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S3 licensed
This is really awesome, thanks for the update info.

My deep hope is that with improved environments you would make as many official configurations as possible. Official configurations (e.g so1-so25) are always better than open layout tracks.

And my last wish, please include Old Westhill as extra content, no matter how bad graphics it has compared to new ones. We all love it, and when it comes as extra content, it is always a bonus to every one in our community.

Please and thank you!
Last edited by pantiainen, .
S3 licensed
The only reason for me to use old version of LFS is that I can drive old Westhill. Oh man, how much I wish it to come as S3 content "Oldhill International". Just as it is. 😭
S3 licensed
We have some occasional oval races, feel free to join Smile
S3 licensed
New update looks really fantastic, thank you!

I am very happy I see many improvements that LFSLazy offered.

Hope to have some more in the next update, like real time lap time + current speed comparison to one's pb lap + projected laptime. (Helps practising and makes LFS better for practising for bigger events. And live gaps to 5 cars ahead and back during a race. And of course car radar if it's possible.
S3 licensed
Instead of going to Steam, better way to start marketing LFS right now would be like annual "try S3 for free period" for every Demo to S2 lisenced user, where all content would be tryable. Maybe some people would upgrade, if they saw what LFS offers. Free S3 for a dedicated week/weekend would be nice to try, for example every Easter from Friday to Monday. Doesn't cost basically anything, but might get new regular racers more.
S3 licensed
Hey, would it be possible to change server slot amount to maximum at mid-period and pay the extra for rest of it? And was it possible also at renewal?
S3 licensed
Hwy, did you already check does the new version contain Lazy-like live timing and speed comparison + live gaps?
S3 licensed
50 Euro from me if devs make it possible to have similar radar available + pit window features showing estimated laps on current fuel and estimated speed on current gear.

Aaand 100 euros more if you bring back old Westhill. New one is too hard for me to drive...

Aaand I give head for making sausage kerbs dissappear 😂
S3 licensed
I am really happy to see all the progress, and I really want our community to prosper. Thank you devs so far.

One personal suggestion (after getting old Westhill drivable first) is that now when South City has a huge expansion, we should also have a big number of official layouts. Instead of so1-so6 we should have like so1-so20. Basically I want this so that we would have green line in every single combo we are driving. Official layouts also make it possible to hotlap all. And it seems like we got more official content without using layout editor.
S3 licensed
Team name: Fragmaster
Car number: 04
Driver 1: [FM]^Pantheo (pantiainen)
S3 licensed
Install LFS 0.7A into a different folder and try LFSLazy insim. It makes you learn the best lines faster.
S3 licensed
Hey man, awesome to see you race! Perhaps it helps you also do your development work. I'd welcome you to try Fox Friday some day as well, and I would hope you to try it with 0.7A version, using LFSLazy and all the features. That'll help you also understand the meaning and need of the insim features built into the sim! (It makes you learn even faster and makes you wanna race more!)
S3 licensed
This might be a bit of an offtopic, but perhaps you should consider giving a few peek days for all Demo racers in a year. Let's say twice a year, S3 is unlocked for everyone for a long weekend etc. People could come and try how fantastic the paid content is. They probably would spend some money to continue.

One useful addon would be that you could go straight from the garage to browse public setups for the track that is loaded at the moment. When I came to LFS as a newbie, it was frustrating not to have sets and I didn't know to ask for them. Easy UI is the best advantage of LFS and we should spread the word.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :What exactly is buggy about it to make it the worst track in LFS?

Maybe the fact that it is a real laser scanned track? I love LFS because of it's fictive tracks. Imo Aston is much better than Spa, for instance. More variations. And you can drive Spa everywhere else.

Still for me, Ro10 is my favourite of them all.

I was doing some ssd cleaning stuff and went to drive old Westhill. Oh man, it is still the most perfect track in the world. And the graphics are just not so bad. What if devs just did something like they did to Fern Bay, and just released it as "Easthill" or something. I really miss that track as it was, and want to have proper races there.
S3 licensed
Quote from VicaNo :it's like the price of three good beers. Take all three

Yes, much more fun than 3 beers. I'd recommend.

(I would pay a lot more if old Westhill was accessible) Big grin
LFSLazy features
S3 licensed
I have to add to previous descriptions of LFSLazy contents, that it also shows how many laps can you do with the fuel selected. Makes fuel setting easier, while you don't need to calculate how much you need.

Also, it shows how fast can you go with every gear, and helps set gear ratios.

My view with the widgets I use is also attached. I use car radar as well, but it doesn't work with Oculus. That's why it's missing from the picture. Also what is missing from the left side, is the live gap thing, seen by the video earlier (while this is q not r).

Edit: I also added shift+u mode, where LFSLazy opens up a list where I can just click to load layout into the track environment. It's one of the most useful tools as well.

Sorry about the language in the pics, but I think you will get the point Smile
Last edited by pantiainen, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Very excited. South City looks incredible and the airfield circuit looks like it'll be a draft festival. Like old Westhill but even crazier, maybe.

Everything looks perfect, and this is what I am most excited about. Still hope to have old Westhill back, no matter if it's original with low graphics. And 3rd oval Tongue

I hope that with all the updates, we would have several official layouts, while there are so many options available.

Keep up the good work!
S3 licensed
Quote from MandulAA :Since these features and their potential deployment vary greatly in terms of server- and client-sidedness and complexity (given if they are integrated in LFSW in some way, they would require more work), there isn't a "kill two birds with one stone"-like solution, of course. Since there is lots of data to be tracked and shown, I imagine it could get quite complex quite quickly. However, if these features would slowly start trickling into LFS natively without having to rely on 3rd-party software and their constant maintenance by a single person (who might or might not be reachable), I'm sure the racing scene would be very thankful in general! Smile

Looking forward to any upcoming news of the development progress, even if technical!

