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Quote from BenjiMC :garry's mod or audiosurf? ye tight budget

gmod audiosurf is terrible
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these daily sales are amazing value
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pretty much most of these
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im not really a fan of this if i wanted a powerful bmw id buy a m3. if i wanted a small powerful car either a r32 or ausi rs3
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mine was fine did it as soon as deals changed boufht myself burnout then a friend bam! in and out
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new deals burnout paradise £3.75!!!
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i was tempted by rockstar pack and the square enix pack. but i have gta IV already and manhunt. and already have just cause in the eidos pack
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Quote from Migz :I don't get the above :/

me either =[
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Hmmmm beer
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- passed all my gcse's
-got a girlfriend
-split up with my girlfriend
-epic leavers prom
-epic summer
-got a kart
-met jordan2007
-got snow in wigan
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just checked my time table. i have no exams the week before or week after and my dad is at work so i wont be on my kart so yeah im free
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i may be interested i shouldnt be doing anything
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Quote from flymike91 :that didnt really work the photos are way too dark. How can you play the game without seeing the screen? :spyoda:

i sort of can its just full of green lines that flicker. im trying to get hold of a starndard video cable but all my friends are using theres
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sorry for these dull pictures i cant really see my screen so i couldnt change camera settings.
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dlc is pretty sweet. 190e evo2 is luscious. ill upload pics when my forza wants to load damn slow site
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sweet my local track. i live about 5 minutes away from it drove a pro kart and a ferrari around it.
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Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Don't suppose someone could tell me what's on that link, my stupid windows live id thing is being a bitch again and not letting me see the page.

it was a thread about the dlc being late. but doesn't matter dlc is out and dl'ing as i type this
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that actually looks decent imo
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wish the dlc would hurry up im dying for that rs500
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damn my stupid tv saying mode is not supported when i turn my xbox on.
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Quote from aroX123 :Just a warning for you guys, make sure you dont have cheatengine running while playing iracing. I dont know why it was on but it was. I raced at Daytona with the Trucks and I won the race and then today i got an email saying that my account has been suspended for 60-90 days.

The game problably thought i was using cheatengine to cheat in iracing.
So make sure you dont run cheatengine while doing iracing, just having the name "Cheat engine.exe" in the prosses list makes you suspended.

I emailed then and they said 60-90 days. Gutted.

PAHAHAHAHAHAH. i lol'd... i mean erm yeah sad to hear
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Quote from aroX123 :Just a warning for you guys, make sure you dont have cheatengine running while playing iracing. I dont know why it was on but it was. I raced at Daytona with the Trucks and I won the race and then today i got an email saying that my account has been suspended for 60-90 days.

The game problably thought i was using cheatengine to cheat in iracing.
So make sure you dont run cheatengine while doing iracing, just having the name "Cheat engine.exe" in the prosses list makes you suspended.

I emailed then and they said 60-90 days. Gutted.

PAHAHAHAHAHAH. i lol'd... i mean erm yeah sad to hear