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S2 licensed
Just tried the cross-eyed view. The cockpit looked pretty cool, but I didn't manage to get a great feeling of depth much further out. It did a good job of hyping me up even further for the Oculus Rift, though!

Also nice work with the FPS improvements! After playing other sims LFS just always feels that much smoother
S2 licensed
Anyone try this timing app yet?
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :
And here, we see, the early effects of mod-ability in a good sim. Listen, I'm not one to dwell and harp on the deficiencies of the LFS development model, but honestly, now that we have a fine sim that doesn't discourage and vehemently protect this sort of release, look how little time it took to have so much fun. This does leave me with food for thought wondering how much fun was wasted on years of LFS protectionism when the community was begging for the simple, simple opportunity to do what was done here with, so far, one ported track on an early access sim. Personally I see it as a great waste of time and opportunity, but this is all rapidly becoming a moot point as a culturally sensitive developer aims to deliver everything the community; which they've clearly been watching for years and actively listen & respond to, churns out much wanted hype, communication, licenses, content, physics, graphics, and the freedom to make what we want to make. It seems the niche sim-racing community is finally getting our holy grail

Well said. As much as I adore LFS, Assetto Corsa is a game changer and when they manage to implement a solid netcode, the days of LFS will be numbered (sadly but deservedly).
S2 licensed
Quote from dekojester :So! 1) What hardware do I need to run AC reasonably well?

I can run it just fine with good settings at 2560x1440 on my rather old rig:

Core 2 Duo E8400 (3 Ghz)
GeForce 570 GTX

At a lower resolution a weaker gfx card should do fine as well.
S2 licensed
Ok, i just bought this. Beat the Ferrari 458 around Mugello for the last two hours or so. Most fun I've had behind my wheel in years This game will be truly epic when it's finished and supporting mods.

Now tell me, is 2:08:4x a decent time around Mugello with standard setup? Can I view hotlaps somewhere?
S2 licensed
Quote from mantvisrep :

I dont need anything more, only this. Imagine cargame server whit 45slots...

I just cannot wrap my head around why the Nordschleife hasn't made it into LFS during the last ten years.
Surely it would be a fun and interesting challenge for the devs to get this track implemented. And driving it in LFS would provide the most fun you can have in front of a computer screen. I would gladly shell out €20+ just for this track and I am sure many others woulds as well.
Yet it seems so far out of reach. It really makes me sad and some other emotion.
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :It's a no-brainer for me.

ArmaII was released in 2009. Earlier this week it jumped to the top of the Steam top sold list because of a mod. There was no sale, there was no special offer. People were paying full wack, for an "old" game, because of a mod. Like it or not, no one here should argue against LFS being in the same category of "old", and no one should make any bones about potential customers considering not wanting to invest time and money in LFS when they look at it's apparent age.

In a multi-player scenario, as long as the server determines what mods can be used, just like every other sane mod-able game in history, there's no reason to be worried about mods. If a mod becomes popular, awesome. If it doesnt those servers will die, and there will always be people who want to play LFS 'vanilla'.

ArmaII isn't by any stretch the only example here, but it is the most recent and most prevalent that I can think of in the last few months which directly puts money into the developers pocket - for near zero effort post release - obviously LFS needs work to permit mods right now, so thats not an applicable argument at the moment.

The argument for not allowing mods because the LFS developers want to be able to alter and rev the API at will? Who cares. Label it as perpetually unstable, make no guarantees to stability, and make it really really clear - if the modders don't understand that, then it's their own fault. The linux kernel internal APIs aren't necessarily guaranteed stable between minor releases - and it copes absolutely fine because there are no guarantees made of internal API stability.

Everybody quit whining about LFS, buy ArmA2 and get the DayZ mod! It absolutely rocks and will easily keep you entertained until the next LFS progress report in December
S2 licensed
Quote from e.M :here take your wheel and imagine you are driving, be happy


Does anyone happen to know which track layout is used for the 5th Gear power laps?
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :What's up with the black jokes? Is racism cool all of a sudden?

Asks the guys from Switzerland? ...
S2 licensed
Quote from slamdunk :after being a fan since the beginning i'm now officially worried about lfs.

In all of these years this is the first time i've felt the need to express my worry :worried:

S2 licensed
I like the red bus on the left
S2 licensed
How can anyone be seriously surprised by this? Good thing this leaked, although it's certainly just the peak of the iceberg...
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :Your assumtpion is correct and it's not modelled in LFS. The lateral force due to crosswinds can be calculated by the formula F_lateral = 0.5 * density of air * frontal area * speed ² * coefficient from the attached diagram


Sounds relatively easy to implement

Would you say that crosswinds have a significant impact on car stability?
Aerodynamics / car stability thought
S2 licensed
I was thinking a bit about LFS' aerodynamics today and couldn't help wondering if there's a somewhat important force missing in the current model (I attached a jpeg of what I'm trying to explain):

I always felt like the (road) cars in LFS were somewhat "wobbly" on straights and prone to building up oscillation from left to right. At higher speeds, I'd imagine that there's air flowing by both sides of the car which should help to keep the car straight.
Also, I think that when a car is oversteering, there must be some air pushing against the side of the car, which should help getting the rear end back in line. The higher the speed and the higher the drift angle, the higher this aerodynamic force becomes.

This is a bit speculative as I have no idea how strong these forces really are in relation to the crucial forces but I can imagine that it's quite noticeable
S2 licensed
I don't have one, I'm just considering buying one

I know those figures, although DELL apparently has been able to reduce input lag by almost half in the newer revisions (currently revision A04).
I don't care too much about first person shooters since I only play them very occasionally but LFS/racing games I like to play somewhat competitivly from time to time. So I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this monitor in LFS...
S2 licensed
Mainly "input lag", e.g. if there's a noticable lag betwenn turning the steering wheel (controller) and the monitor showing the ingame steering wheel turning.
Anyone using Dell 2709w for LFS?
S2 licensed
I was just wondering if anyone is playing LFS on that monitor. And if so, is there any noticable lag?
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :oooh... How much?

Dont' know yet. It's a 2009 model and can't be ordered until November. Canyon offers a pretty wide range of different versions for each model. I am guessing the one on the photo is top of the range and will cost up to 2,5k €I'm probably going to get a lower spec model for ~1,7k € (dampers and frame should remain the same).
S2 licensed
I'm saving for this :headbang:

If Hitler Had Never Existed...
S2 licensed
...I couldn't kick my roommate's ass in Call of Duty
S2 licensed
I built my new PC yesterday:

Intel E8400
2GB Corsair 800Mhz
Asus GeForce 9600GT
Asus P5N-E SLI

and I am super satisfied
S2 licensed
don, you're a genius
S2 licensed
Mh, I believe we're killing the server. My download stalled at 75% ... anyone care for setting up a torrent?

Pics look awesome
S2 licensed
Yeay Vykos!

I currently play at NoIQ Poker. Today I cashed out some money for the first time and ordered this baby:

S2 licensed
I'd buy a hooded sweater