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LFS Event - 30th May - Sunset on the City 100
S2 licensed
Hi all. Quoted from the original topic by Mearehear we have another event going at in a month's time. Topic can be found here:

Quote :Event Format - Sunset on the City 100
Track - South City Chicane REV (SO6R)
Cars - GTR (FXR - XRR - FZR)
Distance - 1 x 25km (9 laps) sprint race & 1 x 100km (35laps) feature race
Qualifying - 15 minutes
Weather - Cloudy Sunset

Regarding pitstop requirements, the sprint race does not require a pitstop, but the feature race will require 1 pitstop, where tyres must be changed.

Time & Date
Thursday 30th May 2013
8.30pm AEST (6.30pm West)
(Time subject to change)

Sunset on the City 100
After the fun that was the Gon' to the Bay race here on the server I am going to jump in and lock in our next event. Sunset on the City 100 will kick off on the 30th of May, and see the GTR class cars feature in a sprint race, followed by the main feature race set over a distance of 100km (for those curious, that is only 7km longer than our last race). Qualifying will again run over a brief 15 minutes, and sets the grid for the sprint race. The results of the sprint race then form the grid for the feature race.

At this point I am not going to set any restrictions on the cars in the GTR class, as with a variety of skill level drivers it will still come down more to ability than any slight advantage of one particular car. You are free to choose any of the three cars for the event, but the car you qualify in is what you must use for the rest of the event (you may also only use one car in qual). If we all end up in the same car, so be it

To take part in this event simply register by leaving your details in this thread, and you will be kept up to date by PM's regarding the event. The S2 server can be used to practice anytime. All that's required is a good attitude and the desire to race fairly.

Please feel free to ask any question you need. All experience levels are welcome (myself or Lucassot usually are up to speed to contact for details if you have any questions)

S2 licensed
Just a reminder this event will take place in 9 hours time!
S2 licensed
Day light savings will end for us by the end of this week. This link has the time & date of the event calculated to Austin Texas. I'm not very good with time zones but I'm sure you can work it out from this? ... 2030&p1=240&p2=24

Let me know!
S2 licensed
Mearehear's post over on event thread:

Quote :To avoid a clash of dates with other LFS racers events, I have switched this over to the THURSDAY 25th of April. Server welcome message also now states this change to help promote it.

Also a modification to the track itself. Anyone that was around in the CTRA server days would remember this track being popular but being a nightmare in turn 1, as it is one of the most poorly designed corners in LFS. Their solution was to place objects to reprofile that turn, thereby reducing entry speed, meaning far less retirements during the races.

I've taken on this same idea, but as we now have far better objects to use then done previously, I have reprofiled the corner in a much less obtrusive way then CTRA used to do. The entry apex is now about 1.5 metres further right and requires a much slower entry, and hopefully will help reduced the retirements over a 30lap race, as that corner was just a gamble at highspeed previously.

Seeing as that turn 1 is not ever a overtaking section of the track I don't think this will have any negative affect on the racing. Jump on and try it out.

Gon' to the bay - April 19th
S2 licensed
Racing event will be hosted on Aussie server but others are welcome! Please click link below to register your interest & post in thread for sign up and / or questions ... ddbe582c7aef376178f4c59ad

Quoted from the post made by Mearehear on the event itself:

Quote :
Event Format - 'Gon To The Bay
Track : Fern Bay Green (FE2)
Car : XFR
Distance : 30 laps
Qualifying : 15 minutes

Time & Date
Friday 19th April 2013
9pm EST (7pm WA)
(Time subject to change)

'Gon To The Bay
Thanks to the newly configured Live For Speed servers we are able to run our first organised LFS event for the GoN community (outside of the Gonlympics). This will be open to all racers owning the S2 version of Live For Speed (demo based events may be planned in the near future) and will see the racing take part with the compact XFR cars around the Fern Bay Green circuit, for 30laps.

To take part in this event simply register by leaving your details in this thread, and you will be kept up to date by PM's regarding the event. Or you may contact myself or Lucassot personally to ask any question, or express your desire to take part.

The S2 server can be used to practice anytime, and we may run shorter (half distance) practice races leading up to the event, but at the very least jump on the server and have some fun practicing with the guys All that's required is a good attitude and the desire to race fairly.

Please feel free to ask any question you need. All experience levels are welcome.

S2 licensed
Thanks Bavorak It's been a very long time since making a music video, this came together quite quickly actually. Had a lot of fun making it!
S2 licensed
I really enjoy Mearehear's style of music videos he makes, keep it up man. Look forward to more down the track
Thrills & Spills
S2 licensed
This is a follow up music video showing the Thrills & Spills from the GONlympics LFS event from a couple weeks back. I first did a commentary highlights video then made this to capture the moments. Hope you like it!
S2 licensed
Thanks Becky, it is definitely. On last year's race videos I used TVDirector but this time as I did highlights rather than commentate the whole race therefore I used the default cameras to pick what I wanted to report on. In the music video posted above I did a whole bunch of my own camera angles, that was much more enjoyable to make.

