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S3 licensed
"Test the mod in your public version of LFS"

Think you mean local/personal version Smile
S3 licensed
Is there an active community: yes, I would say so
Is it as active as it used to be: erm, sadly not, no
Is there an active drift/cruise community: strangely, yes, although I don't personally see the fun of it - I prefer racing
Are there multiple, fun, crowded, pick up and race options: no
Are there scheduled, organised events you can join if you have the time: yes, there are a few and they seem good options with reasonable numbers
Are the physics still the best: in my opinion, yes
Is the VR implementation the best: again, in my opinion, yes
Are the graphics the best: no, but I value physics over eye candy
Are the sounds the best: no, but I value physics over ear candy
Do I play LFS as much as the other sims I own: no*
What the hell is that all about: search me!

* technically, in the last few weeks, the answer to this is yes, but over the last few years, its no.
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :A long way to go? looks completed to me Tongue


Its fun tinkering in the editor Smile
Land Rover 90
S3 licensed
Not sure how far I'll ever get with this, but in the interests of proving its all my work (which will probably be blatantly obvious by how rubbish it will only ever be) here is a thread for it.

I did use a side image found on google to draw the main outline and then I've found a few models for reference, but ultimately it will be my model. Its the wrong size already and I spent way longer than I should have done working out how to move the wheels inwards to shorten the wheelbase.

Clearly a loooong way to go yet Smile
S3 licensed
WOW. Bravo! Clean, fresh and super cool.
S3 licensed
Yep, I saw that thread, but it was written after my post (although I admit the Scawen post regarding shadows is a lot older and my extensive searching missed that one).

Just thought it was worth raising, especially as Westhill is being worked on right now and if it was a track issue - although, perhaps it isn't.
Last edited by t1ger, .
Westhill Cloudy Afternoon
S3 licensed
Is it just me, or are three quarters of the pits at Westhill in a strange shadow when you select Cloudy Afternoon? Just tried it with 0.6E and 0.6F (and a 0.5Z28 copy I had lying around) and it is the same.

Tried it using 0.6E on my Acer laptop too, and its also the same.

Viewed from high up, I don't see what it could reasonably be the shadow from, so it looks like a bug.

Might be fixed in new Westhill, but I thought I'd raise it now.
S3 licensed
Thank you both for the clarification, and it confirms my suspicions that it is just the way it is and not a fault in my code (which I always like to prove ).

S3 licensed
First of all, a big thank you for implementing the ISP_HLV packet - I have used it to good effect on our qualifying server so we no longer need to build layouts to stop corner cutting. Instead, all laps just have to be HLVC compliant and it is so easy because people can use hotlapping to perfect their lap before joining our quali server.

Anyway, I also just used it to watch for corner cutting during races (by analysing the replays with ISP_HLV turned on) and I found a strange thing. I am tracking all cars with the MCI packets, and I wanted to know which node the HLV violation was fired so I could trend it to see if they cut the same corner every lap.

The corner in question is node 445 on KY3 (which is the corner coming off the oval back on to the road track where there is a nice chicane (perfect for cutting)). On lap 5 and 6 of the replay for a particular car, the HLV packet fires before the car has actually reached the off track bit. When I get the HLV packet, the car is at node 443, which is actually the middle of the track on the line they have taken. It does then cut the corner at 445, where I would expect the HLV packet to be fired.

Is this something to do with lag? Is the HLV coming from the client and being saved in the replay (maybe?) instead of being generated again by the replay when it is running? If it is, I doubt there is an easy fix, but just wanted to understand the reason if nothing else.
S3 licensed
Our servers seem to be back (CP looks good anyway). Slightly too late for our races, but fortunately we managed.

S3 licensed
Can see any of my servers, all showing "unknown" - control panel is working, but can't see my actual servers.

Ticket logged, but posting here for visibility.

S3 licensed
Hi Dean,

The server you set up for us the other day on has died/gone away/left/emigrated south for some reason.

I have put up a temporary server with the same name for now until the end of today (when our qualifying ends) but we do need a couple of servers for Sundays' race - please?!?

S3 licensed
Our account is still showing as "Terminated" - Dean, I have even opened a new ticket, have you seen it? I need them servers "very" soon! Please!

S3 licensed
Well an announcement would have saved me a lot of work searching frantically for another host in time for our next season, but I am genuinely glad you are OK and it wasn't (as I was fearing) something worse.

Our ticket has closed itself again so I will re-open it for visibility.

S3 licensed
No it isn't normal, and I suspect something is either drastically not working which is stopping them seeing the support tickets or they are having personal issues which is taking them away from here. When I have had a problem previously it has always been sorted quickly and professionally, so this is clearly something more serious.

I am not going to get angry at Dean/Franky500, no matter what the reason. It is just fortunate that we are not in the position where we need the servers for our league just yet.

S3 licensed
Thanks Dean,

As always we appreciate your efforts.

S3 licensed
All four of our servers are reporting as not being on the master server and the control panel is not showing

Any ideas Dean?

S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :here's an example... i join my server, drive a couple laps, crash, pit and rejoin, then finish the race all over again... the resulting replay would be called 0R1F.

