Haha, nice menu sinanju :P
I already saw you'd been on the host ^^
I wanted to share it for LFSLapper, but as I made my LFSLapper configuration fully integrated with our new website, it would have taken way too much time to strip the code to be able to publish it here.
But now you already remade the menu, good work
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it!
I hope we'll have lots of fun with the new insim and website and that we will meet many other enthausiastic LFS drivers
It has been a long time since you last heard from us on the Live for Speed Forums, but in that time we didn’t sit still. After a year of hard working, the Sinsanity team is ready to give you an insane racing and drifting experience! Today we are releasing our brand new website (www.Sinsanity.nl) and insim which offers you more functions than ever before.
This new insim, which is based on LFSLapper, provides you a fully graphical and user friendly interface. It features a handy notification bar, a personal messaging system, useful race and drift information, user statistics and is also integrated to our brand new website! On the website you can get information about Sinsanity, check the status of our LFS hosts and look into some detailed statistics of all users that have been on our hosts.
To create an account for the website, you’ve only got to join one of our LFS hosts, click on “Menu”, “My Sinsanity.nl” and fill in your e-mail address. After you have clicked on “Register Now!”, an e-mail will be send to you and you can log in to the website right away. With an Sinsanity account you will benefit of even more cool features on our website and LFS hosts. More information for creating your account, just go to http://www.sinsanity.nl/register.php.
Besides developing our new website and insim, we also invested in our equipment. As we want to guarantee an excellent speed and uptime for the website and LFS hosts, we bought a new server and upgraded our internet connection to 50Mbits of up- and download per second. To cover some costs that we need to make to keep the server running, we tried to find a sponsor for the team. Eventually we succeeded and we are proud to present the Rotterdam University as our new sponsor. Many thanks to them!
You can check our new website at http://www.Sinsanity.nl! There you can also see the status of our hosts in Live for Speed, which are:
Nice work!
By the way, I do have an idea for a new admin module for the GUI.
I think it should be nice if there is a module were you can set handicaps for cars.
For example: with this module you can force all racers that drive a FZR to add 2KG weight to the car and 1KG when they are driving an FXR.
In this module the handicaps per car can be set and saved in the database (SetStoredValue).
I hope you can understand what I mean. What do you think?
I'm looking foward to see the new CIF!
But uhmm, what are you going to change on the framework?
I just finished with implementing the who.lpr functions into your current GUI and I also made penalty and warn/kick/ban functions for admins. xD
Anyway, good that you found some time again, you are making great stuff for LFSLapper
Thanks for posting this, you explained it very good with the screenshots.
I've been racing in LFS for a few years now and this is really the most important 'bug' that has to be fixed. (for me)
With some friends I'm practicing every week now and we are racing very close to each other. When passing someone, we look in our mirrors to see if we have passed the other car already so we can go back in front of him. But then sometimes we hit each other when placing the car in front of the one you just passed. In the mirror you can see that there is enough room to go back in front of him, but in fact you just can't..
I don't know if there is something wrong with the distance you see in the mirror, but like the screenshots in this topic show you: the angle of the mirrors is not right.
This is very annoying and I would love to see this fixed. For this great simulation game we just need real functioning mirrors..
I'm sure the devs will agree with this and I really hope they will rebuild the working of the mirrors.
Thanks for this PlayerVars, I diddn't noticed them.
Tough I have tried them and it doesn't work for me I think.
WhenShowSplitPB = 0 you just can't see any split messages so it has to be 1.
The ViewSPBSplit = S and = W isn't the right choice for me and P means the PB of the current sector, but not the sector you have driven in the PB lap.
Thanks for the help anyways, I tried it, but I think it just isn't possible with lapper yet.
Or is it possible to filter it our of the !stats command?
On the second line is something like this: '0.15.00 0.30.00 0.45.00'
Would it be possible to let LFSLapper find the [space] between this times?
Then it has also got to tell how many spaces there are in it, so you can see how many splits there are in this track.
Would this be possilbe?
Else I don't see any other solutions.
I know this PlayerVar exist, but for what I'm trying to do I can't use them, I think.
With this PlayerVar's you can get the last split, last sector, best split, best sector, eg.
But I'd like to have a PlayerVar that can get the split or sector from your PB lap.
Is it possible to get the splits from your PB separately?
Now you can get your PB splits by typing '!stats'. Then in the second line your PB splits will be shown, like this: '0.19.01 0.42.02 1.17.91'.
The reason I'd like to have these splits separately is because I wanted to extend the DefPitInfo.lpr a bit. I wanted to give an extra line at every split where you can see how many time you are in red or green from your PB.
Then you can easily see if you can get a new PB when you are by split 3 or something like that.
I think it would be cool, but I don't know how to do this because I haven't found a PlayerVar for the separate PB splits. (or PB sectors)
Yes you're maybe right about that. Still it would be nice if you can see your own stats and then can navigate to faster or slower racers I think.
Oeehh! That last sentence is niiice! ^^
I think that would be really nice!
Maybe it would be cool if you also make some options to select the cars for the top list.
When do you think you are going to release the new modules?
Keep up the good work