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Tyre flat spots
Demo licensed
I had a big skid today.

My tyres were flat spotted, and then i thought, when this happens to a real car, you can hear a light thud each time the wheel turns around. Surely this can be simulated much like the wind sound as you go faster ?
Demo licensed
Server Problems?
Demo licensed
I keep getting this when i try to set up a dedicated server, in the black small box.

LFS dedicated host 0.5z
(c)2002-2008 Live for Speed

Status: OFFLINE Track :BL1

Host Name


TCP Socket: bind failed
ConnectToMaster : bind failed


Whats my exact problem?

Thanks for your help
Demo licensed
real cars have engine lights, which caters for overheating and major engine problems, a oil light which tells you about the oil pressure. so why not have those?

in the open wheelers and other race cars they could have more stuff like this because genreally they would be the serious drivers racing cars seriously and would want to care what theyre car is doing

get things right and focus on things that you would see in your road car none of this other shit
Demo licensed
nice one you demo cracker
Demo licensed
uhm well do you see that if you could tune when you want more tourque or when yu want the boost to come on, everyone has differnt settings.
it would make fuel usage more efficent too
boot controllers or tuning
Demo licensed

i was wondering if it would be a good idea to have like a seperate area in the pits where we could tune when the boost comes on, or set the boost at different levels as i think this could be another way to make races more intersting where we all have the same cars but its the tuning you do that decides..

meh who cares just another idea i suppose
Demo licensed
thanks! alot of help
building a handbrake
Demo licensed
im looking into building a handbrake for lfs. would anyone have a clue as how to build one and get it set up?

do i just have a sensor so when i pull up the handbrake the shaft hits it and sends a signal to the computer or something?

Demo licensed
whers the sr20det?
Demo licensed
youre a tosser mate, you just need to look hard to find them. who says all the s2 people are all mature..
tyre debris
Demo licensed
ok so i was reading yesterday about if you drive on the grass/dirt, your tyres get dirty and slippery.

what about actual bits and pieces of grass or dirt on the tyres?
Demo licensed
some of the best drifters are those who are brought up from track racing backgrounds. eg. tsuchiya
Demo licensed
does bespoke work for demo users?
Demo licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :mik22 - I've made it quite clear what's going on, if you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say anything at all.

yep i do. im stating why cant demo racers have access to it if only the demo cars are availible to race?
Demo licensed
Age :16
Anyother Teams Your In :none at present
Able to be in server a lot :yes

[email protected]
Demo licensed
grow up you tight arses
Demo licensed

If you want new cars and tracks, then BUY AN S2 LICENSE!!!!

Jeeze, it's not at all expensive. A shoddy game for an XBox 360 is like 50 - 60 quid (80 - 90 euros), so the what the hell is wrong with paying 24 quid!!! (or 36 euros)!! Lets see what else 36 euros can buy someone.... erm..... a couple of haircuts.... OR a good meal out... OR a t-shirt..., all which don't exactly contribute much to the amount of fun you could have if you BOUGHT A FLAMING LICENSE!!

xbox game=100$ NZ, lfs 68$ NZ
Demo licensed
with the tuning i thought it would be good to tune your car for different events and set boost pressure accordingly to get the max performance

Demo licensed
why dont you stop dreaming and wait for S2 to be finished!
exhaust/tyres/tuning(not ricer) etc..
Demo licensed
another would be..

when your car is sitting still on the line revving hard, or sitting on the side no revs, i think there should be smoke coming outa the exhaust when still and pounding out when full revs

tyres should be able to shred off little bits and leave on the side of the track outside the racing like

also, a boost controller of some type to turn up/down the boost. also a turing feature to tune the engine for different events eg. drag/drift/rally ad be able to decide when the boost comes on

Demo licensed
thank you for your help none the less!
Demo licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :My first thought is, get a new wheel.

But here's the cheap solution: I have a feeling the connection from the pedal to the pot is broken. Open up your pedals, and check the wiring, and the (probably) mechanical connection to the pots (if you don't know what they are, they mostly are light copper coloured cilinders with a few metallic joints sticking out and a cogwheel). That's all the help I can give you, give it a shot. If you're scared to void your warranty, don't do it, then bring it back to the store where you bought it.

everything seems to be fine in terms of mechanical and the wiring, do you think it could be the variable resistor that is stuffed??
wheels problems
Demo licensed
ive got a mc2 from madcatz that i use with my xbox and im going to get an adapter to connect up to my pc. the only problem is that the accelarator seems to be stuck on, and pushing the pedal does nothing and it just redlines and i cant control it. is something wrong or is there anything i need to check/fix?

oh yeah i know theses arent very good wheels either

thanks for your help
Demo licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Could you imagine 42 noobs crashing, and then spamming 'soz' every 2 seconds on a 1/2mi track? OMG!

that just draws in the lag..