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S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :You can't change the total capacity of the fuel tank.

yeah, thats really what i wanted to do. ok.
fuel tank capacity question
S2 licensed
is there any way in multi player to decrease the fuel tank size, or at the very least decrease the amount you can fill it?
S2 licensed
Quote from Velociround :For the Revolution Pack April 7th, check your ...\Live For Speed\The_Revolution_Pack_files folder and install the remaining addons (there are several different addons options).

In order to change the car engine sounds in game you need to take a car to the track, press Shift + A and then load the new sounds from the Revolution Pack Aug 28th on all cars.

thx for the reply. i unistalled the whole thing then put the elements in manually, works fine now. didnt know i could do that with the sounds though, i renamed the files and dropped them in so they became default the only thing i really didnt install were the skins and the backgrounds. but wow, after putting all that stuff in, it feels like a totally different game. excellent job.
S2 licensed
this may be a noobish question, but how do i get this to work? ive installed this one and the april one using the .exe installers, but nothing seems to have changed. the menus are different, and the skid sounds are different, but in game it all looks the same, and the engine sounds are all the same? do i need to enable it or something?
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :I've been playing this on PC for some 5 hours now, and it's utter crap if you're looking for any realistic features. It certainly isn't easy like arcade car games, but it isn't difficult because it would be a simulator of any sort. It's "difficult" for the wrong reasons, which are odd physics that relate in no way to how a real car reacts.

The force feedback feels like a mix of Gran Turismo 4 and GTR, in other words, nothing to write home about. The FFB is quite useless no matter what degrees you're using, it simply feels unnatural. Not to mention, the car feels nervous but yet unresponsive if you have to start turning after driving straight. You can wiggle your steering wheel a good 45 degrees from side to side, and the car will just keep going straight, even with high steering sensitivity setting. Feels a bit like driving an old american pickup truck with loose steering components. I tried to fiddle with the wheel settings for a long while, without finding any way to make them much better. You can't change the wheel settings while in a race either, you have to exit from the race to the game menu until you can change it, and starting another race takes ages until you can try out the adjusted settings. Awkward.

The physics.. are weird. The tires don't feel like tires at all. They sometimes grip and sometimes loose traction without any logical explanation. The cars react very arcadely in replays when you focus on looking at the physics. Drift mode is a massive joke. It's exactly the same kind of arcade-drift-mode that previous rice-NFS games and Grid have. All the real world techniques work for initating the drift, but only because it feels like that's what the developers wanted, not because it would happen through natural physics. Feels somehow "canned".

It's not a complete disaster though. It has nice graphics and it's definately more towards simulation than arcadeness compared to some of the previous rice-fanatic NFS games which were just ridiculous crap. I didn't expect anything from this title, and I didn't really get anything from it either. I wasn't delighted, but neither was I disappointed. At the end of the day, it's an arcade game like we all knew.

S2 licensed
i dont understand... if the theme of the car is specialized, why do you have competing manufactures like giant on the car as well?
Fo8 wip
S2 licensed

any suggestions? (i know the acanac logo is very low res, theres nothing i can do about it)

EDIT (a little more work): ... c412/Untitled-1copy-5.jpg

-what do you think about the red trim on the wings? im not so sure about it, id like to hear your thoughts/suggestions on it.

also too busy with all the sponsors? how should i remedy this if this is the case?
Last edited by DavyC412, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :Use pro-kits for your skins they have wire frame showing how polygons connecting with each other, this makes placing image a 1 minute work.

yeah, i used to align all my images based on the _DEFAULT skin and it was a total pain. then someone pointed me to the pro-kits, and to be honest, i feel a little cheap using them considering how easy they are to use since they have the wireframe... i feel like im cheating somehow
S2 licensed
Quote from Reed :Where can I download your skin?

it really looks like all he did was put the default skin over the default skin and multiply it. you can do that yourself very easily.

if you want to be hardcore, you can do it a third and fourth time to make it even darker!
S2 licensed
Quote from jcorn16 :hey i dont know what els to do to them?? so can someone mabey add??

a good first step would be to reverse the parts of the skin that are backwards.
S2 licensed
carbon fibre texture is waaaay too large. decrease the size to the point where you need to look close in order to see the weave clearly (i find is best because i dont like the CF standing out too much, im sure most dont)

the CF on the wheel arches looks odd... i would do away with it. if you really like it, make some sort of shape decal on the side, and incorporate the shape into it, but it just looks weird having CF there because its (what im assuming youre atempting) a transition from painted to unpainted carbon fibre (rather than a regular body panel with carbon fibre arches bolted on) mid-panel and in either case you dont usually see that, which makes it look out of place.

