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S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Why dont u make one? Its easy ...

I don't know how :/ And actually I have a Pentium III@550mhz 4mb graphic card... so is hard make gifs with it

Quote from Inouva :http://f*uckyeahvoldemort.word ... he-original-nyan-cat-gif/
Took me 3 sec on google

Remove the "*"

thanks, but i can find the normal nyan cat too searching in google.. the problem is found the other versions (upways, downways, reversed,..)
Nyan cat avatar
S2 licensed
Hello everyone.

I'm searching long time ago for a gif of the nyan cat in 4 diferent ways, normal, upside, in the up, donwside.. and I ask here because I remember that I saw someone using it of avatar.

Lot of thanks, i'm searching for it and I can't find it.
S2 licensed
Quote from magux :Saw this while racing online, after rejoining it was gone.
I also saw a huge vertical bar on the Aston start/finishtribune, but I failed to take a screenshot of that.

I get failures like that with Nvidia Series 7, sometimes the graphic card gets crazy. Problem solved with new grapich card of course! =)
S2 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :These are not bugs, can a moderator please lock this useless thread?

holes in walls aren't bugs?

EDIT: Also, we aren't talking ONLY about the wall holes, this thread is for report bugs since 0.6B.
Quote from Dalmako : Please don't spam or troll. Thanks all.

Last edited by KassadGLA, . Reason : IMPORTANT ADVICE
S2 licensed
Quote from juliao :the new path is free track
resolved problem

The point is that we shouldn't put lay objects because that sould be closed . I hope that scavier solve the problems in future patchs
S2 licensed
yes thanks!
X, Y Area drawer
S2 licensed
Some time ago (not too much time), I have seen a flash online aplication for draw areas in the LFS maps and then it shows me what is the code for that area.

Anyone know something about it? Any link?

S2 licensed
The start is exiting box to the right
S2 licensed
Ok, i have tested it and it works fine for me.
I suggest more sensibility when rotating layout objects because I can't select long straight barriers sections, is realy hard try adjust it and i need take smaller straight barriers sections.

I have done a layout with new autocross objects for test it and I will upload it now on Layout section in the LFS Forum.

Some people tell me that they think that isn't a good idea at all fix this:
Quote :Driver sent his / her setup - message is now displayed only once

They think that because sometimes they are racing and someone send a setup and they didn't noticed that if who sent the setup do it "spamly".

Thanks for all

Edit: I have read this and that feedback my suggestion about the sensibility for now...
S2 licensed
Hi, I use the hotlap system for telemetry and sometimes I upload hotlaps.
I think that, if we can't select the tyre temp at the start, a is better don't start with the optimum temp. Because if the car needs more temp, we can drift and warm it easily, but if we want it cold, we must wait some time for cold it.

S2 licensed
I think that before is better cause I can see the forces distrubution between each part of the tyre much better and easily.

I don't know why scawen change it
S2 licensed
It is implemented in an insim... but we shouldn't use insim for recreate this because a lot of cars in real life have the "emergency fuel" light. So, i think that it should be implemented.
XFR/XFG Lucky Star Skin
S2 licensed
It is almost ready, but it needs some work in the rear bumper and put some on the wing.

I post here for show some 3d previews because some people ask me for the skin, so put on your 3d red-cyan glasses

Well, i'm not going to release it UNTIL IT'S DONE, when it's done I will post it in "Finnished skins".

S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :lol, it is good for rally cross, but not for regular cars. Maybe if you add some sort of chicane to slow cars down.

Yep, but must be the circuit makers (us, not scawen, i'm refering to when we use open tracks for made new tracks) who put chikanes.

In adittion, hard bumpy roads are lot of more fun, and that section of FE (or BL chikane) we can imagine that has been closed long time ago, so because of that it hasn't "re-asphalted"
S2 licensed
Quote from ZiemO :Actually, your suggestion existed back in S1 days. It doesn't anymore, though. Dunno why It was pretty convenient for drifters back then Would be much appreciated to bring it back, imo.

