Thanks. I'm not kown for possessing the vocabulary that's sometimes required to make the point that I want to. In fact, most of my posts are written, and rewritten until I can justify my comments with factual representation, in a language and tone that mostly agreeable.
People might call Hamilton fans blinkered, but when those same people are presented with facts (that can be dug up quite easily on the internet), they choose to ignore them completely. And so, the merry-go-round of insults and controversy spins longer and longer.
As such, I'm pretty tired of the discussion, as it's long since run it's course as an actual discussion. I'd hope that some people can agree to disagree, and move on with their lives, instead of letting such disagreements rule their forum existence
Not seen this before, had to look it up. For a while, I was thinking "what does this have to do with GTK?"