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Your WTF moment of the day
(52 posts, started )
I fell out of the bed and smashed my nose into the table at side of bed, ending in waking up and say "What the ****?!" while I started to bleed from the nose. Shitty morning >.<
yesterday i had a WTF moment, an audi R8 was standing at my school :wtf2: WHY!?!?
My wtf moment off the day is, why is no one replying to my PDF help thread in the technical assistance sub-form ???
Well this thread took a suprising turn, most likely for the better too.

Anyway heres my WTF moment of the day
my WTF moment happened yesterday,

I was drinking a can of coke with my friend and the next thing i know theres a white lump of shit on top of my can !! i was like WTF!?!
My WTF moment of 18/11/08:

My mate took the top slice of my sandwhich from me and lobbed it so it stuck butter side to the window, right by a teacher's head. Then I got in trouble because it was part of MY sandwhich.

my wtf moment today was when i was in math class and a friend sneezed and his hand was full of snot....................BUT then he just ATE it :wtf2:

i screamed AAAHHHHH!!! and almost had to puke
Quote from Gills4life :My WTF moment of 18/11/08:

My mate took the top slice of my sandwhich from me and lobbed it so it stuck butter side to the window, right by a teacher's head. Then I got in trouble because it was part of MY sandwhich.


I had no WTF moment for today.

Someone at work called me gay because I haven't gotten laid yet. Then ruined it by saying "Just because I like d**k "long silence"..."wait, YOU like it, I meant that"

#34 - 5haz
Mine would have to be that I waited for a bus for 45 minutes, and when I did get into College I found all my lessons had been cancelled.
Mine would have to be that my presentation of a geography subject was cancelled, after having worked at it for deep in the night. :mad:
Quote from hrtburnout :Mine would have to be that my presentation of a geography subject was cancelled, after having worked at it for deep in the night. :mad:

do what i do and do nothing for presentations ...................and then **** up the presentation
Quote from G!NhO :do what i do and do nothing for presentations ...................and then **** up the presentation

Or do what I did for basically all of transition year. Improvise
My WTF moment is me going "WTF am I doing?" any time I think about my driving test this afternoon
My WTF moment for today was at about 00.30 this morning. I was talking to Gills4life on MSN, and boy, was I disturbed. :hide:
My WTF moment today is the large removal truck parked opposite my house, it's bigger than the house they are taking furniture out of and it is blocking the sunlight from half of my street.
#42 - 5haz
Mine for today is that I got 4 silent calls in 5 minutes, all different numbers
Quote from 5haz :Mine for today is that I got 4 silent calls in 5 minutes, all different numbers

Well that's what you get for supporting the BNP!
#44 - 5haz
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Well that's what you get for supporting the BNP!

Maybe we should start a thread for LMAO moments, the whole BNP thing fits more into that category.
WTF moment of 19/11/08:

During the physics exam, someone at the back of the hall screamed, "MEATHEAD!", and got away with it.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :My WTF moment for today was at about 00.30 this morning. I was talking to Gills4life on MSN, and boy, was I disturbed. :hide:

I know, he has scarred me for life too. What has been seen cannot be unseen
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I know, he has scarred me for life too. What has been seen cannot be unseen

what did you see, show me!
Quote from S14 DRIFT :My WTF moment for today was at about 00.30 this morning. I was talking to Gills4life on MSN, and boy, was I disturbed. :hide:

No worries mate - its a common symptom after even having the shortest conversation with him. His collection of penis-shaped and other, um, 'sexual' smilies is very disturbing.

Quote from dougie-lampkin :I know, he has scarred me for life too. What has been seen cannot be unseen

Yeah... he has like a banana penis? :banana:
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yeah... he has like a banana penis? :banana:

The imagination of some people never stop amaze me.

Your WTF moment of the day
(52 posts, started )