Would be nice to see a few people show up tomorrow (Sat) at 4PM GMT for the TBO race at AS3. FXO has 3% intake restriction. No registration, just show up and drive! Looking for a small but decent crowd so we can have an interesting live stream and commentary which will be broadcasted to the public.
hehe.. nobody posted but we did end up having a good crowd watch the event on several streams. We will do our next event live and I will announce it ahead of time unlike this post.
Dark Side Racing is back in action! We are starting a casual race event every other Saturday at 4PM GMT on the DSR UK server. It is a way for us to gauge interest and feasibility for a large-scale organized event this fall. As the races proceed, we may test custom layouts and/or spec setups to give the racers an interesting and unique experience. There is no registration required, but an optional sign-up to a mailing list exists. Just show up and race, it's that simple!
Date: Saturday March 6th, 2010
Time: 4PM GMT
Location: DSR UK race server
Car: XFG + XRG
Track: South City Town
Laps: 24
Pit requirements: MANDATORY
Estimated race duration: 45 mins
Custom layout: No
Custom (spec) set: No
Yesterday [DSR] added a new and talented driver into their team. [DSR] Maber (S2: tmehlinger) was highly competitive during the "Road to Formula 1 Series" and displayed a professional attitude at all times. He raced in 9 out of 10 events and finished 5th overall making him the fastest non-DSR in the entire series, just above [SR] Storm_Cloud. He applied to [DSR] about a month ago and after further assessment, was unanimously voted in.
During his "inititation ceremony" he had to prove himself worthy by beating DSR's in a UF1 (while DSR's drove the XRT and were allowed to crash.. hehe). That was one tough UF1 to knock off the map! During the day, he is a full time Linux/Unix administrator. He will also be involved in developing scripts to streamline and enhance DSR's future events.
What's up! I used to skateboard back in the day. Skated with Chris Haslem when he was in Singapore, 1997. Met Bob Burnquist and some others at a demo. Oh yeah.. about series n stuff. If you like open wheel, check out our "Road to Formula 1" series at www.DarkSideRacing.net. There's a waiting list but still a good chance you could end up racing.
I have to kindly disagree with a "not a reason to lash out" part. If this guy was professional, he would understand that we're trying to promote an event and send me a PM expressing his thoughts. Heck I already know the video could be MUCH better but you work with what you have. I'll make a better one down the road.
Oh, and Bigtime, you need to fire this squid guy and take his job.
Hey I see what you're trying to say and completely respect your opinion. I know the event might get affected, but the issue is about a bigger purpose. Do you see how the situation is unbalanced? People who post a video get crap by some idiot but if they try to go with a rebuttal it affects their event. I don't know, am I crazy lol!!??
lol! Looks like that ape went nuts. I think I'll refrain from writing a page pointing out all the bs from your post. Nah squidcock, I dont hate you. Just feel really sorry for you. The fact that you're trying to make up for your lack of achievement in life by coming in here and acting all tough, you mummy's boy. Chill out and go cuddle with your boyfriend.
lol.. who the **** is this neanderthal squid-whatever acting like he owns this forum? Hey squidcock, I don't give a ***** about what you think. It wasn't made for posers like you with your ricer videos. My emphasis lies on a platform which you fail to even come close to comprehend. If I wanted to make a fancy video, that's what it would have been (and I will when I feel like it). My post clearly states it's raw battle footage. That's what raw footage looks like.
Learn how to criticize, be constructive, independent, objective and keep your estrogen-driven thoughts separate. You and your "0 pole positions" yet "102 drag wins" on LFSworld. What you need is a game called "Live for Ricers" because the last time I checked, "Live for Speed" was primarily geared for track racing simulation.