I suppose it can be offensive, but I don't really hold that kind of view. Surely anything can be offensive if you're sensitive enough. I prefer people who don't need to shove their opinions on people to get their moral superiority.
What's offensive is entirely subjective to each individual - for example, you might object to being called Scottish stereotypes being used around you, whereas I'm perfectly fine with laughing at being called a whisky-drinking, haggis-chasing, deep-fried Mars bar muncher. Oh, and don't forget we all wear kilts.
If you don't enjoy it, don't watch it, and leave those that do, to do so in peace.
So what you've implied here is that, unless someone agrees with your opinion they are not a normal human? For someone banging on about political correctness and equality and all that pish, don't you see how you're being a huge hypocrite by suggesting that I, and anybody else that disagrees with your opinion, is abnormal?
I find this offensive and I suggest you retract your statement before I report you to the Internet police for hurting my feelings.
Speak for yourself - literally nobody I've spoken about it with has known that "slope" was a racist term, and nobody realised that it could have had any connotation towards the Asian chap on the bridge, because, hmm I don't know, the bridge was sloping?