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S2 licensed
How is this still alive Uhmm Although I'm very happy it still is Omg omg omg

It has been ages since I played LFS as I saw no development/progression after playing for years and people just left and servers were emptying. Plus I never got the knack for driving the RWD cars in LFS which really limited my options. Although I can still very clearly remember racing in Aston with the FXO GTR having the time of my life against RWD cars as my corner exits were amazing Big grin and that is still one of my fondest racing and gaming experiences Heart

I just picked up racing again on AC after buying a new G29 wheel but the online experience so far does not compare to LFS although I am better at driving the RWD cars and am definitely in the learning stage again.

If nothing else I also need to thank ScaViEr for bringing simracing in my life as an accessible and incredibly fun experience that I still treasure.
S2 licensed
Can't remember the last time I raced LFS, but it is "<-PASS-> "
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :If you drink the drink I give you, that won't matter.

Does it make me forget the whining?

Give me the frikkin bottle then
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :But LFS, for me anyway, feels a lot more visceral than any other racing games or sims. The lack of assists is really evident. In games like Forza 3, GT5P or Dirt 2 my lap times aren't quick but I can keep the cars on the road and moving pretty fast. But there's rarely a time when I feel the car is in danger of flying across the road out of my control.

In LFS that's always on the cards. I know that braking a fraction too late will put me on the gravel, I know that a little too much oversteer and I'll end up pointing the wrong way. That's what keeps me interested and that's why I always want to come back.

I agree with everything said here, but for me personally I find the RWD cars in LFS too difficult to control.

In LFS I'm well able to race in all FWD and 4WD cars, but seem unable to race correctly in the RWD cars. They seem too slippery to me and I cannot consequently race them without losing them at some corner, even the low powered cars or maybe especially even the low powered cars. For some reason in GT5p I've just got a way better feel with the RWD cars and this has to do with the feedback the game gives in my opinion, not necessarily difficulty, but I don't know what exactly is different. What FWD and 4WD feels like to me in LFS is similar to what RWD feels like to me in GT5p; predictable, understandable and correctable.

The RWD feel in GT5P seems to me more real, because I cannot imagine an RWD to actually drive that difficult in real life or I would expect a lot more crashes irl.

I expect the new tyre physics to change this feel (for better or worse )and maybe Scawen is able to explain how his expected changes might influence the handling or what effects were seen that caused him to start rethinking the physics in the first place..
S2 licensed
Since this thread and generally the trend is to ask why hasn't Scavier done this or that, I'd like you to read the following blog which sums up my feelings quite nicely: ... 5/entitlement-issues.html

It's a question from a guy about the lack of new books in the series Fire and Ice by George R.R. Martin (an excellent series btw) and the responsibility the writer has to the audience. This is asked to another writer Neil Gaiman who is very clear in his answer.

Edit: and a very funny song was created because of this: ... rge-rr-martin-is-not.html
It's a good laugh and makes a great quote
Last edited by AeoIus, . Reason : Added song
S2 licensed
Quote from Framaris :I'd love to join, but I think I am getting a bit too old and I hurt my back badly last two times...that said I will follow this topic and if it is on a good day and not too far, I'll join to meet you guys!

Come on, we're the same age
S2 licensed
As long as it is not in the first half of june I should be able to drop by.

Somebody needs to keep them youngsters in check :P
S2 licensed

I can be passed on both sides
S2 licensed
I'm looking to upgrade my existing PC and will probably get the following:

Prices from
Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 620 €89
Motherboard: Asus M4A785TD-V EVO,sAM3 €73,51
Memory: Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1333MHz 4GB CL9 €79
Powersupply: Corsair Powersupply HX 750W €125
Graphic card: MSI Radeon HD 5750 1GB GDDR5 €122.5

I still have an extra 250GB hardisk that doesn't work with my current setup so I'll have some extra memory too.

I should be able to get this system running everything like a charm for the next couple of years. My current system has been running for 6 years I think (NForce2 mobo, 3GHz Athlon CPU and ATI 9800Pro graphics) and it still runs LFS S2, so the newer specs should be a lot better.

I already have the G25 which is great.
S2 licensed
oh crap, still gotta post the laptimes
S2 licensed
I'm all for it but when it's cold I'd rather not drive (I'm a comfy bastard :P ) and christmas is not a good time of the year for an outdoor track imo.

So I vote for the summer and don't really care about the cost. The last price was quite high, but the karts and track were excellent and I'd rather pay a bit more for it and a fast kart.

Now I think I've already been there once and I really liked the circuit, but other faster karts were rented bringing the fun level way up but also at quite a higher price.
S2 licensed
oh and the blisters really hurt and the muscle pains (especially in the hips) is really kicking in now..... I'm getting too old for this shit
S2 licensed
Haha, please do Becky, I felt old with all them youngsters

Seriously though, since there are no "war"stories yet I'll give a quick recap on my experience on track.

Qualifying was going well and Erik had the quickest lap. At one point he was gaining very quickly on me and after he passed me I was able to hang on and could see my laptimes improve. Erik was the only one driving a 1:03 lap during qualifying whiich was very good. The lap record for those karts was a 1:01.9 or something and for our first experience on the track we were doing very well. (We saw a paper of another group and their quickest was 1:05.8)

Anyway just after qualifying Mount apeared after having walked all the way from the trainstation. Luckily he was allowed to get some laps in as well.

Grid was Erik first, me second, Kaw 3rd and Sebastian 4th, then ChristijaNL, ChrisUU01 and Mount I think.
My start was excellent and I was immediately able to head for the number one spot. That is unfortunately untill the first hairpin and braking point.
It was a hairpin right turn and I thought let's block the inner line. Erik right behind me and as I hit the brakes Erik apparently didn't and we both flew off, like your regular T1 pileup. I was just laughing and laughing We both got back on track with sand on our tires but Erik had a small lead on me there.