These are league races, and no-one re-joins. They start and if they don't finish, they either spectate or leave. Fullstop.

I don't think this is the reason it shows 0R. It is most likely something else, but I can't work out what.

S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :0R means that everyone pitted at some point. think of R as "racers at the start" and F as "racers at the end".

Nope, 'cos that would mean that 0 racers started and 12 finished - how can that work!

Quote from J@tko :Number of retierees?

Nope, becasue in the first replay I mention, 8 racers retired because in total 20 started - so no to that one too!

Sorry, good ideas, which I have already had and dismissed.

Any more?

MPR Filename description
S3 licensed

I have searched everywhere I can think of, but I just can not find out the actual definition of the MPR filenames which are auto-saved by a server. I have several filenames for example:


Now, I know what the AS7 bit is (), the "race" shows it is a race, "23L" means it was a 23 lap race, "12F" means that 12 racers finished. However, I can not work out what the "0R" part means. My instinct is that it refers to the number of Racers, but this is clearly wrong as there were 12 that finished.

Another replay I have is named:


Again, this can't be Racers, but I don't know what else it can mean. I just can't work it out or find reference to it anywhere.

Does anyone know, please?

Thanks in advance.

ps I just know I am going to kick myself when I do find out
S3 licensed
Sorry, will have to become a dirty drop out - that date clashes with our holiday

S3 licensed
Finally got around to writing my race report. I was going to scan my results and post them to, but no-one else has so they will be pointless on their own.

Anyway, the report:

My practice was spent finding the lines and just getting to grips with the kart. Then after not very long at all (although it was about 12minutes I think) they showed us the green flag which meant "these laps are now being timed". I was able to push and push and managed to link a few decent laps together. Actually, after the qualifying, before I knew my position, I was quite pleased (no body had passed me and I had felt quite quick).

I parked the kart on the second row at the right hand side - I was sure this was in the qualifying position, but was not sure if this was 3rd or 4th - either way, I was happy.

When the grid was announced, I was third, behind Becky (in first) and Thomas (felplacerad) in second. I was pleased - nah delighted, but about 1 second off their pace which was a bit humbling.

Then we got back in and started the race, with a rolling start. This I know I am not good at, because every other time I have tried a rolling start I have been left behind. Anyway, I tried to concentrate and keep well behind Becky. As the lights went green I moved across to the left hand side of the track and was getting down the outside of Becky for the first corner (this can be seen in the picture labelled "On the run down to T1", I am kart number 2) - unfortunately, this did not work as I was passed on the inside instead by kart number 17 (Victor I think).

Now this is where it gets somewhat confusing - At the end of lap 1, I was fourth - I knew this because I had been overtaken at the start. At the end of the first lap, due to some drama, kart number 15 (Jason) was in front of us all and was overtaken by Thomas soon after. Then Becky tried to follow but somewhere spun and lost a lot of time (which she later made up brilliantly, I might add). So after Becky's spin, I was third.

The next few laps (10 or 15 I think) were nice, I was trying to catch Jason, but couldn't. There were times I was sliding on the water and one corner was getting slippier and slippier for the line I was taking. On one lap, a kart (no idea who) spun in front of me and I had to take quick avoiding action across the kerb. This was fun actually, and I was glad I had escaped. It lost me a lot of time to Jason who I was chasing.

Soon I saw Becky catching me up - and I knew it was her due to her overalls. She caught me and finally overtook me at the end of the back straight into the hairpin. I then followed her very closely and amazed myself by not letter her get too far in front of me. In fact, on the first part of the track, I was faster. The second half was all hers though. Anyway, I kept quite close and then we came up to the back of a back marker (I won't name names but she was the slowest out there ). We had just gone through the slippery chicane and as we headed down towards the hairpin, Becky went to the left and I went to the right. It was quite amazing, and even more so for me as I came out of the hairpin in front and then just about managed to stay in front of Becky all the way to the chequered flag (which was only about 5 laps if I remember correctly).

Now, at this point, I was thinking, I must be third at the most, maybe even second - I had lost sight of those in front of me but there had been some spinners, and I wasn't sure who was who. Secretly, I was hoping for third.

Anyway, when the results were announced, I was fourth and Jason had taken third spot. Now I don't want to take anything away from Jason, but something wierd happened at the start and I think the centre had allowed him to take the place. I really don't mind (as the whole day was loads of fun) but I did want to point it out.

Finally, thanks once again to Ben for organising it - your efforts are greatly appreciated and thanks to everyone for making it so enjoyable and fun. I was pleased to meet Thomas and Victor and Becky and Joe, and good to see all those again from previous years (Ben, Ian, need, nihil).

See you all (hopefully) next year!

S3 licensed
For now, count me and my tent in as definately interested.

S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :
Tim - you're welcome to do whatever. IIRC, you'll be the only person other than myself to have attended all four meets,

I actually missed the first meeting, but the other three I have made, and actually last years jaunt out into Southampton for an Indian was really good and I enjoyed it - more of a restaurant outing than a pub crawl. This time *sounds* more like a pub crawl, and I will be steering very clear of such a situation.
