Regarding this subject, Its so sad to see people praising the developers....or bashing on the ones that complain......( and sad aint really the word i would use, perhaps something worst...)
Gain some prespective on the matter, and think!! What, in reallity, people are ranting about is FALSE EXPECTATIONS.
If scawen didnt said anything about S3, and state something like "ok guys, we finished S2, enjoy!!", or even something like " there will be no more content updates, only regular bug/small improvements updates from now on" , we , as costumers, would be ok with that. We payed for S2, and we got S2. No more, no less.
But the minute the devs annouce the scirocco and rockingham, and show us pictures of the content ALREADY CREATED, and say what they did say ( that they would only need to develop the tyres and release it ), we (again), as costumers, are left with this incredible news and expectations!!
Even if it takes one year, we get it, tyres and rubber are a tricky thing to understand, not at all linear! But then another year goes by, and another, and another, and so on.....Meanwhile, we have 0 feedback. Thats right, ZERO. I dont consider "we are still working on it", every once a year, feedback.....
The lack of news, and the ridiculous time that has passed makes us in every right to say whatever the hell we want! And how dare you to insult us!!!
If you lived on the streets, and i told you " Dude! i've built a home for you, its right there!! Just wait till i finish the wooden floors and you can move in any time soon!! and then you are left on the streets for 5 years more, wouldnt that piss you a little?? Especialy if the floors arnt even that important, it would be more important to have a roof over your head, and keep dry and warm through the winter.....or am i wrong??
So please, for the love of god, just try to understand the situation and stop droping the bombs on us. The devs not only disrespect us as clients, as they also inforced silence into the forum, closing threads that where not "positive", just like opression days of history.....
And even after 5 years of waiting , the devs think its more important to adapt the game to 3D gogles, then to release new content....its like they are just screwing with us and having a big laugh.....
I will not buy S3, on principle, because i have no respect for people like this....
And just a quick though, this one specialy directed to scawen : Who the hell cares if you are healthier now because you ride a bike or run or stoped smoking?? Would my design clients be happy if i told them " oh sir, im sorry i dont have your work ready, but i lost 5 pounds and i feel so much better now!!" . Have some respect.