As for my voice, I completely agree & it is one thing I didn't like overall is that I needed to sound like I was going with the highlights rather than being fairly linear. I will give it another go next time & give it a bit more enthusiasm heh.
Last edited by lucassot, .
S2 licensed
I have just followed up on the highlights video from above with a music video from the same event capturing the 'Thrills & Spills' from the races. I am quite happy with how it turned out overall, lemme know what you think
S2 licensed
Thanks for the feedback guys I really appreciate it Anything good or bad helps me a lot in making these. As I edited & recorded throughout most of the day I wish my voice was a little more enthusiastic & more consistent, but always next time to improve. I left a link in the description with the final points standings as at the time of making the video they hadn't been calculated yet! Mopz ended up winning the event

As for the thread, my mistake. Can a mod please move it? Ta.
GONlympics Season 2 2013
S2 licensed
Hey all
Another year goes by & another night of quality racing for the GONlympics event! I have put together this video that covers the 5 races that counted towards the points & grabbed the best highlights from each race. Enjoy!
Last edited by lucassot, .
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :I enjoyed watching that, thanks and well done.

Thanks, glad you liked them Getting a lot of good feedback on these videos, cannot wait to make more!
LFS GONlympics tournament - video recaps!
S2 licensed
Hey all
Just uploaded our 4 videos from our gaming community. One of the games that were available to play in the GONlympics was of course Live for Speed!

Short 5 lap sprint races with demo content to allow some new drivers in. The event was quite successful. I made these videos for everyone to check out & share. Had a lot of fun making them heh.

Race 1 XFG @ Blackwood GP:

Race 2 XFG @ Blackwood Rallycross

Race 3 XRG @ Blackwood GP

Race 4 FBM @ Blackwood GP
S2 licensed
I'm not sure if this was a fluke or how to get around it, but I tried installing the latest drivers separately with the latest CCC since ATI Tray Tools was crashing the game and it worked. Weird. But this means I gotta keep changing the settings for when I go into other games, nevertheless it seems to work this way :/
S2 licensed
I'm using the latest 10.7 and tried with 10.6
No AA with ATI 5850
S2 licensed
Hi guys
It's been some time since playing LFS and have recently got an ATI 5850, prior having an NVIDIA 8800GTX. Problem is I cannot get AA to work in game or through CCC with multiple drivers. I searched on the forum and found Ati Tray Tool to help some people however whenever I launch the game with it, the game crashes. I am running Windows 7 64bit.

Any ideas / suggestions? Have I missed something obvious? Or is there no proper support to get AA working on newer ATI cards with LFS?

Thanks in advanced
S2 licensed
have tried everyday since this setting was changed and im safe to say i can connect and see the servers 24/7 now. thankyou so much, this frustration is over now off to race, BIG THANKS AGAIN!! =D
S2 licensed
both times i have tried and both times i have been able to connect heh. ill try each day since you changed that setting Failure. maybe that could be it for a few of us who were getting IP changes.
S2 licensed
arrow karts, that is your local IP address, he needs your internet one. try and post that one instead
if i'm blocked today, ill post another tracert when i get home tonight!
S2 licensed
here ya go, my first two are:
S2 licensed
nah they haven't blocked aussie users because i always see them on there..
thats really odd though, when i cant connect to the server i also cannot get to the website. no idea what it is really. i just keep resetting my router to get on :/
S2 licensed
another person with same problem hmmm. you running a billion router as well?
S2 licensed
who is your ISP kat0san? im asking because a couple other people on Adam who I'm with have same issue, but not all of them. its odd.

what i do to get around it is reset my router pretty much, disable all connections to it except mine and then im able to join their servers. not sure if its a router setting or something that we are using at home and causing connection issues.

all i know is a clean reset to the router with no one connected except my pc lets me play on their servers. after a while when my dad and bro start doing their thing, next time i try reconnect it just hangs on 'connecting to host' so still not exactly sure of the cause.
S2 licensed
yeah fair enough i understand what your saying. i have been trying to find out the ip addresses of the FM servers but no luck. any idea where to get them? i tried to see if i could ping or trace them but got no ip to try yet. i tried server info on lfsworld but nothing there

edit: found out its and when i ping it it just times out. and i did tracert and this is the result:

Quote :Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\**>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 2 ms 2 ms home.gateway []
2 15 ms 14 ms 15 ms []
3 14 ms 14 ms 15 ms []
4 14 ms 15 ms 13 ms []
5 201 ms 202 ms 201 ms [203.208.149
6 205 ms 205 ms 205 ms
7 365 ms 364 ms 365 ms
8 359 ms 360 ms 410 ms [
9 354 ms 356 ms 356 ms [
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.

edit 2: i just reset router with no one connected on it except me and its started working again. might be something that one of us is doing on the net which is interfering
Last edited by lucassot, .