from playing online at all (it's a privelige NOT a right, and they've abused it)

i'm ranting again (this is one subject that REALLY gets my goat)illepall
Would it be possible to get a dedicated section of this forum for things like this? Just a section where people could report wreckers and post replays. We, as a community, could look at the replay and determine if the wrecking was intentional. If it was, we could add the name of the wrecker to a "master ban list" that would be available for download. Then, server admins could just update their ban list every week or so and people who start new servers could easily keep out the troublemakers without starting from scratch. We could still implement staged banning (1 week, 1 month, perma) so long as admins download the updated ban list every week. We could also easily maintain a master list of who was banned, what they were banned for, and how long/how often they were banned. All of this could be done with a sticky or two in the new forum section.

This way there's no legal problems and the devs don't have to do anything (apart from creating the new section of the forum). This should make it pretty simple to get these people off the servers and reduce the overhead for server admins. Maybe someone could even make a script to download the master ban list each week so there would be no additional steps required by server admins.

edit: we would need one person who could maintain the master ban list. But other than that, this should be a very low overhead solution that would truly address the problem.
#56 - mr_x
Quote from AndroidXP :Imo that "ban website" would be the best solution. Depending on the severity of the wreckings a "permanent ban" should be applied after 2-3 occurences.

For example
Mr X wrecks on a server. It's clear that the wrecking was on purpose so he gets a one week ban to cool down and think about his actions.

After one and a half week Mr X gets caught again, but this time it isn't so severe, but it was clearly intentional again. Seeing that he has wrecked again before (so no learning included) this again results in a one week ban.

For the third time Mr X has been caught, showing no tendency to improve. He receives a permanent ban.

How this permanent ban works is a matter of discussion here. The "unofficial" way of a long ban from the servers who utilize the ban-website seems to be insufficient, while removing the S2 license is overly harsh imo. He should officially be banned from joining ANY server for a certain amount of time (half a year - again depending on the severity), but he should still be able to wreck his A.I. drivers all he wants.

He bought the product and is entitled to play, but because his ONLINE behaviour is nonexcusable he is banned from any online activity. End.

hope that is only an example..... i aint a wrecker, and never will be!!and if i do cause something then its usually from a mistake (locked wheel etc) or the other person is so laggy i dont know where they will be next (which has happened a few times aswell)

wud think someone is tryin to give me a bad name or something tsk
sOn!c has read this thread, he and hOlz joined a server i was on, i told them about it. Suddenly they wanted to play fair ...
I've got the replay (conversation) stored if anyone would like to see it ...
show us!
Quote from felplacerad :sOn!c has read this thread, he and hOlz joined a server i was on, i told them about it. Suddenly they wanted to play fair ...
I've got the replay (conversation) stored if anyone would like to see it ...

Oh, i would LOVE to see that!

Apparently even the THREAT of a ban works wonders. Imagine what an actual ban from most every S2 server out there would do.

When a person is banned do they get any sort of message when trying to log onto a server? Is there anything that tells a person that they're banned, why they were banned, or how long the ban lasts? If not, this is something the devs should consider including.
Post it..

Would rather they came here and said it though, to the people they wrecked.

And its one thing saying something, doing it is a different matter. We'll see..
sonic joins about 3 minutes into the game, and hols about 30 seconds later ..
Maybe i did not use the most friendly language at all times, sorry about that.

7:20:00 SDRA FEL: so whatsup sonic why aren't you racing?
7:21:00 <etA> s0n!c: we drive fair now.

8:10:00 <etA> s0n!c: lol thx now we are famous in LFS
8:11:00 SDRA FEL: infamous, you idiot

Here you are:
This doesn't mean we need to start a thread everytime somebody wrecks us.
Quote from xapexcivicx :This doesn't mean we need to start a thread everytime somebody wrecks us.

If we can get a section of the forum dedicated to trouble makers, and if the wrecking is intentional and blatant, then yes, we could (and should) start a thread every time to get these people off the servers.
I have to say, I think it isn't smart to call people ****s even if they were wrecking in some other race. No way you're getting a better response from them that way.
Quote from Huru-aito :I have to say, I think it isn't smart to call people ****s even if they were wrecking in some other race. No way you're getting a better response from them that way.