Anyway the chase was on to get back into the race as we could see the others disappear in the distance. It was a 25 minute race so we should be able to get back into the pack.

At first Erik was quite a bit quicker then me and was able to regain the lost ground very quickly and was starting to pick up while I saw Kaw and Sebastian in a very tight battle for 1st place. Seemed like a lot of fun.

When we started picking up again there were a couple of incidents, like when I was catching up to ChristijaNL he made a little mistake exiting the first hairpin and all of a sudden lost a bit of speed where I bumped into him, because I couldn't avoid him anymore. No real harm done I hope (like a whiplash) and he let me pass after that sensing I was very willing to pass him, which of course was true, but I'm still sorry about it

Then somewhere after corner 5 and turning into corner 6 there was a lot of dust and Mount was facing the wrong way. As an evading action Sebastian had had to put his kart on the grass and actually performed a jump... without proper suspension that is not a good idea btw... I could pass for third position, but unfortunatily his kart was damaged a bit and kept sliding, so he was no longer able to put in fast times.

Now the difference between me and Kaw probably was about 40 meters and 25 to Erik. Then there were a lot of laps just getting fast laps and while Erik was starting to overtake Kaw little by little I was getting closer and closer to Erik. It was a bit like edging closer but never close enough and that was lap after lap. Cool stuff.
It was good fun and speedwise we were all very close. Then Mount got lapped by Kaw and Eric just at the finish line and I had to pick my overtake in the first hairpin. Mount went on the outside racing line so I had to take the inner line. I hit the brakes and the next thing I knew I was sliding backwards to the grass.

Mental note to self: Braking on the dirty side equals slippery bastard.

Unfortunately I lost the ability right there to get involved in the struggly for place 1, because I could see Kaw and Erik really battling it out. It took a while but then I saw Erik take what I thought was a definitive lead. So when I finished 3rd I was very surprised to see Kaw putting up his arms as the winner on the glory lap.

Apparently Erik had been busy looking backwards and in one of the last corners made a mistake where Kaw could actually pass him on the last corner+straight. All in all a brilliant end to a nutter of a race
S2 licensed
Hehe, I had a blast, thanks Eric for organising this event.

It's a real shame so many people couldn't come. Especially also for the people at the circuit who were open just for this group and now failed to make any money. If we'd let it know beforehand that only 7 would appear then they would have canceled.

It's a good learning experience, next time people will have to pay beforehand and phonenumbers must be exchanged to be able to pick persons up from the trainstation. Sorry Mount!

There will be some nice stories to tell who won, but I'll leave that to the 2 persons involved :P I really hope to see you all next time.

I'll scan the times and post them here
S2 licensed
Just a quick question Erik

Can you give a schedule of the afternoon/evening?

In post one it says: 17.30.

And is that the time where the qualifying will start, or is it the reception time and qualifying will start later (18.00)? Race 18.30 and food somewhere later?

If there are people I need to pickup I need a bit more info
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :I could take the train to Nijmegen, are you able to pick me up and bring me back there?

Btw. after the race I think it's nice to go with our group somewhere and eat something together

Yep, I can pick you up, no problem
S2 licensed
Anyone from the Arnhem/Nijmegen area can travel with me if they want
S2 licensed

If I'm not allowed to communicate with anyone on the server I might as well play offline.

It's an online game where a big part of the fun is the direct interaction with a person sitting behind a computer who knows where.

So no.. bad idea.
S2 licensed
Well, I've picked up racing after about a year of doing not a lot and lately I've been driving CD1 mostly. I've crashed myself, others and been the cause of crashes (also hitting CD members) but also had great close racing and just generally feel at home at the CD server. There hasn't been a single instance that I've seen that they've been unfair. Actually I probably would have kicked myself for stupidity a couple of times if I'd been an admin :P Anyway, I enjoy racing and have been able to improve myself to my first 142 lap yesterday also helped by their FXR AS3 easy setup readily available on their website. I just want to thank you for the fun I'm having
S2 licensed
I'll probably be on holiday the first half of june, so the 27th would be best.
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :Weird options mostly.

I didn't choose LFS, it chose me

Actually it was some sort of "click" I had with it, not easy to put into words. It just felt right, it wasn't like anything I had played before. The physics, the cars and tracks, the feeling I got from it, the simplicity and clearness of the interface, the easiness of getting a race online, the skinning abilities, later on the community, the way you feel connected with the game because of how the sim is developed and the way the devs interact with the community, the list goes on.

yep... that's the feeling
S2 licensed
Yep, really happy. I just bought a G25 and hadn't played for about a year I think. I'm completely and thoroughly enjoying it again. And it has been my one game to play since Tribes2.

I'm by no means quick, which makes it possible that whenever I race there is a good chance I'll get a personal best time which is rewarding. There are so many car's I've not yet driven and so many tracks I've not yet/hardly driven, that for me the fun is far from over.

The new steering wheel also forces me to relearn my driving with the shifter and clutch, which is fun in itself.

The development of this game is nice to follow and I've been around for quite a while to see all the improvements. Most of the changes I agree on and I'm amazed on what 3 people are able to build. It's good they keep to their own view of the game though.

So I'll nicely tag along for the ride to S3 and probably will enjoy that for years to come
S2 licensed
And post a replay of your racing. There are a lot of people here willing to give you pointers on where to improve.

Since I'm definitely not the person to do this myself, I'll now stay out of this thread
S2 licensed
Make your own?
S2 licensed
Just a quick question:
the circuits are great, but to get the best experience and feel for a track the Kart needs to be similar too.

To drive these with the best Kart simulation feel, what would you recommend for MRT setup?