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S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Really?, I mean REALLY?, elite country?.

I'd swap with you

I second this :-)
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Just gone for the codemasters pack, gonna be a while before they are all downloaded! Gone for Toca3 first.

£12.50 was just too tempting :-)
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :Trifonic - Parks on fire

Really nice track and great video
S2 licensed
Quote from FaToS :I know ... Don't burn me right away.
Because the latest thread was closed and Scawen says he isn't monitoring his own thread anymore I just want to show how another (lonely) developer is doing monthly updates. He has been spending his last 12 years making a wargame.

You got to scroll a bit down. ... 0849&mpage=60&key=

I am not saying Scawen should do this or that he is not doing his job right now but just to show what the possibilities are.

I do hope however this will inspire him

Inspire him to do what? Spend another 5 years making a game? Progress reports clearly don't speed anything up and so I don't really see how they are necessary......

If this were a game in which you pay a monthly fee I guess you should feel more entitled to some kind of update / progress report but seeing as everyone paid a one off amount for a game which let's face it, is better than most 'finished' games and which a lot of us (me included) have spent more time on then most other games, I think we should not expect progress reports or anything else and be very happy with what we got/get.
S2 licensed
It's a game - just enjoy it.

If you don't enjoy it then play another game.
S2 licensed
New track and car i'm sure will be great and I'll gladly pay for both.

Still such a shame that it seems the majority of the players are little whiny kids who vote ban people for no reason.

I'm still struggling to find a mature server. Twice today I have been hit by somebody else and they have initiated a vote ban against me.

Anyway, sorry for off topic. Can't wait for the new stuff but more important for me is I find a server in which kiddies don't crash into me and then try to get me voted out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :It's sad to see the state this community is in.

Thanks for the news Scawen

My sentiments exactly.
S2 licensed

Good luck
S2 licensed
Quote from Byku :Well.. i have to agree, this date looks fugly . Scawen or someone could make just a LITTLE update on the main site, it would look much better than it is now. Update on the cars section would be also nice .

Edit.: Indeed, car section has been updated O.o... but when?

Perhaps they could just edit the date?
S2 licensed
Quote from DoC_uk :Its the "thanks" afterwards that really gets up my nose

Yeah, that would get on my nerves as well. Cleary Ring at fault here.
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :Why not?
It's a legitimate strategy that's been used forever.

Besides, remember in LFS you have lag, you have to anticipate when someone is going to brake, by the time you see their taillights, they've already been on the brakes for nearly half a second, and that.. makes a huge difference.

I think he was being sarcastic
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Its July its not early anymore its even getting near august...
Not to be realy negative or anything but if people stil cal this early 2009 I freel like kicking there asses.

He wasn't saying we are still in the early part of the year.

Nothing has been promised, they just hoped to have it released early this year. They never said it definitely would be.
S2 licensed
Quote from petercollins :What a joke they are. Buying up every scrounging no-mark they can find for millions of pounds in the sad hope of getting into the Champions League!

I pray to God they fail miserably next season. They are even worse than Chelski for the mercenaries, and I never thought I'd say that.

I can't wait for them to make a bollix of it!

Couldn't agree more. I also hope Madrid fail as well.....
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Was in the beta -> Got bored of it -> Went back to TF2.

Yeah likewise. Can't knock it really, for a free game it's very good but I would have preferred bigger maps - just my preference.

Have uninstalled it at the mo but will definitely re-install in a few months if/when more maps are added.
S2 licensed
Both were incredibly bad but I presume we are talking about the second one which was indeed the worst.

Perhaps a vic's inhaler would have improved the performance but either way some serious vocabulary training is required.
S2 licensed
Quote from TypeRacing :What's Malaysia '09 first song ?

The Futureheads - beginning of the twist

S2 licensed
I definitely think this is staged. Why on earth he would agree to be part of this I do not know. But it all looks very staged to me.
S2 licensed
I'm using XP and I get rid of mine by going to:-

Start -> Run -> type 'msconfig', then going into the startup tab and clicking on the 'Disable all' button.

I have never really felt the need for anything to load on startup apart from my anti-virus

Hope that helps.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :As far as money goes, well I'm poor myself. There's many things I'd love to get but I simply can't afford, and yet it doesn't really annoy me (that is, other people bragging about having whatever).

You sure you're poor? It is annoying listening to people bragging about how much money they have got but it's also annoying listening to people go on about how poor they are.

You have a computer right? an internet connection? a food supply that provides you with the energy to keep posting on this forum at the rate that you do?
Just because you don't have enough money to buy all the things you want does not make you poor.

I'm sure there are plenty of other people financially worse off
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :does anyone have a free download of this? i know... im cheap...
im not looking for a torrent cause them are virus infected.. and sorry if im not allowed to post this just delete it if im not

It's good that you're cheap as it only costs £7.45 with all the booster packs
S2 licensed
Quote from Kuba_m :I don't really get you guys. Yes, it's impressive that only 3 people (one programist) did such realistic and playable sim. But we want to play it, it's not work of art, wich we only want to look at. What's f***n diffrence for us, if LFS is made by 3 people, 100 people, or maybe half of a dog. If the team is enough big to make noticeable progress, then it's ok. But now it's quite obvious, that it isn't big enough for nowdays. So why don't they employ other people to their team, instead of writing about new haouses etc. and closing topics full of true words, with not even saying 'sorry'.

6 years and 24 measly pounds later and that's your attitude???