We're not talking about 50m difference here. But there are different approaches to the same corner when racing as you might want a certain position on the track or more speed before or after the corner.
But then if you're that close to someone you should be watching their brake lights like a hawk. Not only so you don't crash into them but also so you can take any advantage you have.
This road trip is meant to be fun and all I've heard from you is complaints, "why couldn't we bring a bigger car", "can I have a crash helmet too?", "there's bugs in my face". Why can't you just relax and enjoy the scenery!
It's interesting, the more advanced the physics engine the more polite and sportsman like the racers.
I play both LFS and GTR2. There are so many aspects that I wish could be merged. LFS has great physics and feedback. It also has great multiplayer, no other sim comes close. But it's all to clean.
GTR has all the things that put you off driving that perfect line. The dirt, the bumps, the noise, the rain. This make the racing more exciting.
They are both great sims and you should just play which ever takes your fancy that day, in the same way you don't always drive the same car.
It seems the MRT is a bit like marmite, you either love it or you hate it.
I remember when it first came out and it was all that people raced. I still have more laps around SO1 in the MRT than anything else, so many great races.
Imo most people think the handling is differcult because it's different to all the other cars in LFS. Once you've mastered it - like everything else - it's a great drive and easy to push to the limits.
The MRT does suit South City even with it's bumps. I'm hoping I'll see an MRT, South City race this bank holiday weekend.
Linux is very easy to try out. You can run it off a 'Live CD' which will run the OS using just the CD and memory. You can download Ubuntu or get it sent to you completely free!
Put the CD in, restart your machine and you're in Linux. Take the CD out when you restart and your back to Windows.
I did this eight months ago and haven't looked back. But I except it isn't for everybody.
I'm using some the new features in other projects so I can't revert. Could someone send me a .blend file of the FOX? Is there a library of .blend files somewhere?
Another free and open source application you can try is Scribus. It's a DTP app but it has tools for converting vector graphics, better tools than Inkscape.
Not had it long enough to try tripple monitor web browsing. Anyway the middle monitor is on a KVM so I can switch to my Ubuntu desktop for browsing.
When it breaks, but at the moment it's doing the job. I've had it five years now with no problems and plus someone gave it to me for free. Seems silly to fork out money for another.
It was £130 on Ebay second hand. I think the cheapest you can get new is about £160. If you have a dual monitor video card to start with you can use the Dualhead2Go + you video card to get three monitors and that cost about £100.
I thought that would be a problem too. But when your racing it doesn't make the slightest difference. I guess it's the same as when you driving a car you don't notice the door pillars if you want to look to your left or right. Like I said the main advantage is periferal vision movement, your not looking at the details either side of you.
I have to say it's even better than I expected. I thought the only advantage would be being able to see other cars without changing view. But the peripheral vision give you a much better sense of the cars direction and position on the road.
I'm using a Tripplehead2go and three 21" CTR monitors @ 2400x600
My ATI card limits the resolution but it looks fine with AA on and the plan is to get an NVidia DirectX10 card soon.
So is mine, so if you get one and then give it to me we have both achived our resolutions! and before someone ruins my grand plan my second resolution is to keep a G25
What ever itś called it does seem like a waste of money. My computer is shut up in a cupboard with a fan on the back. Keeps the noise down and I don´t have to look at it. I just pimp my cupboard instead :P
I like the Clean Racers Rules. Noobs really need to read the bit about corner rights. But I can understand why they would rather race than read though what is a rather hefty document.
I´d love to help make something like a graphical cut down version of the Clean Racers Rules.
We were racing FOXes so that wasn´t a problem. But I know what you mean.