I absolutely agree with Mandula, I have used both insims for years and my motivation for racing (and especially practising) relies solely upon LFSLazy. I have to add to this wonderful list Car radar on-screen widget feature, which shows the cars nearby you. This helps us prevent collisions, and I use it especially when I am doing drafting on oval. One handy on-screen widget is fuel amount, and the amount of laps left calculated based on fuel consumption.

As you might have noticed, all (FM) servers are still using version 0.7A, just because it is the latest version that works with LFSLazy. This shows how needed these features are in the sim.

So please, consider adding all LFSLazy features as standard into LFS. That will really make LFS more populated and us racing, motivated.

You can scroll down my recent posts about these features.
S3 licensed
Quote from Roofus :Is this the death of lazy? Frown

Not if devs see what we all are seeing and build all Lazy tools directly inside the sim (to behave as they did). We all would love it. Also newcomers who are not so technically aware would benefit this, while they might not have knowledge to use any insim whatsoever.

Please, build all Lazy features into LFS.
S3 licensed
Lazy has improved my driving a lot and without it, I would race much less in this community. I wish these features would be a permanent part of the game.
S3 licensed
Forgetting the race start is definitely one think that makes a racer skip scheduled event one is interested to attend, yes. So some kind of alert would be good. Maybe if you could opt-in an LFS calendar (like seeing the events in your work Outlook Smile ), would be good to boost some attendance.

But mostly the reason to skip events is lack of time to practise. Making it easier to join races without any huge practise would help people get motivation to join. I posted earlier some ideas and I hope the devs will get those into account at some point. There should be an easy setup-finder for a current track in the game itself. Also there should be these LFS Lazy buttons already in the game to help do a quick test run just a few minutes before the event. Also some help with pits and repairing should be good - you don't always want to repair your car as whole, only one damper or one camber, or cahange only one tyre.

LFS should be made easy to do also with limited time and knowledge about helpful insims, setup making (or even finding them from the webpage etc). Just sit and drive. Of course, if you practise a lot, you will gain advantage over others. But just that it is possible to enjoy the race after a long day of work, without spending several hours beforehand to be ready for the event.
S3 licensed
Everything looks so nice so far, thank you!

I was wondering, where does the buddy list in LFS Lazy go now? It has been the best tool for me to find races, when I see many of my buddies online on a server. Makes me join them just because I know them. So, probably adding this buddies online list would be a next move after this?

One thing to consider making racer base larger would be, in my opinion, letting all demo racers try S2 or S3 free for a dedicated period: let's say from Thursday to Monday at Eastern, or some other time. Yeah, there will be a lot of noobs on the track that time, but we can always password our league servers Smile
S3 licensed
How about also change "Multiplayer" to "Online Servers" in the main lobby?
S3 licensed

As a long-time member of FM Fox Friday organizers, I am very pleased to read this topic. Here are some of my thoughts about handy fixes that would probably make it easier for just to race. Feel free to pick any into development!

With Playername, there should be an option to type down your racing number and it could be visible beside your name, and perhaps on the car. The host could then let several ppl with same number take a part in a race, or force to have only one dedicated number per attendant (like in some events there are, and they should go by registration!).

Skin sharing platform: like mods, there could be a platform for user-created skins you could just use straight from the pit window, as easy as changing your car or mod. Pick what you like - I bet there would be several users who would share their skins that way. There could be even a box for race number that appears on top of a skin when you enter one.

Also same thing with setups: if you are in SO4r and have Fox, there should be a button for public sets that are uploaded to setups section (in this case into FOX-SO4r). All newcomers would have setup immediately in use without downloading it from and finding right folder to save it etc... The host could even force racers to race with a forced setup etc. If there'd be an opportunity to force a dedicated set for all racers, or a possibility to choose between just a few options without modding them.

Forced restriction on server: Like if we are racing GT2 and there are rules of restriction, host should be able to put these automatically on on top of any setup player is using. If a newcomer joins the server, but is not cabable of setting the right air intake, he will never get to track and leave for good from that server.

Damage repair: in pits, you should be able to choose which damage to fix and which to leave. Also tyre wear should be shown as a percentage, so that you could adjust which tyres to change and which to leave.

Right to let your team mate change your setups or refuel rate while you are racing - makes team managers more useful.

Refuel bar to show how many laps will that last - and the number of lap when you would have to pit next time helps calculating tactics while doing endurance. Also showing estimated amount of laps with current fuel (LFS LAZY feature).

Adding info about who has pitted and on which lap into spectate view. And which tyre compound is in use etc. For the viewers and spectators. Also intelligent spec to show where are battles going on - yeah there are insims for that but building them inside LFS.

Buddy list online is used in LFS Lazy. All features of Lazy including buddy list online should be built into LFS instead of having an insim. Like live timing on track while driving and comparison to your best speed and time which is the best Lazy feature to improve driving! Helps newcomers who do not know what insims are.

Also building AIRIO tracker features into LFS.

LFS remote build into LFS where you could just spec without joining the server.

Host be able to close and open pits like insims do. Also host to use custom starting lights. Maybe AI SC to ease the pain of event organizing =)

Pre-built !rc commands for admins / hosts.

Timing tracker (like NDR tracker) built into under leagues and game. (perhaps this and some other tools for a small fee from host Smile )

Option to automatically copy sign-in to forum and perhaps add forced reply field into forum for sign in purposes.

Showing LFS race results, statistics and replays in Leagues section? Perhaps even points count.

And finally last but definitely not least: retro environment that includes at least old Westhill as it was left! (How much ££ do you want from us to include that?? Big grin )
S3 licensed
Quote from X20XEV GM :

Congratulations, and thank you for everything you and your team has done for us!