I guess im not a good pedagogue. Will start studying to be a teacher this thursday though. First course: pedagogy.
Quote from mr_x :hope that is only an example..... i aint a wrecker, and never will be!!and if i do cause something then its usually from a mistake (locked wheel etc) or the other person is so laggy i dont know where they will be next (which has happened a few times aswell)

wud think someone is tryin to give me a bad name or something tsk

Nonono, there's a BIG difference between crashing and intentional wrecking.

Intentional wrecking is like parking in a chicane, with the intention to ruin someones race, like that sonic and holz guys did. Usually it's very easy to distinguish between intentional wrecking and an accident.

If you brake too late into a corner or clip someone slightly and he spins or you mess up in some way or another, this is an accident and nowhere near banworthy. I wouldn't even kick you for that, as I account that to the "noob-factor" or just a lack of experience. These things happen all the time and even pros make such mistakes.
Just watced the replay.

Hmm seems like a lot of false guilt to me. I dont think they care to race fair at all. Looks to me that neither of them can race well anyway so maybe thats the root of their frustrations.

A master ban-list as someone suggested would be a great (and simple) idea.
1 site hosts a master list which people download and update their LFS with on a regular basis.
Of course proof would be needed before someone got on that list.

As for the race, well I was just watching the top 2 guys. What a race that was. Huru-aito and Casper going at it lap after lap with tenths splitting them.
Great racing guys. Compliments to you. Thats what online racing is all about
one time i was bored because no one else on the server was as fast as me, and there was a wrecker on the server so i taunted him. it was fun dodging him and trying to win the race at the same time. When its more than 1 wrecker on a server and you are in a serious race its a different story.

For some reason wreckers always attack me... lol one time i had 5 wreckers all attacking me, making walls of cars to try and make me crash and stuff like that. using teamwork to take me out and they fail!!!

check out these wrecking attempts by the green car he gave up trying to wreck me around lap 8, but i taunted him so he started up again.
Attached files
faught off wrecker.mpr - 1.3 MB - 257 views
s0n!c & h0lz
Ich habe bemerkt das hier viele Deutsche gepostet haben,
deswegen meine Stellungnahme dazu auf Deutsch,
wenn einer unbedingt für die nicht deutschen übersetzen will soll er es ruhig machen !!!

Wir sind Newbies , haben das Spiel erst seit ungefähr 2 Wochen und sind deswegen nicht sonderlich gut, wir fahren auch noch mit tastatur !!! so kann man halt nicht besonders gut fahren und dreht sich öfter als man vernünftig fährt !! Aber wart ihr am anfang denn schon so gut wie jetzt ??? Wir haben uns vorher mit keinem rennspiel befasst, haben daher keinerlei erfahrung mit Rennsimulationen !!
Wir haben auch einen Clan in dem wir Counter-Strike spielen, und h0lz kam auf die Idee das wir ja auch mal ein Rennspiel online Spielen könnten. Ich fande das das eine gute Idee sei und wir kauften uns die S2 Lizenz.
Wir fahren so oft wir können und versuchen besser zu werden
Nur warum wir manchmal so Mist bei rennen machen ist eigentlich simpel !
Wenn mal ein Rennen ein paar Runden ganz ordentlich lief, aber dann durch einen Fahrfehler oder aufgrund der Tastatursteuerung ein Dreher oder Crash passiert, verzweifeln wir fast bei dem Spiel weil nichts funktionieren will !!
Dann haben wir Wut auf die anderen die gut fahren können und wollen sie dann wegrammen ! Ist zwar eigentlich dämlich aber so reagieren wir halt !
Ich find das ja eigentlich auch scheiße !! Nur wenn ich dann mal einen anderen ausversehen von der Strecke schieben regt derjeige sich meistens auf unf beschimpft uns gleich !! Nur können wir dafür das wir Newbies sind und noch nicht gut fahren können ?? Und es stimmt nicht wie behauptet wurde, das wir uns die Lizenz nur gekauft haben um Mist zu bauen und alle anderen zu crashen !!
Es tut uns leid das wir so reagiert haben und versuchen uns in zukunft zu bessern, wir würden uns auch über jegliche hilfe freuen die wir bekommen können ( setups, fahrtipps, ideallinie etc.)

Nochmals entschuldigung für die Fahrer, deren Hotlaps bzw. Rennen wir ruiniert haben,

mfg. s0n!c & h0lz
@ gabkicks
Das hier sehe ich genauso !!! mir sind auch schon solche begegnet wenn ich vernünftig fahre !!! ich mach mir dann nichts draus weil es ja eh nur fun races sind auf public servern und man es dort nicht so ernst nehmen sollte
If only I could understand that.
Google translation will no doubt mess that up.
Please write in english.. :/
yes i know that not everyone could understand that
but i am not very good at speaking english !!!
i am sorry with that,

Google did most of it.

