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S2 licensed
Hi, im' waiting for pico 4, lfs will not run with pico 4 until 64 bits with openXR support ? ouch !
S2 licensed
It's for a buttonbox project with feedback.
S2 licensed
I never seen my RPM below 900 simply because i'm a bad sim, i don't use manual clutch Big grin, sorry if my language seem's rude, it's not my natural language.
S2 licensed
For my needs 400-500 RPM creates too high latency to know if engine is off, i'll try 800RPM so if 900 is too high.
S2 licensed
Thank you for your reply, it's the only way i found, under 900 RPM i can say that the engine is off.
Checking if engine is ON or OFF
S2 licensed
Hello, i wonder if there is a way to know if engine is ON or OFF ?

I think i can check min RPM by car but may be there is an more efficient way ?

thank you.
S2 licensed
yes it would be very cool
S2 licensed
is there a way to send one or more message every x(random ?) minutes ?
S2 licensed
i understanded thank you, but it could be cool if airoi would manage a sort of track rotation (more than one list).
S2 licensed
i'm trying different list of track rotations, how can i go directly to first track of my rotation list when i change my rotation list ?
(LRC) Lion's Racing Club (FRA)
S2 licensed
We are proud to announce a new french team :

Team: Lion's Racing Club
Web Site with forum:
Server (32 slots) + Module AIRIO PRO: lfs://join=%5E4(%5E3LRC%5E4)Lion's%20Racing%20Club
Recruitment :
Mumble (32 slots): mumble://
MultiClass Server
S2 licensed
I just begin to knowing how to configure airio pro and i realize that it's a must have
S2 licensed
Do i just have to delete sta files to reset only stats, rate and points ?
S2 licensed

in airio.cfg.txt :

in Airio.tcd.txt :
# FULL: Licence descriptions, valid here for all tracks and cars
LicenceTimesText=Licence1, Licence2, Licence3

# FULL: Relative percentages * 100 over WR for licences
LicenceTimesRel=500, 400, 300

# FULL: Comma-separated lists achievable ranks
LicenceRanksText=Rank1, Rank2, Rank3

# FULL: Comma-separated lists of points for each rank
LicenceRanksPoints=0, 175, 500

# FULL: Comma-separated lists achievable safety ratings
LicenceRatesText=Class1, Class2, Class3

# FULL: Comma-separated lists of safety percentage * 100 for ratings
LicenceRatesLevels=0, 7500, 8500

in Airio.srv.txt :
RotateTracks=FE3|5|XFG+RB4+FXO+XRG > SO6R|5 > WE1|4 > SO1R|6 > AS3|5 > KY2|4 > BL1|5 > SO5|5 > KY3|4 > SO6|5

LicenceSpecific=RB4+FXO|2,XRG RB4+FXO|2,XFG
# 2nd licence (WR+4%) in XRG or XFG required for RB4 and FXO

# 2nd rank also required (175 pts)

# Also 2nd rating level required (75%)

All is alright thank you.
Last edited by Androme, .
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry : To make everyone equal use AllowJoining=6 in CFG file.

hello where i have tot put this line ? in airio.srv.1.txt ?
because even with this line limad and admin can get all cars.

thank you
S2 licensed
lfs developers may highly include your work in their next patch.
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :DirectX has nothing to using 1 or 2 or 4 cores. Sure in the last couple years buying a single core CPU has been outdated. but many people that LFS targets do not have computers within that time. Rewriting to allow multi-core cpu advantage could be easy, or it could be extremely hard; it all depends on the way programming was designed. Considering LFS started before multi-core computers really started hitting the market I'd be surprised if multi-core support slid in without any issues.

In time Scavier will naturally progress their simulation and upgrade when they deem necessary, to newer versions of DirectX and to allow use of multi-core CPUs. But it all takes time.

DX11 is massively multi-threaded.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Your and everyone's video card can live with DX7, nothing wrong with that. "Now go and pollute somewhere else"

it's your pov, not mine, little parrot.
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Going multihreaded is definitely much better idea, but still don't think it's a priority. LFS runs pretty fine just as it is and it has no problems running at 1000fps on full details and resolution if you have an adequate CPU. WoW was modified because as it was growing moer complex, it suffered from performance problems, LFS on the other hand is OK.
And no, I don't believe that LFS(or any other SW) will die off if it doesn't implement all the new stuff, as much more people care about enjoying the game, not the technology behind it. As long as the SW works, the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule shoud apply.

i speak about evolving not about fixing
S2 licensed
wow had evolved to multi core, it's a evidence that if a software don't evolve to support modern hardware, it will die.
Last edited by Androme, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Luke.S :when lfs was first released there were no publicly available multi core cpus

may be it's time to jump on multithreaded code ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Nick7 :It would actually be cool if people know what they are talking about.

it would be cool too if people read all the topic and not only a part
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX : As for the graphics cards being focused on DX9/10. Where did you get this idea? DX8- support might not be maintained as well as DX9+, but that doesn't make DX8 slow and useless. I have GF9800GTS in my laptop and it runs LFS as a dream.

if you learn how a driver works and how gpu are designed you will understand. DX8 is not even maintained as well as DX9, he's simply not maintained it's a fact, it's why somes olders games don't run on moderns video cards or moderns drivers and we have to alter drivers to make them run.
S2 licensed
My cpu is a q6600 watercooled (no temp problem) with 8Gb of memory and a ati 5850, when i test my triple screen with dirt2 (hard gpu usage) i get the same frame rate, it may be whole better with lfs since the gpu usage is less, if lfs is not multithreaded, the problem may be here. it's not driver related since ati makes good drivers now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :People seem to think that coding the engine in DX9 instead of DX7 will suddenly automatically make things look like Forza 2. It would look *exactly the same*, just be using a different library (although granted you may get a small performance improvement - LFS ain't exactly Crysis though). You'd still need to spend months creating new models, tracks, textures, shaders, etc.

it seems that you have not read correctly my request. and no there will be a big performance improvement since video card drivers are focused on dx9 (and dx10).