well no i mean every fictional track that i saw there yes maybe it had some problem and wasnt very well desinged but who cares? if they are fun to drive nothing else matters
well i tried yesterday to run lfs in a stereoscopic monitor(true 3d without glasses and hippy thingies)
(its a planar monitor that uses 2 lcd's one above you and one in front of you)
while at first its going nicely and the motion of fluid like you expect (all of that in a cruise server) when you start to floor it down the background of the track goes into some sort of "Bloom" effect (i dont even know how should i even describe it..)its like the car is going into a stargate and reaching light speed sort of thing
i dont know if it is incopartibility/drivers/not properly configured (which probably is but im not willing to spend so much time to try and find what is going on)
yeah for some reason ccc couldnt force anything else beyond the AA so i maxed out everything in game it got better BUT that i wish that sunset would have been a bit more darker
z buffer came back(after i reinstalled and patched it again ) on but the graphics remains the same http://i.imgur.com/a5p5GWu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZWJNMb9.jpg
its way to pixelated from what it was and im playing with forced aa af from the amd cc panel (dont know if that has anything to do with it)
Last edited by Scawen, .
Reason : removed IMG tags on the large images
z buffer option has completly gone (16 and 24 are disabled) and the result is textures are a bit "funny"
lfs havent crash i have the latest directx everything is up to date
tried to force lfs from profiling it in amd cc nothing
reinstall it without the update everything is going nice so far trying to find the source of the problem
well its funny how i have 40+fps comparing to dx8 now
i notice some strange things (maybe its not my side but..)
when i jumped from aston to blackwood the sky was black for 10-20 secs then it reset its self
again in blackwood i found a hole in the tarmac while i was driving jumped in and then the texure came back up
edit:nevermind i forgot that i had boinc running on the background..
im just wondering here
ok i guess the whole update our workstation will be very risky and time consuming from xp to 7
but if you had the choice right now right here to port the whole damn thing from dx9 to dx10 or something else compartible and accesible from both platforms would you do it?
yeah i saw it again that you need a checked version of windows 7 to use the debug option(im suprised that no one in msdn has found a way around it or microsoft is going all over hitler on their asses..)which means no option left
yes i know but most of the people cant understand that you guys dont actually work on crytek 3 and yet lfs has graphics of 1900 b.c (dont get me wrong one of the main reasons i love lfs is because of that ive tried every other sim other there with 20-30 cars and the lag was strong on them..)
there isnt a problem
who the hell cares where they are developing lfs? will it matter if it was in a xp or in 7 8 or freaking windows 100.000.000?
no NO no one cares where they are doing they work no one will say "oh he has an amd 631 thats bad developer i wont buy lfs"
when the time comes and he will be able to pass on newer (or whatever else) api then he will update according to his needs
i think i heard that ms "reinstall" some sort of "old panel" for debug in dx 9.0 and back into windows 7 some months ago if my memory is correct
(and just because we are in 2014 doesnt mean lfs needs to have top notch graphics..i would love some slight update just enough but not to make graphics card to struggle to render 30+ cars..)
you use your ass to navigate? you know that this is a massive lie eh? the whole point of humans having ears is to be able to sense and counteract the forces if your ass was suppose to do that job i cant imagine what pornstars must feel after sex..
well i use to create maps for css and ut in ue let me say that the most "irritating " part of a map/track is the fine tuning of the textures and having already specific high res pictures of the texture you wanna use makes your life x100 better..
today you can map a track even with sound waves..some people even use small drones to scan a specific area(which btw can be autopiloted)
so you see nowdays there isnt "lots of work" when a team knows what the hell they are doing when i see videos like that (and believe me there are tons of those for every god damn game) that want to justify their hard work with some funky machines and some good shot angles it just makes me wanna die
problem is that you pay a montly fee AND you need to pay extra to play whatever league you want(if you want in the first place..) its like valve makes half life 3 and charge you every level you pass i mean its stupid but there are people that gonna pay..(like those idiots in mechwarrior that payed 500+bucks to get a gold skin..)
(and you cant get a return because pixels doesnt really compensate actually you loose from electric bill +net bill+iracing bla bla bla unless you mine coins in the same time )
so iracing doesnt force you? they do giveaway freely tracks and cars?
and so if iracing doesnt force you to buy overpriced piece of s^$^%$% who does? your self? what twisted logic is that?
im not i know that porting is always tricky i mean i had problems couple of years ago when i wanted to port maps from an old UE engine to a new one..i cant imagine how it is to "update" from an old api to a new one..
but as far as we know lfs is still in development right? (yeah its 7 months old news but still IS NEWS) and ok as much as i wanted to see some screenshots of those tracks just to make a hype i respect their decision not to
i mean if they are taking so long i think that its not only the desing but i think we will see some updated graphics as well(i hope not too much since lfs is still popular because of the simple graphics as well) and i hope some day/night system (this is like that i personally want the most because its like racing on the moon all the time sun and sun and sun and sun :razz
new theory update 1
rumor have it the update was ready and because with it lfs would dominate the world they ship it with malaysian airlines
usa found out and send a f22 to shot it down
(how im going with this?)