Version 1.0 finished
v.1.0 (Official version 1)
-Contrast reduction
-Shader optimalization
-In Menu BLOOM Correction
-HDR final stabilise
-More color noise
-More Sun Coloring
-More realistic shadows
-More B.A.O.C
Look on top comment for Videos, new Screens, and DOWNLOAD!
Final 1.0 version is finished!
I've listened most of your advises and wishes, so we have pretty realistic graphics (without Fern Bay- read on site).
I am making last d3d9.dll optimalizations, and it will be available to download really soon (tommorow?)
Some screens here: ... amp;type=3&permPage=1
In version 1.0we have:
-DirectX8 to DirectX9 conversion with Shader support 3.0
-Color correction, raised saturation, color gradiation
-HDR, Bloom, Blinding Efect (desaturation+ brightening)
-BAOC (Bloom Ambient Occlusion Color- my,,technology")- Fake Ambient Occlusion
-Shader implementation
-Added Shader- PostEffect Color depth controler, looks like SSAO on edges
-Added 2nd PostEffect- Picture softening, color noise
-More sunlight coloring
-Darkness Corection
-Cars are more reactional for shadows
++++++FPS Fall 0,5-3% (20 cars on screen)++++++