its a shame i only found out about this thread yesterday.
i skimmed across the first 7 pages and will try and read the rest when i have time.
one thing that stood out to me is, how our so vocal Tristancliffe, after
making his opinions public, was suddenly not so vocal when he didn't see much support. he only surfaced again when andybarsblde(who can be excused 'cos he reads the daily mail and lives in derbyshire) posted his thoughts on here.
brilliant words becky rose.
i can tell you the crime rate is higher with asylum seekers and some types of immigrants, but this is due to the fact that they enter the country through illegal channels and are therefore already in a system outside the law.
also the lower down the social ladder you happen to be the more likely you are to commit a crime.
its a social economic fact.
look at "white" council estates for example, asylum seekers and some other types of immigrants(there are many different kinds, legal or not)
just happen to be on the lower runs of the ladder for obvious reasons.
my wife works with Young Black Ethnic Minorities and asylum seekers and tells me about some of the horrific cases she has to deal with.
about 16 yr old girls dumped at a roadside, not even knowing what country of origin the came from, raped by solders, parents dead, pregnant and ill.
she has to find accommodation for them, get them to doctors, liaise with immigration and get them into some form of education until their case is heared. I'm not stating the odd isolated case here.
andy, tom and tristan, whats your take (or the bnp's) on those cases?
and as regards to economical immigrants; they are the ones to thank for that your veg and manual labour is cheap and still affordable.
you don't see many unemployed of "the great british white underclass"
looking for jobs picking your strawberries and carrots.
most of the immigrant labourers and trades are far better trained and hard working than the british. trust me on that, i work with them at times, and
many employers would rather employ a "foreigner" for those exact reasons.
there are no apprentice ships anymore, its hopeless finding young british people with any skill whatsoever.
immigration is a fact of today, always was, always will be.
and anyway, whats so great about great britain?
the greatness went along with the empire, now you reap the harvests for your imperialism.
The british industry is a service industry now, or even worse; servicing the service industry.
a bit like fluffing a fluffer.