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S3 licensed
I wanna see someone who's gonna make TDi setup to turbo petrol car...
S3 licensed
Oh come on people, why do almost everyone here buy complete pre-built computers ? If you just buy separately vga, cpu, mobo and everything it would be cheaper...
Last edited by NiTRo_SvK, .
S3 licensed
Well yeah, I couldnt remember, so SHIFT F4...
S3 licensed
On my old comp (Athlon XP 1900+, ATI R9550, 512MB DDR) I had like 40-50FPS alone, but when I switched to windowed mode, my fps dropped to 1-2FPS, so maybe that's doing to you too. Launch LFS, press SHIFT F9, and it would maximize to whole screen, maybe it'll solve your problem...
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Fantastic desktop mate!

Yeah, I know.

Quote from Mp3 Astra :Oooo what's that bar at the top of the screen?

Stardock Objectdock Plus v1.90.535u, it needed a bit of tweaking / tuning, you can have more docks (for example on top, left, right & bottom at the same time), it has tabs and... well, try it.

PM me if you want, it's just shareware so...
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Sorry, no recruiting atm...
S3 licensed
Well I wanted to look through right door window and I was trying to press buttons on my wheel, well there wasn't any, except horn... (in real car ofcourse)
S3 licensed
Goddamn, I wanted to use exactly the same part of that song in one of my videos...

Anyway, very nice video
S3 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :Not for a full AI gtr grid, though. This is why I'm not buying in to this whole dual-tri-quad core fad. I'm stickin with mah trusty single-core! ^-^

Well, the fact that LFS doesn't "support" multi-cores doesn't mean that it's not better. For example, every C2D is better than P4 but not because of 2 cores, but because every one core in modern CPUs is better than whole P4.

So You're still getting better FPS with more cores than with one.
S3 licensed
I prefer these...

No seriously, I can't decide which I like better of those you wrote, every group has something interesting...

But if I have to choose, I think it'll be the same as Riders Motion posted...
S3 licensed
Quote from Austin31287 :nice 1 again could i ask wht the song was i cant remeber who it is by

Rob Zombie - Dragula (Hot Rod Herman Remix) ... matrix ost
S3 licensed
HOLY ... something...

This is one of the best lfs vids I have EVER seen so far, pure awesomeness... even the credits part is amazing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Stang70Fastback :Yea but, to my knowledge, that doesn't really affect gaming performance that much. Lots of pieces of files all over the place DO hugely affect boot times and loading times for games/programs, but they shouldn't have any affect on the ability of the CPU/GPU to render a game.

Yeah, that's true.

Quote from Stang70Fastback :UNLESS all those programs you've installed/uninstalled have left all kinds of processes running that still start when you boot and are eating away at your CPU and RAM. How many processes are running when you do Ctrl+Alt+Del and bring up the task manager?

And this is how I meant it.
S3 licensed
Agree with Mysho, and as time goes by, and your last windows installation is getting older, you're installing a lot new things (browser updates, new photoshop for example or anything else), your OS is getting slower and slower, I think this can affect it.
S3 licensed
It doesn't anyhow roughly, some people know that I play it, many of them think that LFS is crappy game with crappy graphics and play NFS, GRID and so called ergh, games.

But people like my father, uncle... they know what is LFS about and how realistic it is...
S3 licensed
My actual one:

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1900+ (Palomino, 1600MHz)
RAM: 2x256MB DDR1
HDD: Maxxtor 40GB + Seagate 160GB
GPU: MSI Radeon RX9550 128MB ([email protected])
PSU: some unknown 350W
17" CRT Hansol 730ED

On it's way, finally

MB: Gigabyte EP45 DS3R
CPU: Intel E5200 (with AC Freezer 7 PRO, waiting for OC )
RAM: A-Data Vitesta 2x2GB DDR2 800 Extreme Edition
HDD: WD 320GB (but I think it won't take that long, till I buy another harddrive)
GPU: Gigabyte HD4850 512 (Zalman cooler)
PSU: Corsair VX450W
22" Samsung 2233BW

Well, I know it's not any 1337, but I have only cca 840€ However, I'm sure it will be much different than now.
S3 licensed
It's FO8, not F08.

But very nice, carry on.
S3 licensed
Quote from ArOuTiN :haha nice pics KRISTIAN_SK

Yeah, many kokots (Aro knows what i mean) there.

I'm there too, 7th pic, 2nd car...
S3 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :maybe he has not got photoshop, so i did the job for him

Yeah, really hard work, are you paid for that ?
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :The first one is very artistic

Do you have it in 1440*900 too? Pretty please..

1680*1050 (as that first screen is) is the same aspect ratio as 1440*990, just resize that pic in irfanview, photoshop, acdsee or something like that...
S3 licensed
Not bad, really...

But it doesn't matter if the XRR has 540° or 720°, but the lower wheel lock (18° I think...) makes sense, and slicks too... XRR is not made to drift...
S3 licensed
Yeah, really nice, it has the atmosphere. I was sceptic when I read title "Can't hide from the police", but now I know I was wrong, really nice.
S3 licensed
Simulators are not for kids... even if the GT4 isn't.