the CF on the hood has some pattern on it, if that was intentional, fine, if not, find a new CF texture.

the CF on the side mirrors is also too large. also doesnt really fit in, you may want to try black, or not having it a different color? hard to tell which until you see what it looks like with the shrunken CF

google "carbon fibre hood" or something to see how tight the weave should be.

to shade, open up one of the shading kits that come with the CMX viewer, and put it ontop of all other layers in photoshop. right click on the layer in the layers tab, go to blending options, then change the box from "normal" to "multiply"
Last edited by DavyC412, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :Nice! Any chance of a XFG version?

not ATM, havent had much time to skin recently, but maybe later.

Quote from urosl :He he, you made my day with this one. Many thanks for this creative skin.

S2 licensed
Quote from Pablo Donoso :I been trying to get the colors to contrast from front to rear fading flames with carbon fibre. It's tricky though getting the sizes right xD

i think youre posting in teh wrong thread, but dont cover the whole car in carbon fibre. it doesnt look too good. most of the time when something is made of CF its painted so you dont see it. the most often you see "exposed" CF is on the hood, rear wing, splitter, or other kind of small trim components.

if you wnat to fade the CF, youll have to put a gradient layer overtop of it then paint on that.
S2 licensed
nice but the colors contrast a little too much for my personal taste.
S2 licensed
Quote from [BeatR] Tmiothy :
3.I it was Photoshop's fault

never an adequate excuse. never blame the program for something you did.

you said youre using photoshop so you have a very powerful tool there, you just need to learn how to use it properly. if learn how to use the pen tool, paths, vector and layer masks rather than using the brush and magic wand, it will make your life easier and your skins look much better. also learn how to use the blending modes such as mulitiply, darken, overlay and lighten, as well as where the opacity slider is. also learn to play around with brightness and contrast, hue and saturation, levels and curves methods of changing brightness, color and color intensity

yes, i wont beat around the bush, its a terrible skin, but everyone has to start somewhere whith photoshop so it was a gallant first attempt.
S2 licensed
a crappy 5 minute skin i just made for the fight fans

... i miss prideFC
S2 licensed
good start. you may want to darken the green up a bit and/or maybe mix a little more red (just a tiny bit) into your yellow color to make it just a tad more gold. if you do that you have a very classic color combination (classic british/lotus color combination)

S2 licensed
I have a honda civic that i started (taken the idea from a car i saw on the net) but i didnt really like where it was going and thus cant be bothered to keep working on / finish it. therefore its here for anyone to do whatever they want with it, the skin itself is pretty basic because i stopped working on it pretty early in the process.

the .jpg is 2048x2048 (skinsize) and the .psd file is 2560x2048 (working size)

link to the .psd file (about 25mb)

i forgot to do this because i was still working on it, but if you go to the bottom and move the second background layer to the top, it will add the shadowing layer ontop of everything.
Last edited by DavyC412, .
S2 licensed
Quote from daleffinho :say to someone put your skin on
it will help you to don't pass angry moments!

you could also buy the game and upload them youself...
S2 licensed
Quote from kiste :i think the winner should choose two sponsors they are compatible and not complete different sponsors. Puma and STp togheter? This looks like crap.

never say never ... c412/Untitled-1copy-3.jpg

obviously i cant enter it because its an XFR, but this thread inspired me to make it. not quite done yet, but i felt compelled to post it.
S2 licensed
Shadoww pointed me in the direction of some nice LFS brand car badges, so i replaced my old ones, which i scavenged off of the default FXR skin with these, and thye look much nicer, so thank you.

*note to lynce who made the badge pack, i slightly modified the FXO graphic because the original badge looks a bit like "FAG" when shrunken down
S2 licensed
Decided to take a hint from one of Psysim's cars, and made all the sponsors computer equiptment or services that i am using/have. ... 66/davyc412/logifront.jpg ... 66/davyc412/logipersp.jpg ... d66/davyc412/logirear.jpg ... d66/davyc412/logiside.jpg

decided to use logi as the main sponsor because the colors of the car originally happened to match up with it.
S2 licensed
considering the happy face, 4chan, i suppose
S2 licensed
yeah, i removed the grill, and slapped on an opel badge, i think i may replace it with an FXO badge (the one from the side of the FXR) and see how that looks.

anyway, did something new with the back... i think its better than before.
S2 licensed
k, now that thats pretty much done with, time for badging. was toying with opel, since its the original car this seems to be modelled on, but also was thinking about bmw. dunno if it really fits tho