@Paulinho: ok, You convinced me, I'll try to give lfs another chance I'll buy a new a/c adapter for my wheel and I'll make some laps... Maybe the love will come back
@Paulinho: i joined LFS 3 months after You did (october 2003). I have a different opinion about LFS because it was the best racing sim I've ever tried (and, believe me, I bought all racing sims/games). LFS has the best multiplayer system, the best physical feeling and so on...
But the lack of communications from developers, the fact that they ignore all lfs lovers working (for free) building 3rd party apps, they ignore also league managers asking for very very easy questions (in my case, userbars... ), the delay of promised improvements et cetera have caused that I now not use anymore any type of driving simulator. LFS because I'm bored of it, but, unfortunately, no other simulator has a physics that can stand the comparison with lfs
P.S. sorry my bad english but it's saturday night...
Fun Racing League November 2011 20111102 Round 1 with UFR at WE1 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 32 laps 20111116 Round 2 with UFR at AS3R 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 25 laps 20111123 Round 3 with UFR at SO4 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 30 laps 20111130 Round 4 with UFR at KY2 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 30 laps
Timezone: UTC
Sorry Josh for mistake, and many thx 4 your work
Last edited by joshdifabio, .
Reason : greetings added
[www.500control.co.uk] Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Timed out Average time over 10 pings: 0 ms
Round trip time to 109 ms
Round trip time to 114 ms
Round trip time to 110 ms
Round trip time to 110 ms
Round trip time to 124 ms
Round trip time to 113 ms
Round trip time to 111 ms
Round trip time to 118 ms
Round trip time to 115 ms
Round trip time to 107 ms
Fun Racing League November 2011 20111102 Round 1 with UFR at WE1 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 32 laps 20111116 Round 2 with UFR at AS3R 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 25 laps 20111123 Round 3 with UFR at SO4 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 30 laps 20111130 Round 4 with UFR at KY2 2030 Qualifying for 15 mins 2050 Race for 30 laps
Last edited by joshdifabio, .
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