This won't happen if you can properly rev match. Unless you're talking about the differential locking up, which you can't control without changing the setup.
Haha, I'm actually from cupertino. I go to school up north (davis). I actually blew an oil line today. Dumped all of it onto the freeway. Took it to the shop and it should be fixed by tomorrow.
well i actually never thought about this before, but the reason i'm not drifting so much is i am restraining myself...mechanically. I just checked and I happened to be using a viscous lsd. I've been trying to develop a better setup using a clutch pack lsd setup, but with such a setup, I find it much easier to spin the car. It also does not seem to allow for tighter lines for whatever reason. I can get some big drifts going, but at that point, it just changes from a decent show of control into a mad ride for dear life.
In any case, I'm still working on the sets. Most of the video was more of an experiment with the wheel and heel-toe.
And no, I do not use the ebrake. I actually never use it.
Well, I did something like this a while back, but I sorta refined it this time. It's still pretty much a replay but i took some more er..."creative" liberties this time around. I experimented with just a couple of angles at the start and finish, and the music is from Initial D Fourth Stage. The biggest change is that while my previous video was done with the mouse, this was done after my transition to my old momo force.
i honestly think it would be AWESOME. But it probably won't happen. You don't know how much fun i would have drifting intersections into a gas station. It would be so stupidly insane, but considering the city is detailed enough, i would literally just cruise around ALL day.
Hey look at that. You insult somebody unprovoked and when someone calls you out on it, you victimize yourself and try to make others feel guilty. Really mature one you are...
Anyway, what are the terms/conditions of joining [ASS]? I've been racing/drifting lfs for a few years now, since before S1. Just recently tried using my wheel, and I'm loving it. How can I join this team?
the fxr sorta stole my heart, but I would give a lot to have a super lightweight RBR. Not sorta super powerful like the others, but something light and tossable, with enough agility to keep up with the others.