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S2 licensed
What do you call a welshman with more than 5 sheep?

A pimp!
S2 licensed
Age : 27
Height : 179-181cm
Weight : 19-24 st

Still riding BMX's though!

Had a guy walk up to me on a dare and pretend to take me off the bike, decked him without moving my arse off the saddle!
S2 licensed
Bloody hell!!! How are ya mate? Long time no crash into each other!
S2 licensed
Congratulations mate! Little tip for you, don't put your kid into one of those swings that you stick in a door way and twist it the rope is a large knot. When I let go my daughter was screaming with laughter at first, then proceeded to do a catherine wheel impersonation...:vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit:
S2 licensed
My solution would be smash his head through a monitor (preferably a CRT), boot him in the bollocks from behind and then grab his legs and spin him as fast as possible before launching him through a fire door! I used to love I.T. lessons...
S2 licensed
Yeah, LFS is boring for me too! And as I use the family pc to play it, I can't have my DFP setup all the time, so I have to lug it downstairs and set it all up, which further discourages me from playing LFS! That and I'm now tuning cars for Forza 2 (Fastest 4WD on Tsukuba A class, Scooby 22b called the "Bamboo Rocket"), so I've still got my Sim(ish) fix to keep me going. Maybe I'll return 1 day and start trying to tune on here now, who nows?

I'm still telling people about lfs on XBL too, so I'm sorry if you have a sudden deluge of American 14 yr olds calling you douche bags when they smash you off the track...:chair:

Crap! My last race was 3rd January '08!
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :

Sure is Casse! The irony in some posts never fails to amuse me. It's almost sig worthy material.

I thought the Forza 2 forums were in bad shape! I got modded there for typing "Man muck", but at least there's nobody there saying "Can you give me cash for free". Get a job, volunteer yourself for a lobotomy, that'll probably double the op's intelligence!
S2 licensed
Nice rolling burnout mate, just watch out for teh Fuzz
S2 licensed
Simple reply really. OW!
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Sorry to hear it Jordan.
Second of all, I agree with P5YcHoM4N in general - no need to tell people on a forum about the death of a pet or a grandparent. Unless we are your only friends. I don't start a new thread every time I'm hungry, or if I kill a spider. I just think it's pathetic really. Mourn all you like, just don't milk that emotion by broadcasting on a forum full of people that, basically, don't really give a shit about you.

Tristan, you really are a [removed. not okay] aren't you? Maybe this guy finds it hard to express his emotions to his rl friends, so he wanted to get it off his chest by posting on this forum and hearing other people's idea's of how to get through this grief.[removed. not okay].
S2 licensed
JAM'ez!!! You are alive! How ya doing mate? I was once in MG as well. It seems so long ago now...
S2 licensed
Probably the best LFS movie I've EVER seen! 1298475922947/10
S2 licensed
Happy Birthday to you,
I'll make a cake out of spew,
Cover it with maggots,
And chuck it at you!

Time to go and "rent" a girlfriend for a few hours...:drunk::nut::huepfenic
S2 licensed
think Danowat has caught the Xbox bug...(like me)

Good luck in the new teams AR's
S2 licensed
Ebay is the way, young Jackie-boy...
S2 licensed
As in the sounds, or IRL? Please make yourself clear. (I was told off for this few days ago)
S2 licensed
Crap! To thimk I actually went looking for patch Y20 as well...:dopey:
S2 licensed
Quote from pb32000 :Idiot... OR guy who won't get his bike stolen by that theiving little pikey again.

Your sig makes sense to me now... He wasn't a pikey though, he was on heroin and DESPERATE for his next hit, so I gave it to him, about 40-50 times...
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :And you are proud of that?

Idiot! :thumbsdow

Yes, I am very proud of that! He, sorry it was a lowlife piece of shite that ruined a old lady's final years by bag snatching her and assaulting her. See why I'm proud Zeugnimod?:talktohan
S2 licensed
I know how you feel. Bought a BMX few years ago for £900 and it got stolen few days later BEFORE I had a chance to get it insured. Luckily, I saw the dirty little smackhead a few days later trying to sell it to a BMXer at my local skatepark. Damn, he was a serious mess when I finished. I even hurt my knuckles on my right hand and considering I have no nerve endings in my right hand, wee-ll, he's now cabbaged I'm told and goes into town with a helper.

If you find him mate, ram you thumb into his eyesocket and then skull**** the ****.
S2 licensed
Fixed Forza 2 now, so I'm happy again.

Whoever the actual main man in charge of Xbox360 developement is, he needs a bitch slap.
S2 licensed
Well, after pissing around last night sticking toothpaste on Forza 2 and polishing, buffing and generally making it shiny, it works! Used to stop after the first 3 loading screens, now actually gets ingame! Tried to do a race on road atlanta and it crashed, but I'm going to take it to Gamestation today and get it skimmed. But if that doesn't work, it's Blockbuster time!
S2 licensed
I'd love to grab $Bill Gates by his scrawny neck and slam into a huge pile of broken bottles for the distress he's caused people by not putting 2 little blocks of foam in the correct place.
S2 licensed
I know, but I'd rather rip off Blockbuster for £3.95 than spend £12 on another copy of Forza 2 for Xbox360 While I'm at it I may as well skank a copy of GTA4 as well.
S2 licensed
Forza 2 for a fiver! Are you sure? I was going to do the Blockbuster method (rent forza, go home, next day take dead copy back and "You bunch of cocksmokers, don't you check the games that you lend to people!!!) Thanks everybody for your ideas, I might try Gamestation actually, seeing as I used to work there in 05, might get a freebie off the manager! (No, not THAT type of freebie)