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S2 licensed
At a guess they would use something pre-emptive like an area around the car with a focus on objects in the direction of travel to predict when an impact is likely to happen and get some of the calculations done before it hits. Collisions are a well known problem and hard to deal with, without any kind of extra collision detection its common for cars to go straight through walls if they hit them fast enough
S2 licensed
Yep, the shocks also being the upper limit stop is the dangerous thing, the springs can jump out of location if they're to short. Springs aren't rocket science, they aren't full of transistors and exotic materials, it's just basic metallurgy and the only danger is in getting them to hot and annealing them. Not going to argue this point further unless you can also explain the operational difference between a coil spring and a torsion bar, not the linkage but the spring it's self.
S2 licensed
What kind of strange and freakish person buys a sports car with an auto box? Maybe if they where offered an option for a chandelier and leather armchairs they would go for that too.
S2 licensed
Lol, if we still took analogue computing seriously it would make things much simpler and we could have an exact replica of a cars physics model on a single chip, its the steps that cause the trouble but there is simply no way around them, we can make them smaller and smaller but cant get rid of them entirely.
S2 licensed
Quote :She's always saying how she would be unhappy if i'd ever have to stop... let's hope she's sincere...

God bless your innocence Set the alarm bells ringing when she suggests putting up some shelves for your collection.
S2 licensed
Interpolation is used because of all the variables, if it was simply 1 solid body in contact with another then there would be many different solutions but even something simple like a tyre hitting a small bump in the track has to exert force on the spring and damper which dictates how much force is exerted on the body mass which in turn has an effect on the 3 other spring/damper combinations, mass and inertia have to be taken into account for all of these, air speed and direction. That's all simple stuff with nice linear characteristics, the tyres are in the middle of that lot and there isn't much linear about sidewall deflection and contact patch areas plus the damn things try and drive up and over the air flowing over them and heaven forbid I mention the fuel sloshing around the tank and the oil in the sump. Nothing to say each of these cant have a thread to its self and shared memory for the interacting elements but considering the excellent job existing physics engines do I think the time would be better spent optimising them to your needs than trying to re-invent the wheel. Oh, and also figuring out some fast procedures for those damn tyres.
S2 licensed
Quote :you sample too rarely so at your next sample 2 bodies intersect and voila shit breaks
i dont know what solution scawen uses for the problem but it probably involves oversampling whenever 2 bodies intersect to find the point when they were merely touching and working out the physics from there

Interpolation, similar to the Newtonian method of calculating square roots, the result is essentially guessed and then run again to get a better guess, more times you run it the closer you get. Trying to simply calculate the result exactly takes a hell of a lot longer, GPGPU's are getting very very good at that kind of thing though, bullet physics has an openCL port that uses it but not had a good look into it.
Last edited by stan.distortion, .
S2 licensed
Yep, lookup tables are the fastest way to do the sums but there always has to be a fixed clock somewhere even if your running different speeds for every single component, both physics and game functions.
S2 licensed
Does it do the same thing when you run LFS on ubuntu or in other games on windows because it sounds like a hardware problem.
S2 licensed
Madcats knows the mystic voodoo that goes on to set the turn angle on these but IMHO you have something messed up with the drivers. At a guess its being claimed by the built in windows driver as it will work as a generic wheel without any special driver but needs special commands from logitech's driver to enable the extra functions like 720 deg rotation.
S2 licensed
Quote :You adults are boring and unhappy.

Yep, that just about sum's up adulthood. Our conciliation is that your going to suffer it some day too :P
S2 licensed
Quote :bump hahahahaha

you cad, you bounder, you evil heartless being, again my hopes thwarted.....
S2 licensed
Do we really need another one of these threads? There is barely a day gone by since the last one was posted to.
S2 licensed
Don't really see anything dangerous with what he's doing there, speeds are low and there aren't really any hazards, a high speed kid on a bicycle shooting out of a driveway is a possibility but even then there's enough visibility to avoid at those speeds even if it means knackering a rim.

