Neutral: disengages all gear trains within the transmission, effectively disconnecting the transmission from the driven roadwheels
In an automatic if it's in Drive the car will still move even if you are applying 0% throttle, this is why you need to hold the brake in to come to a full stop.
The vehicle has a selective modes, if the vehicle is in Drive it will not go to Neutral because not enough throttle was applied. They're two different modes completely.
And 35km/h is roughly 22-23 mph... If you were making a 90 degree turn at that speed on wet surfaces with a FWD, you were asking for it.
If it wasn't a gun... It'd be a knife, sword... Some other instrument used for killing.
People blame guns so much. People kill people, guns are just what people prefer to kill others with.
Now you're supposed to keep a firearm out of a childs reach. And they also sell guns with locks(or you can buy one), that completely renders the firearm useless without the key to it.
Now could the child still find the key and load the weapon and kill themselves or even break the lock?
Well buddy, where the hell are you at while your child is doing all of this? a 3 year requires supervision most of the time. Leaving any object that could be of danger to the child. That the child could come curious about and began to touch, other than look.
My guns stay locked in cases, unloaded(magazines are in the same case)
I have a set of keys that are hidden.
If I do need to retrieve one of my weapons, I simply have a quick snap on holster. I never leave any of my guns laying around, and to make matters worse... Leaving them around loaded.
He is the one that is not safe.
The girl still could have picked up the firearm and discharged it, even if she never even saw that WII controller before.
If you're going to drive hard on the streets, remember one thing!
Always drive within your limit, not the cars limit. Just because the car can do it, doesn't mean you can.
I've seen alot of street racers on the limit and hoping they make every turn and manuver. You don't ever want to hope you'll make it. That's a bad situation and feeling to be in. You might make it this time or the next, but one day it will catch up to you.
You'll kill someone else and or yourself, or paralyze someone and or yourself.
Yes, I could have searched... I didn't bother because I wanted to have my own thread.
The shifter on my g25, is gone... the warranty ended nearly 2 years ago. I opened it up, tried to fix it myself the other day... not much better than it was before.
I'm wondering if the shifter on the G27 is made better?
"Also i don't want to seem insulting or anything like this but what's with all the threads?" - Correction.
"Also I do not wish to insult you in any way. But why are you making such threads?" Corrected.
"You've made like 4 in the last few days." - Correction.
"You've made quite a few threads in the past few days." Corrected.
and or
"You've made quite a few threads recently."
"Mind you i'd have no problem with you making all these threads if you knew what grammer and punctuation was." - Correction.
"If you could spell and puncuate properly, I would not mind you making any threads at all." Corrected.
" Capital letter at the beggining of a sentence." - Correction.
"Capitalize the first letter of every sentence." Corrected.
That's about as far as I wish to go.
I know you're belitted and demeaned all of the time in real life. But atleast have some courtesy... And please do not bother doing it on here.
Your intentions were made clear, that you were not trying to "insult" him. But to me, you were just trying to belittle him in a good manner.
Your whole post contradicted itself.
You did not wish to be "anything like this" but you went ahead and said it anyway. What are you... A liar? Trying to look good?
Also if most of those were "mistakes", that must mean you put no effort into your grammar or puncuation. Are you a hypocrite?
IF you were trying to look smart and tough and make a good reputation... Well you just made yourself look like a fool.
You do not have to be fancy. Just follow SSOP (Short, Simple, Organized, to the Point.).
One day? I pretty much run at the same time each and everyday... that's a complete 24 hours, am I wrong?
How young do you think I must be? 16 or 17?
I'm 26, for your information.
As i've said, I never once had any type of strains, inflammatory problems or joint problems.
You use muscles to walk, simply picking up a cup and taking a drink from it... You use muscles to eat. Does that mean after using them you shouldn't use them for 24 hours?
And I don't really believe in modern medicine so much. So reading a book would be a waste of time.
Sprinting?? I'm sorry but my pace would be 3 or 4 minute miles for me, now of course I wouldn't make it more than 300 or 400 meters at that pace before I couldn't go on anymore.
I've been running like this for the last 14 or 15 years, I NEVER HAD ONE PROBLEM! I kept perfect form, I kept hydrated and ate the perfect food.
Your body was made for running... PERIOD!!!!!! Alot of people tend to not use their body in such a way for a long period, therefore when they goto use it, they push it way too hard and end up hurting themselves. Thus starts an injury where they deal with it the rest of their lives.
And another point of view on that is people that are over weight, go and try and run and it's too stressful on their joints.
Running everyday.. Never hurt me, and it wont ever.
And i'm going to assume you're having problems with your joints after running?
It's at a relaxed pace for me. I could probably push 28-30 minutes at that pace(Which I usually do when my 5 days off comes up) it just wouldn't be enjoyable anymore. I also lift weights 5 days a week.
Glad to hear you're staying fit and killing bushes.
Android, i'd focus on being able to run 4 miles in 30 minutes. That's a good pace for people who want to be in good shape but don't have the time. Or you could always do the 2 miles in 12 minutes routine(which is a pain for some people todo) that's more of a good workout.
My brother had a "runner's knee" and it had todo with weak thighs and proper technique.. he fixed that by doing a common exercise known as lunges, after a few weeks he was able to run with slight discomfort. He was more or less running flat footed. Try and run on the balls and toes of your feet. Also try and lengthen your stride, this maybe will help take the stress of them in a way that's needed.
And if anyone hasn't heard of him, you probably heard one of these two songs by him, Man on the silver mountain(during his rainbow years) and Rainbow in the dark(his Dio years).
Alot of people tend to start out way too fast and end up stopping in such a short distance. Or run too slow they don't get much out of the time that's spared.
A good jogging pace should be about 9-11 minute miles.
A good running pace should be about 6-8 minute miles.
Alot of people seem to complain about their knees. Try and squat down about ten times before running and warm the knees up. Also extend your legs further out, this will help for sure.
I also heard the mentioning of leg cramps, if you're having trouble with calves cramping or your thighs.
If it's your calves, i'd say it's most likely not the over exertion. There are a number of reasons why they can get cramped up quickly.
if it's your thighs that cramp in such a short time, you're either running too fast or maybe need to shorten your stride.