Here is my list (random order)

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Diablo II
Return To Caslte Wolfenstein
GTA: Vice City
GTA: San Andreas
Max Payne (first one)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of The Earth
Serious Sam First & Second Encounter
Call of Juarez and CoJ: Bound in Blood
Half Life series
Witcher series
Red Faction (first one)
The Elder Scroll series
NFS: Porsche
Fallout 3 (i've been always watching my brother playing Fallout I and II as i was kid and i loved it but i couldn't force myself to play it cause i didn't like gameplay solutions :facepalm

Operation Flashpoint (first one)
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
Cultures 2
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Aliens vs Predator 2
Deus Ex (first one)
Hidden&Dangerous 2
The I of The Dragon
Unreal Tournament and UT2003/2004
Quake III Arena
Something older:

Great Gianna Sisters for C64
Fist 2 For C64
The Last Ninja for C64
Thats from the top of my head - there are few games titles i can't remind myself right now but i remember i really liked to play them