Hi all! I wanted to ask if you could help me with something. As an amateur graphics designer, it was simply only a matter of time before I'd be interested in getting involved in web design as they seem quite connected
. So, I decided to have a look at acquiring Flash from Adobe but the price really, really, REALLY scared me off. I know that Flash is the daddy for web designing and perhaps, I don't necessarily need to ignore it entirely which is why I'm posting this message. I'm aware that the basic way and cost effective way is just to go with standard HTML code but to be honest, it won't do as I'd like to design a site for certain, attractive purposes.
So, basically, what I'm asking is this, is it possible to build Flash websites through a more affordable way and if not, is there a Flash alternative that I perhaps could get into, again, also more affordable or preferably, completely free.
Kind Regards,

So, basically, what I'm asking is this, is it possible to build Flash websites through a more affordable way and if not, is there a Flash alternative that I perhaps could get into, again, also more affordable or preferably, completely free.
Kind Regards,