Yeah, for drifters and for rally-autocross makers. I must do the harpins more wide because the FF cars like XFG, UF1, FXO, XFR,... can't use the handbrake for oversteer because it doesn't work propetly (don't block the rear wheels, and then the car understeer)

I think that Scawen should come it back, solve the cheats-hacks problems if it still having it. Do that is better than: Juhmm this think is a problem, i going to delete it instead of solve and improve it

Anyway, Scavier is doing the things more or less right, but they must solve some little things after they finish with the new physics.
S2 licensed
Quote from reason0809 :
btw, some people kept asking why i would do that. simple answer, if you go full throttle there, especially in fern bay, you heavily destroy the suspenions, i wonder if people already noticed that, if so, i also wonder why they keep asking why i would make those straights more even.

and a lot of people kept saying that the bumps are cool , can make the races more funny
S2 licensed
Quote from sermilan :@missing walls, "holes" in barriers etc

Guys, it has been answered already

But we want get sure that scawen knows were are all the holes. Anyone want to make a list?
S2 licensed
Sorry for the "doble post", but i want to document that another wall bug on BL rallycross arround the lake.

Quote from pnd_ku :Thank you Scawen!!
First bug: on BL track in cruise mode there is no fence around lake and the car can go down there.

Here is the screenshot
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
NOTE to other people : I am making notes of all the bugs, though I will not reply to all bug reports.

Ok, thanks for notice that , still testing z30 patch in free times.

Quote from pnd_ku :Thank you Scawen!!
First bug: on BL track in cruise mode there is no fence around lake and the car can go down there.

Quote from KassadGLA :a missing wall here too :S
Blackwood rallycross, second split.

Another "bug" is the not translated Shift+U mode, but the translator should solve it in a sec


S2 licensed
Quote from Fire-Fly :I can also confirm that this happens. It's not a "sometimes" thing - it happens every time. If you very slowly fall off the end of a ramp you get rocketed forwards

thanks for confirm it

PD: thanks for the word "rocketed" that was the word that i was looking for

PD2: Please, don't troll. Some people is debuging the game, and is hard to find 1 debug report on 20 troll menssages.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :There won't be braking markers because the game has no way to tell which route you're taking.

Yeah, but.. it musn't happens. In Blackwood in both configs (GP and rallycross, open mode) the braking pannels are showed in all the track.

In Aston no panels are showed in any braking zone
Last edited by KassadGLA, .
S2 licensed
Quote from KassadGLA :First of all, good work but...
Scawen... you noticed this?

Where are braking panels in aston? (see the attachment)

Also in KY there are some "holes" in the walls of the oval for example. Shortcuts bumps are missing in the exit of KY1 to KY3 (in the chikane)

A wall in FE is missing into the railroad.

Ramps, if you get down of them slowly from the high side of the ramp, it do a "catapult" or "cannon" effect and bump you with a high speed like the old red barriers walls.

Thanks again for the test patch, i hope my review be usefull

a missing wall here too :S
Blackwood rallycross, second split.

Another "bug" is the not translated Shift+U mode, but the translator should solve it in a sec

S2 licensed
First of all, good work but...
Scawen... you noticed this?

Where are braking panels in aston? (see the attachment)

Also in KY there are some "holes" in the walls of the oval for example. Shortcuts bumps are missing in the exit of KY1 to KY3 (in the chikane)

A wall in FE is missing into the railroad.

Ramps, if you get down of them slowly from the high side of the ramp, it do a "catapult" or "cannon" effect and bump you with a high speed like the old red barriers walls.

Thanks again for the test patch, i hope my review be usefull
S2 licensed
Quote from LineR32 :XFG/R should be good enough for that skin, nice surface area for it.

It'd take some tweaking of the design but that's part of the fun of skinning.

thanks for the idea
S2 licensed
Quote from skylinekid :Good luck! That looks like a really cool skin. I downloaded your other skin


With your responses help me to do more

EDIT: The first problem that I have is find a car with big skin zones on it for put konata, tsukasa and kagami (3 principal girls of lucky star) pictures, and of course, the peple should can see it without so much problems.