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S2 licensed
I added a current McLaren wheel to the set, for Lewis mania see post 1.
S2 licensed
I have toyed with this setting since i started out with gpl, i made my first improvements there when i changed the fov down to about 65° which is still a compromise for a realistic view on my 19" display.
Since then i always use 65° in every sim.
I noticed i had a better judgement for braking points and apexes which helped me improve my times, you get used to the sense of speed after some time, and the awareness around you. I use more audio inputs to judge where other cars are, and in lfs there is the great feature that you can tune where and how fast the view changes, so its not really an issue.
S2 licensed
Ford one is done, hope you guys like that one. First post has the goods.
S2 licensed
Its a honda/mclaren skin allright, if anoyne got piccys of a new mclaren wheel i might do one. (hint)
I always forget to log in when i visit here, but a pm should do the trick, i get mail then...
What sort of ford wheel? Best show me some pics.
S2 licensed
Well its odd, i _thought_ it felt diffrent, must be my mind playing tricks, i drove back to back U30 against V, it felt exactly the same. I was under the impression that for example the FO8 would give more feedback if you drive it over the bumps in Kyoto Natbut it doesnt it seems, quite odd to see the car really jump and bump and feel almost nothing in the wheel...
S2 licensed
Thanks for the input guys i will try setting diffrent values in the cfg.
I use a red logitech momo force, my friend with g25 had the same effect, it subtle but it is there. most notably over bumps and curbs.
Less responsive FF since Patch 32 upward?
S2 licensed
Well guys, i dont know exactly, but since some testpatch over 32 i have less feeling in my FF, it all is dulled down a bit and i hardly ever feel any bumps or curbs anymore. Since thats also the case in patch V i wanted to bring that one3 up and maybe ask if i'm just to stupid to overlook some setting?
I tried setting it up the same way i used to before in U32 but i cannt get the same result, also i feel that the general FF is lower now, i had to raise it to 180% to get about the same amount as before with 80%.
Am i missing something?
S2 licensed
Ive had the joos message everynow and then with my unmodified lfs version also, i guess it happens when packets arent sent correctly sometime. I had it mainly when my connection played up and had kicked me before and i tryed to join. But this happens really not often.
Guess a new fresh install couldnt harm you, and check your network/firewall settings. Maybe you got an router or wlan? Thats sometimes also causing trouble. Hope you get it sorted and have some fun racing!
S2 licensed
I actually like the loud wind noise, i think it adds to the sensation of speed quite well. It gets a bit excessive in the closed cars though, depending on wich car you sit in, for example normal road cars are quite quiet nowadays inside.
The only thing really bad is when you look at the formula cars from the trackside cameras, you hear only windnoise when they are blasting by, wich is really wrong and sorta weird in lfs.
S2 licensed
Quote from Astro [ BJRL ] :Defensive lines ( Low-lining ) I only consider legal on last lap ( on Oval ).

well i wouldnt say so, defensive line is not exactly nice on an oval and will cost both drivers involved time, but its allowed.
S2 licensed
Normal rule of thumb:
If you are ahead, you own the corner, if you are side by side keep your line, meaning inside or outside line. THATS not racing line!
The racing line is the normal line you would drive in a hotlap, so the guy was wrong.
If you are lapped let the faster guy do the work, he has to take actions and also has to take care of things. He also has to take the responsiblity if theres a crash.
Use good "body" language, what i mean is start to take an line and stick with it early, the better you do that the less there will be tangles.
Dont move over in the last possible moment, do that when the other guy is still a good margin away.
If you want to let someone past while beeing lapped the easyest way is when you take the outside line, let the guy pass inside and wait and turn in after him and maybe catch his slipstream.
If you drive an oval is generally a good idea to take either the inside line and keep low, or the outside line and stay away from the inside line. The normal racing line is only possible when your not side by side.
Dont weave on straights, thats generally not good racing, you can do one move in race situations, that means one change of lines, if you are ahead.

Dont worry, just appologise if a crash happens and have fun in the next race. Even when you race alot in ovals and know the people around you mistakes happen, especially with the fast cars.
S2 licensed
Quote from rickylix :the Ferrari wheel is absolutely awesome!! fantastic job!! now, anyone making some Bridgestones?

Thats allready out; i use these
S2 licensed
Thanks for the kind words folks. I made another one for the Senna MP4/6, see post one.
MP4/22 & MP4/6 Senna & Ferrari & FORD & General LFS Steeringwheel for BF1
S2 licensed
I decided to make another logo for my steeringwheel in the BF1.
You can now choose between a Ferrari Logo or an general LFS logo wich should fit every skin. Also the wheel has all new switches and buttons.
Just extract the file to you lfs\data\dds folder to use this.
Remember to backup your old file, just in case.
I hope you like it.
Another one for sennas car.

Now a ford logo also avaible...
I went with the classic logo, but i am thinking about doing one like the old gt40 maybe....


Now with Lewis&Alonsos Wheel for the McLaren MP 4/22
Last edited by MWojahn, . Reason : update
S2 licensed
Great work Gobby, hope you dont mind me posting this here.
For all the ferrari fans, a new steering wheel with new logo and buttons.
moved here: clickme
Last edited by MWojahn, .
S2 licensed
As you can see (well at least a bit) in that screenshot the fez has a bulky badge wich is not round, but the round bmw logo still shows as small circle over it, without badge but theres a circle, i dont think i can get rid of that so i will see and make a diffrent logo.

@edit: get the new wheel here
Last edited by MWojahn, .
S2 licensed
I am working on this one, but i am to dumb to find the texture wich describes the cutouts around the wheel. Is that in the alpha channel or in the 3ds modell? with a bit more fiddleing ill get there...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :It's a dds, so it can be changed.

Mine's not great, but at least it's not German, (when did they ever make a decent car ?)

hows about the 911? But i really like your logo, care to share it?
S2 licensed
Great work, seems to be gone now.
CTD when pressing shift+tab [fixed-P9]
S2 licensed
So, i had that one sometimes, but now i had the chance to grab the deb.log file.
I sat in the pits and changed through the drivers and watched them a little bit with the tab key.Suddenly it wouldnt respond and change views,then i tryed to press the shift+tab combination to go back one car wich resulted in a crash to desktop.
The whole thing happend online.
Heres what my deb.log said after that:

Quote :LFS : 0.5P2
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 - valid modes : 198
load bans
load font
max texture size 4096
can do shadows
can use 2x tex
can do multi tex
can use dynamic tex
can use compressed tex
create english file
load language
human system
init sound
init controllers
default light map
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
xxx xxx geht an die Box
xxx xxx nimmt am Rennen teil
xxx xxx verlässt die Box (FOX)
Boxengasse betreten
Can't load anim : data\move\steer_.ban

I xxx-ed the names, they were reported normal.
I had that twice today, and am trying to find out if i can reproduce it again.