Overall it's growing on me and it seems like we'll make up for the 3 hours of faffing around last night Good to hear there's a patch on the way. Actually the sounds aren't too bad at 50ms, more realistic than LFS no dobut and they sound less step like than at 200ms.
Does nK have cold brake modeling? found that the FF1600 locked up its rear wheels on 68% brake bias on my outlap.
i really think the tire physics are awsome!! i read someone was comparing them to the S1 tire physics..you gotta be kiding me dude! how dare you ? jeez !
the suspension is really good too compering it to the FOX & FX8 one's.. im hoping LFS will reach the same level someday..especially in terms of tire physics !
as for the damage model, it's way better and realistic anyway ! no question bout that..
im off to NKp now...see ya after the patch (if there's ever any patch coming out soon) ..
good post, see, im sure all the small issues are gona be adressed soon..furthermore, it's just the first release you know.. and as i said , the tire physics are a lot better no matter what issues you can find on this first release...
I quite like the tyre model, it feels pretty good. Although i must say the tyre sounds are nowhere near as communicative as LFS tyre sounds. There is basically one tyre scrub sound which plays if you are slipping which is a kind of ISI type 'sshhhhh' sort of noise. There isnt any chirping or squealing or squaling that tell you the different stages of approaching the limit like in LFS (or even GP3 for that matter). And there is hardly any sound at all from the tyres under braking, so it's kind of hard to threshold brake.
I'm told that slicks dont make much of a noise in real life so I guess its fair enough, although the times I've been karting on tarmac they've squealed like stuck pigs, so I dont know quite how much truth there is in that.
Stop bashing it for no reason there are big differences between namie and Pro (not all of them good) if you honestly think the physics are the same you either haven't had enough time with it or are totally blind.
Nah, I think he's merely comparing it to the latest Release Candidate copy of LFS S2 Patch R that he has on his computer. Everything seems bland and boring to that .
Agreed 100%. netKar has a lot of things that need fixing, but the physics model is not one of them. This is the only sim I've ever played that is better than LFS in the force feedback department.
1 going into a corner fast and turning in sharply to create understeer and let go of the wheel:
The wheel stayed exactly where I left it. No understeer feedback whatsoever - if anyone tells me they get understeer FF it is a placebo effect.
2 going out of a corner with enough throttle to spin the car and letting go of the wheel:
The wheel reacted late... way later than it should but this may be down to controller lag, but eventually it did just about a wheel in LFS would have done.
3. flatspotting the tyres:
I wonder, how deep a flatspot is... let's be ambitious and assume 2mm (this is waaay too much in my opinon but anyway). Now imagine your tyre bouncing over a 2mm dip in the road... that's what it should feel like through the wheel... TBH it feels like its a few cm deep. Way too harsh IMO. If you look at what real racing drivers say, they actually say its because of the vibrations and blur that they cannot drive a flatpotted car. (BTW this blur would be neat to simulate along with dirty visor and mirrors)
4. shaking the wheel violently on the straight:
The wheel became lighter with every swing.
5. going over curbs and bumps:
This is about the only thing that feels right, albiet no better than LFS.
Maybe someone else should repeat these? I dunno, maybe it is just my controller lag which is severe tbh (id say .1-.2s).
I think we should have only one nK Pro thread, we have now 3 of them (this, one in the off topic and one in the general racing (huh?) discussion).
ps. And ajp71, that Green Hell screenshot is just a render. AFAIK it's part of the GT 70' mod which have been under developement for 1-2 years or something. And the mod looks pretty dead now.
it's was about tires comparison basically..so, i dont think it's the same thread as the others...now, people always go off topic, what ya can do about it ?
tires and ffb go together. i like the feeling of going from grip to no grip a bit quicker than in lfs and the way grip returns quicker. but i dunno about the feel of the car overall being realistic.
um ? no ... have you ever tried the f1600 on the skidpad ? try to creat oversteer ... you can hold that thing at full 90° with full throttle easily ... and it gets worse ... if you countersteer too much the car will suddenly snap back form a full 90 ... theres just no way any car would ever react like the nk cars in a slide
Why do so many people perpetually insist this behavior is impossible? If you have more rear grip than the front this is indeed what will happen provided you don't yaw the car so quickly it doesn't get a chance to straighten back up.
NkPro is using real tire data from Avon, which is pretty tough to beat. (That data is available publically at their web site, by the way, so anybody can use it). Seems to me Stefano got the combined lat/long force stuff down just right. Feels very good to me indeed