yes, at this point it is a kinda budget pocket pc\steam deck. I also tried TES Oblivion, runs great with a native resolution, Skyrim runs well too, but windowed mode 720p (if you set it to fullscreen it says "unknown graphics device" and unknown resolution) low-medium settings 100% playable. Got this phone a week ago for 80$ used, with a cracked back glass barely noticeable and 8\128 storage, definitely worth it
Hello everyone. I have finally managed to get my hands on a Snapdragon 845 device. There is a thing called Renegade Project that allows you to install Windows for ARM on some devices. Basically in a few words, what it does is forces the Android bootloader to load a UEFI BIOS to load Windows. So, today I have managed to install Windows 11 on a OnePlus 6 and the first thing I did is tried LFS on it and it runs amazingly for what it is!
I am wondering how the car lights will be implemented in the new update because right now we just have a texture (for example headlights) that turns brighter when you activate it. All mods will need to be redone for a proper light system
як ти поясниш ракетні удари по східним областям України зі сторони росії, повністю знищений Маріуполь? По Одесі та решті міст, декілька ракет прилетіло і по Львову, розбомблені міста у Київській області. Луганськ був українською територією поки не почалась пропаганда по визволенню рускоязичного населення, яке там ніби то ущемляли укрофашисти і ця пропаганда продовжується і досі. Війна на сході тривала всі ці 8 років проти військ окупантів і сепарів, але мирних жителів ніхто не бомбив і ніхто не ущемляв російськомовних. Як там не було, за ці два місяці загинуло пару десятків тисяч мирних людей, якщо і не сотня чи більше і все дякуючи росії. Удачі
LPR is a Lugansk Ukrainian region occupied and controlled by russian terrorists
You are a typical russian believing the russian propaganda
Donetsk has been occupied too and has been over massive propaganda all these years. But you can just look at the Google photos of the Donetsk city and you can see that nothing was bombed until now when russia started a war 2 months ago. Mariupol is a completely destroyed city in the Donetsk region with a population of 400.000 people, completely wiped out for these two months by russian rockets and army for what?
Thanks for the good reviews. I am very surprised by the ratings and how everyone liked that, completely unexpected for me. I will try to make a good LOD for this car soon and then continue to improve its technical side
I am happy to see huge support from other countries. I saw many rallies in many European and American cities in support of Ukraine, which gave me great hope and a warm inside, especially thanks to Georgia which understands us in this situation, also has been attacked in the past by russia and has territories (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) occupied by russia. Some Georgian soldiers came here in Ukraine to help us
Too bad russian people are zombified by their propaganda and lies on TV, they think that russian army are saving us from the USA, in another case they said that they saving russian speaking people from ukrainian nazis or whatever they came up with. Russia slowly becoming another North Korea. They don't even understand why many companies and brands leaving their country and why the ruble exchange rate is so bad right now. They crying that IKEA left their market yesterday and meanwhile their army bombing Ukrainian cities with innocent people, their soldiers dying because we are protecting our land and I am running to a shelter like 10 times a day because of a missile strike sirens.
Too bad I only have Raspberry Pi 2, but I will try to run Twister on my Pixel 4 and see what I can do, always wanted to try and run LFS on a phone somehow
SO, basically, it's a 1965 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA. I would like to have more classic iconic cars in LFS, so I made this one
The model I took from Sketchfab, but I reworked the interior and corrected proportions, also many details added
There are two configs, road, and race
Mod is in the finishing stage, published, but private for now. I want to finish everything but I have a problem understanding how to set up a suspension, I looked at the original pictures to see how it is built, made it in the editor, but the handling is bad for now and my ffb wheel jiggling from side to side like crazy when a car just standing parked. Also, I need to make a nice LODs and engine sound. Hope you will like it
I was thinking about the same thing today. I think after the big update shadows will be generated from LOD 1, because of the dynamic shadows update. If they leave it like it is now, then the view from inside the car will be dark, because of the boxy LOD 2 shadow with no cutouts for windows
btw watching LFS videos with new graphics update it does not look like it uses a "dynamic" or even more quality shadow from the inside view, so now I am confused. Hoping to see shadows inside cars from car elements in the future
A tutorial on how to make a LOD would be nice. I see there are many models with 2 LODs, a basic one, and an automatically created collision LOD, because of that many models look like boxes from a close distance and have a bad shadow. I also can't understand how to put my low poly model on a second LOD and make 3 LODs as it must be for a good mod.
I support what Scaven said. Also, would be nice to have an update limit per day or even per week, because I saw some mods updating 10 times a day with 30 minutes intervals and that's ridiculous. Some mods updating with no visible changes from time to time that I am thinking it is done just to raise it up on the mods list
Also to henricat2006, I am using a 3dsky for years as an interior designer, there you can find
a lot of transport models too, but I would not hope for free models. If you willing to pay some money for a good model here you go
is there any way to make a solid axle suspension? All I can do now is to leave it linear and connect both sides with a tube to simulate the visuals of the axle