It's been a couple busy days so I haven't really had time to try this stuff out
Here I am ready to head on and give it a shot. Too bad I hyper-extended (or whatever the term is) my right ankle yesterday landing my bike wrong, so now lifting my right foot is a major PITA.
Now that would be sweet . I have no life so I'm pretty much open any time between 3:15pm and 5:30pm and 7-9:30, eastern time. Dunno how that works out with your timezone over there
I had gotten sick of the guy behind me hitting me at every corner only to go wide so I could pass again. Rinse/repeat. Well he's bearing down on me for the finish line and win so I figure I'll get a bit of revenge. I slam on the brakes only to find out he's pulled beside me :banghead:
When racing online I pretty much only use the XFG, I just can't drive the XRT any way but sideways so I only use it for RallyX and Dorifto. Being a demo noob, I'm obviously at BL1. I'm constantly seeing people run in the 1:34 range and can't for the life of me figure out how. The best I do is high 1:37's but it's usually in the 1:39 range.
Today I ran five laps for you to see, can you help me figure out where those 3-4 seconds are hiding? Any obvious consistant problems with my lines?
What RPM should I be shifting at? I usually go when the shift light tells me to. Where should I launch? I can't seem to find that either, I either spin the hell out of 1st gear or bog down. (Yes in the vid I did launch in reverse.. that doesn't usually happen).
It worked perfectly fine this afternoon, but I seem to have dropped it on the floor or hit it the wrong way since then.
I bring up the list of games. It takes the better part of forever but I hang on. Find my server of choice and head in, ready for some action. Again, it takes forever. Get in there and boom I'm looking at the server options screen again. Only difference is the words in the top left of my screen "Lost connection to host". After a few attempts I leave it alone and come back to it to no avail.
Also found out the other day that the parents are gonna drive it in the winter, but I'm getting more and more sure it'll be mine when I get my license.
Because I don't have anywhere near nine grand. It's a $500 car, it ain't perfect. Plus, let's see you drive a Mustang in winter here. Insurance is going to rape me enough with a base model sedan, just what I need is a sports car. I can't afford to feed a Mustang, or buy parts for one. $90 will make this car roadworthy, and this is (almost) exactly the car I want.