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S3 licensed
It's very bad to have to pay for another server just to run a simple application.
S3 licensed
It's very bad to have to pay for another server just to run a simple application.
InSim Host
S3 licensed
Hello, is there any website where I can host an insim for the server?

I hired the server host but it doesn't contain the option to host the insim on the server and it doesn't work for me...
S3 licensed
I could not finish this, I'm still waiting for help.
S3 licensed
Hi, thanks for the answers.

Finally I ended up installing "Lubuntu" together with "Wine" and controlled the VPS through remote Windows access and it worked perfectly, now I have another problem.

When I start a server from my internet in "Dcon.exe" it shows me the error "TCP Socket: bind failed" and I have already opened the ports as I did before and I have deactivated the "Windows Firewall"
S3 licensed
Hi, I have a question... I have a VPS and I would like to know what operating system I recommend to select to open a live for speed server and if there is a guide on how to open a live for speed server in VPS
S3 licensed
Nice scawen, I hope they solve the problem
S3 licensed
Quote from crazyboy232 :Paste MsgAll(Conn.Username + " ^7has activated !sem."); after Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].DragStage = 1;

Thanks, but it did not work
S3 licensed
Quote from Getaway Driver2121 :I can help you, i speak portuguese, is more or less equal to Spanish, add me on facebook:

And responsed you: Dont use LFS_External, use InSim.NET is better, and not is limited, if you need create semaphores system, you can use InSim.NET, talk-me in facebook, i send for you my project, cruise project, but i can modify for you for you create your project.

Olá, enviei-lhe uma mensagem no Facebook
Last edited by NakaTech, .
[HELP] Nickname in msg
S3 licensed
Hi, I'm a little new in this use of Visual Studio...

My question is how to make when a user uses the command! Sem show a message that says "The user 'username' has activated the command"

Here is the part of the code! Sem and I would like you to add the part I need, thank you very much!
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I've quickly made the requested script.
It's very basic, but does what you asked for.
All yours to tailor it to your own style and wishes.

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add it to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.

Thank you very much Yisc !
[REQUEST] Language select
S3 licensed
Hello, sorry for the inconvenience... but you could make me a script so that when a user connects to the server I will show you 3 buttons to select between the Spanish, Portuguese and English languages, I would really appreciate it!

S3 licensed
Quote from kristofferandersen :It should be in the serverlist, make sure your sorting is correct. So that you're looking for ex: s2, race.

I am looking for the server with the least ping, I would have to appear mine first but it does not appear
S3 licensed
Quote from RC-Maus :Do u have /usemaster=yes in setup file?

S3 licensed
Good I have a problem, to open my server with Dcon, the server works well, people can connect, but I do not appear in the list of servers, from my pc I can only enter the mode "Enter a particular server "" Local network "how can I make the server appear in the list?
S3 licensed
That licensed users pay as "S2" would have to have more benefits, in addition to tracks and new cars, I like the idea proposed by lucaf
Last edited by NakaTech, .
S3 licensed
Quote from EfsaneTosun :which operating system do you use?

Windows 7 Professional SP1
S3 licensed
In my opinion it is an excellent idea, I would have to add more unique things that users of license S2 or more have, so more people would be encouraged to buy the license and add a good system that prohibits the cracked servers, I support the idea that users with license S2 have available quotas to enter to demo servers although there is no space
[REQUEST] Autopilot
S3 licensed
Hi, I would like to know if there is a "autopilot" for the game, a program that makes the vehicle run only on the track...

Something similar to this
S3 licensed
No error is displayed, the program does not run, it is not displayed on the desktop, when executing it it runs, but it is not displayed on the desktop
S3 licensed
Quote from MousemanLV :SparkSkin by Elvis Lībietis, on Flickr

SparkSkin2 by Elvis Lībietis, on Flickr

SparkSkin3 by Elvis Lībietis, on Flickr

SparkSkin4 by Elvis Lībietis, on Flickr

What ENB series do you use?
S3 licensed
It does not work for me, when I click to open it the program does not start.
Last edited by NakaTech, .
S3 licensed
Nice work!

Thanks for sharing Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from Draggo :decompile it, or make your own version

How do I decompile an .exe file?