Wish cop's where more tolerant of this kind of stuff (though not in even semi residential areas like that), folks sliding around industrial estates on a Sunday would be a lot less dangerous than all the drivers on the road atm that don't have a clue what to do when they get into a slide and panic or stand on the brakes.
S2 licensed
Quote :A bike approaching at high speed is impossible to hear in an open area

Bikes go quick in your place, that's close to the sound barrier :P
Quote :Every summer the news is filled with, again higher rates of dead bikers.

Yep, plenty of these ****wits around every year, was really bad in the late 90's when there was a born again biker craze. I kind of blame car safety (and this overly safety conscious world in general) for it, folks are getting blind to danger. A car travelling at 40mph has about as much force as an artillery shell on impact yet the driver can walk away without a scratch. On a bike you pay attention and see the potential hazards or you die, folks get on them feeling immortal and able to Pown everyone on the road....

Was talking about car exhausts too btw, closest I've come to being run over as a pedestrian was with an electric car. My fault for not paying attention but still, the poxy thing should have had clicky bits of plastic on the wheels or something.
S2 licensed
Loads of stuff already mentioned but if had to pick just 1 it would probably be the really clean, friendly, competitive and non stop online racing.
S2 licensed
6 here (still), dont want cheereo to come and get sick on my keyboard so looking for an austin allegro to sacrifice instead.
S2 licensed
A-holes with nothing better to do with their time than find stuff to complain about. You don't sound like the kind of fool that goes around bouncing the thing off the rev limiter in residential areas and everyone knows loud pipes save lives.
S2 licensed
Why would I want to shoot your hamster? I'd gladly sacrifice a few of my chickens to whatever gods give the best offer for getting S3 quicker though, especially that bastard cockerel that keeps waking me up every morning. Might need to do it with a sharpened wiper arm or something, can post them to Cheerio for proof after though.
S2 licensed
Don't think he was kidding, those are tangential ends so you can chop off a turn or so no problem. Instructions here.
S2 licensed
Cheerio giving away free stuff for dead hamsters too? Can shoot a few chickens if he'll get S3 for me.
S2 licensed
Quote :Do you want good physics or good AI? Because as far as the current CPUs are concerned, there's no way we could get both at the same time.

GP Legends ran on a P2, had great physics and the AI was so good you could tell who the driver was as they all had their own driving styles, LFS has generic Goofy clones, you can almost hear them going 'duhur duhur' as they drive flat out into you.

Another +1 to Mysho, the AI nearly put me off LFS and would be better removed altogether as far as new players learning tracks is concerned.
S2 licensed
Quote :I don't know which side is the ground

You could have a problem in that, there is a trick to multiply inputs so you can get (for instance) 64 buttons using 16 pins (8x8), there is a schematic of it on this page.

You can use what you have but unless you can trace back to a common ground it would be safer to use 2 wires for each switch back to either side of the contacts, file the tip of the soldering iron to a point and its not to bad once you've done 1 or 2 (tip, no coffee )

The mjoy project in the link would be good to look into if your into making up your own hardware (nice job btw, like the magnets for the detent) as it gives you loads of options for the future but its kind of tricky to set up and might not work on a different PC as its a crude method of talking to the USB system. It's also kind of obsolete now, this would be a better option as it has USB built in. I'm coding the same chip atm, if you want to go that way I can send you the code to run it, no charge as it's more or less ready to run with the usb framework I'm using (LUFA).

EDIT if you do want to go that way check what microchip PIC USB boards are available too, I never got on with them but they are another popular hackers chip and you may find them easier to get on with than AVR's if you ever need to modify code.
Last edited by stan.distortion, .
S2 licensed
Maybe it's at the motherboards ram limit :/ A 1st gen PCI-E bus is still low for what that card can handle but as madcatx says, it's more likely your cpu causing the bottleneck, how does it handle a full grid of ai opponents? I'd be curious how it runs with a 32bit install, don't think there are any issues with early 64bit systems but it could be a neglected area of windows and 32bit may give better performance, you wouldnt be loosing much if you cant use all the ram you have with your current setup.