You're newbies and you both play with keyboards. :rolleyes:

That doesnt account for you parking the cars at T1 and not moving.
If you are not familiar with the game, dont practice LFS during live races.

I doubt that post will get you much sympathy.
(Mikkel Petersen) DELETED by Mikkel Petersen
Quote from s0n!c :Ich habe bemerkt das hier viele Deutsche gepostet haben,
deswegen meine Stellungnahme dazu auf Deutsch,
wenn einer unbedingt für die nicht deutschen übersetzen will soll er es ruhig machen !!!

Wir sind Newbies , haben das Spiel erst seit ungefähr 2 Wochen und sind deswegen nicht sonderlich gut, wir fahren auch noch mit tastatur !!! so kann man halt nicht besonders gut fahren und dreht sich öfter als man vernünftig fährt !! Aber wart ihr am anfang denn schon so gut wie jetzt ??? Wir haben uns vorher mit keinem rennspiel befasst, haben daher keinerlei erfahrung mit Rennsimulationen !!
Wir haben auch einen Clan in dem wir Counter-Strike spielen, und h0lz kam auf die Idee das wir ja auch mal ein Rennspiel online Spielen könnten. Ich fande das das eine gute Idee sei und wir kauften uns die S2 Lizenz.
Wir fahren so oft wir können und versuchen besser zu werden
Nur warum wir manchmal so Mist bei rennen machen ist eigentlich simpel !
Wenn mal ein Rennen ein paar Runden ganz ordentlich lief, aber dann durch einen Fahrfehler oder aufgrund der Tastatursteuerung ein Dreher oder Crash passiert, verzweifeln wir fast bei dem Spiel weil nichts funktionieren will !!
Dann haben wir Wut auf die anderen die gut fahren können und wollen sie dann wegrammen ! Ist zwar eigentlich dämlich aber so reagieren wir halt !
Ich find das ja eigentlich auch scheiße !! Nur wenn ich dann mal einen anderen ausversehen von der Strecke schieben regt derjeige sich meistens auf unf beschimpft uns gleich !! Nur können wir dafür das wir Newbies sind und noch nicht gut fahren können ?? Und es stimmt nicht wie behauptet wurde, das wir uns die Lizenz nur gekauft haben um Mist zu bauen und alle anderen zu crashen !!
Es tut uns leid das wir so reagiert haben und versuchen uns in zukunft zu bessern, wir würden uns auch über jegliche hilfe freuen die wir bekommen können ( setups, fahrtipps, ideallinie etc.)

Nochmals entschuldigung für die Fahrer, deren Hotlaps bzw. Rennen wir ruiniert haben,

mfg. s0n!c & h0lz

(rough translation)
I have have noted that here many German gepostet, therefore my attitude in addition in German, if an unconditionally for the not German
translate wants to should it it quietly make!!

We are Newbies, have had the game first for approximately 2 weeks and are therefore not particular good, we go also yet with keyboard!!! so can one simply not especially well go and revolves rationally goes more often than one! Were you but at the beginning then already as good as now??? We engaged previously in no rennspiel, have therefore no experience at all with Rennsimulationen! We have play also a Clan in that we Counter-strike, and h0lz came could the games Online we also once a Rennspiel on the idea. Let I fande that the one good idea be and bought us we the S2 license. We go can and try race make is so often we to become better only why we sometimes so manure in actually simple! If once a racing a couple round ran happens very orderly, but then through a load mistake or based on the keyboard control a Dreher or Crash, doubt function wants we almost in the game because nothing! Then we were able to go and want fury on the other that well it then way ram! Dämlich is however so react to be sure actually we simply! I find would shit that actually also! Only if I then once another from oversight of the stretch moves push derjeige usually on unf swears at us immediately! Can only we be for that that we Newbies and go cannot yet well?? And it does not agree maintained became how, only bought have us that we the license around manure to construct and all other to crashen! It harms so reacts have and try us that we us in the future to improve, we would be happy got can also over each aid that we
(setups, load tip, ideal line etc.)

Once again apology for the drivers, whose Hotlaps and/or racing ruined we

mfg. s0n!c & h0lz

Wreckers, once again....
(93 posts, started )