I think you're right Tweaker.If I remember correctly, when I was part of the editor team there were 3 chief editors (who were in charge of the general lfs-news).If 2 of them at least are busy with RL stuff it's going to have an effect on updates of course.
The race reports themselves are not interesting or relevant enough for the broad majority I think, so what you need is a steady stream of news on top of the race reports, league news, people joining teams and such.It worked quite well in the past, and I'm sure it could again.And I can't imagine it would be very hard finding additional people that would like to help out if Veccie and Vykos can't find the time for it atm
If anything, Lance's doped up domination made the race more boring that it ought to have been.And with the recent scandal in mind, it's becoming very hard to take the sport seriously - the lies and the deception saturate everything.Still, I had hoped the only danish rider might do well, but the rabobank manager had other plans unfortunately.
Not enough goals, boring matches, too many southern european two-faced drama queens.Bad decisions from ref's affecting the outcome of matches (as usual) - they do have a tough job though, when players start attending diving school at very early ages.
I guess the people who are to blame for the honourless approach to soccer, are the coaches that teach young players that it's ok to cheat to win.And if FIFA wasn't run by a bunch of corrupt old men mainly concerned with filling their pockets with cash, they might see it as their job to do something serious about fair-play.
Hm, yea trailer doesn't look that great tbh.Colin Farrell is too much of a pretty boy to play a hardboiled undercover cop, and Jamie foxx..I don't know.And Linkin Park..nonono.
I also like Michael Mann's style alot, but I wonder if he can pull it off this time.In Heat he had some actors of a totally different caliber imo, and together with a good (albeit somewhat used plot perhaps) made that movie a small masterpiece.Tom Cruise was surprisingly good in Collateral, liked that one alot as well.Here's hoping he can do it again...but ditch that nasty linkin park song
Hm, ok.I don't claim to [edit:I'll rephrase that] know exactly who saw what, as some others here. But my view is that the ref saw nothing.The linesman saw nothing.The linesman came under heavy pressure from the italian players, because they knew the ref hadn't seen a thing as he was watching the play in the other end of the pitch when it happened.He might even have seen the incident on the stadium big-screen after the play stopped.
But neither him or the ref are allowed to make a decision based on either of those factors if none of them witnessed the incident as it unfolded.
Totally braindead action by Zidane of course, but the ref shouldnt change his decision based on what Buffon tells the linesman, or what some reserve ref has seen on a monitor.
Good 1st half by the Italians, but France deserves credit for their play in the rest of the match.
All in all a disappointing WC, good up until the 1/8-finals, but then it sort of died because of defensively minded coaches.
Have to say I got really pissed off watching the portugese actors, diving again and again.They're far worse than the italians, and apparently have no respect for the sport they are participating in.Thank god that the ref didn't fall for it, although he should at least have given Ronaldo a booking for his hollywood performance.
Was impressed to hear that Lehmann's goalkeeping coach had made a list for him with the argentinian players, and what side they usually place the ball when they take penalties.Was some footage of him looking at it, and then putting it down his sock again hehe.And I guess it worked, he dived to the right side every time.Germans do their homework!
I think the Argentinian coach made a big tactical error in trying to play very defensively after the goal.On top of that using his substitutions to strengthen the defense, hoping they could hold out until the end, and thus leaving great attacking players like Saviola, Messi and Pablo Aimar stuck on the bench for the rest of the game.
Not sure if Germany deserved the win, but it certainly was a good example of why you should never just settle for 1-0 (especially against Germany).Bad bad decision by Argentinian coach.
I agree it was not a good display by the audience, and the ref was just a bit pro-german in his judgements.But gratz anyway
Strictly speaking, he is making death threats - and even though he is probably just a fracked up teenager, that is not alright.I'm surprised he hasn't been banned for that, or at least recieved a warning.
Very nicely put simon.I never moved beyond the beginner stage I think, but I think you're right on the money.I played for about 9 months while attending 'højskole' ( dont know the english word, sorry), I distinctly remember the satisfaction it was to learn the more difficult chords and being able to play them without error ( barré chords was nasty as I remember, and before that the very first difficult chord we learned, the G chord I think, which indeed felt quite impossible and unnatural at the time).
Unfortunately our teacher was so proud of us that she forced us to perform for the rest of the students (about 80 people I guess), and that was also an unnatural experience.Thankfully it was not embarrasing at all, and to this day my toes don't curl up when I think about it.
Perhaps because they feel he did what he did on purpose to gain an unfair advantage.You could call it cheating or a display of bad sportsmanship, either way, most of us don't agree with such behaviour, and I would guess people are happy about because they feel they got what he deserved.
Spot on.It's actually possible for some people to cast aside pre-concieved notions and make a decisions for themselves based on the present facts.Broadly accusing people of Schumi hatred or not understanding what went on during the incident is no less insulting than calling people Schumi fanbois imo.
Yep, I also think this has gone on far enough.Considering that a certain persona is so hellbent on 'winning' the debate, that he will distort the facts to support his argumentation, and furthermore seems impossible to wear down with logic and reasoning..well, then you know you're up against a mighty warrior indeed.
Col & Becky realized that, and I think, made a wise decision in deciding to withdraw.
Before a new warrior enters the scene and we start all over, I think some mod should just put a lock on it.Let it die, proper.
Judging by the race as a whole and his racing mentality, I'd have to say he was probably more concerned about losing a place (or losing as little time as possible), than showing the appropiate caution when re-joining.Maybe he just didn't notice olddog was approaching, or maybe he hoped he could reenter the track in time to prevent a pass, no one knows but him I suppose - but either way, he is quite clearly the one at fault imo.
He could have let olddog pass and pulled another outbraking genious on him in T1, not much difference, except we wouldn't be having this discussion
Problem solved.It would appear that enabling cool'n' quiet in BIOS was the cause, something I would have never thought of had I not disabled it for other reasons.Disabled now, finnmotion working again